7 reasons why you feel tired when you wake up (mattress not included)

7 reasons why you feel tired when you wake up (mattress not included)

Have you ever woken up after a long, restful sleep, but feel tired again after a few hours?

Don't store avocado like this: it's dangerous Have you ever woken up after a long restful sleep, but feel tired again after a few hours? It is possible that, without your knowledge, the moment of sleep has been disturbed by some factors that you are not yet aware of, capable of sabotaging a good rest.

Your body may therefore not be able to fully recover the energy necessary to face a new busy day in the best possible way. Given that you have already taken steps to equip yourself with a mattress and a network suitable for your back, we present here some of the possible causes of the phenomenon which, if it should recur frequently, should be examined with the help of a doctor.


Duodeno-gastric reflux

Your sleep could be disturbed by duodenal-gastric reflux, even a slight one, of which you are not aware. Reflux can cause the body to go through several moments of partial awakening throughout the night, making your sleep of poor quality. The signal of poor digestion could be given by the feeling of a bad taste in the mouth upon awakening. In case of mild symptoms, it is generally recommended that you finish your meals at least two hours before lying down. Some studies have found how sleeping on the left side or, if you sleep on your back, lifting your head with the help of an extra pillow, can facilitate the resolution of the problem, helping the esophagus to get rid of the refluxed substances.


It is a urinary tract disorder that prompts the body to get rid of urine very frequently during the night. This can lead the individual to frequent awakenings or, if the stimulus signal is weaker, to have a rather disturbed sleep. In case of mild symptoms, it is advisable to reduce the amount of fluids taken during the evening and before going to sleep. In the event of more troublesome ailments, medical treatment may be required.


Bruxism is an unconscious activity of the neuro-muscular system that leads to unknowingly grinding of the teeth during the night, during sleep. Bruxism causes tension in the maxillary and mandibular muscles and may result in subsequent neck pain, a symptom that may be present upon awakening. The movement that occurs at the level of the mouth actually involves the whole organism, which is engaged in the action instead of devoting itself to rest. In cases of bruxism, dentists usually recommend the use of a tool called a "bite", which can be useful if the action of grinding the teeth is leading to ruin the surface. Another advice is to avoid chewing gum during the day, since such a movement, once it becomes habitual, could involuntarily repeat itself during the night.


This is called "Restless Legs Syndrome". In its primary form it occurs mainly at night causing a sort of tingling in the lower limbs, to alleviate which the body is forced to move the legs frequently, sometimes turning over and over. This syndrome is capable of disturbing sleep by causing brief awakenings during the night, which can jeopardize a good rest. The onset of the syndrome has been linked to a lack of iron and B vitamins, but also to the intake of certain drugs such as antihistamines or antidepressants.

Breathing difficulties

Sleep at night could be disturbed by some breathing difficulties, of which frequent snoring could be a symptom. The fact of snore and to have the need to breathe through the mouth during sleep it could indicate the presence of difficulty in inhaling and exhaling through the nose, which could be caused by a deviation of the nasal septum or by other diseases, such as respiratory allergies or sinusitis, the presence of which can be identified by the doctor.

READ also: Snoring: cause and natural remedies to stop

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a syndrome that can cause iBreathing interruptions lasting up to ten seconds. In cases of obstructive apnea, the throat closes and does not allow the body to receive the amount of oxygen necessary for the performance of its functions. The brain is able to sense the drop in oxygen supply and consequently pushes the body to wake up. A specialist will be able to assess your situation and recommend the use of appropriate tools to remedy the problem.

Loss of sleep / wake rhythm

A bad quality rest can indicate how the organism has lost its state of equilibrium in governing the times to be devoted to wakefulness and rest. The natural need for a night's rest can be disturbed by P.no light sources in your room during the night or with electronic equipment left on or on stand-by. The presence of light could be misinterpreted by the body, which could thus interrupt the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and lead to insomnia. Your doctor may suggest that you follow a schedule to respect when it comes to resting times or take melatonin in the form of supplements, if your case requires it.

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