10 natural remedies for depression

10 natural remedies for depression

Depression mostly affects the population groups between 14 and 40 years, therefore, mainly teenagers, young men and women. In the most serious cases it is obliged to resort to drugs. A little extra help, both for those who really suffer from depression, and for those who simply go through a black period, can come from some simple, but not obvious, suggestion regarding greater attention to one's diet, the importance of spending a part of day in the open air, taking care of one's inner universe. All condensed into ten remedies to experiment, not forgetting to ask your doctor for an opinion.

Don't store avocado like this: it's dangerous

La trough is an evil whose contributing causes are many; in fact, they are divided between biochemical, psychological, environmental and emotional factors. These causes are not always well identifiable. Identifying the real causes may not be straightforward, both for the physician and for the patient he seeks to self-analyze. Depression mostly affects the population groups included between 14 and 40 yearstherefore, mainly teenagers, young men and women.

In the most serious cases, one is obliged to resort to drugs. A little extra help, both for those who really suffer from depression, and for those who simply go through a dark period, can come from some simple, but not obvious, suggestion concerning a greater attention to one's diet, the importance of spending part of the day outside, take care of your inner universe. All condensed into ten remedies to experiment, not forgetting to ask your doctor for an opinion.


Try to identify the reasons why you are feeling depressed

Often the reasons that cause the mood to plummet to the bottom can be related to particular circumstances in your life. So ask yourself if the causes are related to a work excessively stressful, which engulfs all your energies every day, sudden or prolonged economic problems, to serious matters affecting your family. Be honest with yourself so that you can get to the very heart of the problem and succeed in to react to solve it, seeking targeted help.

Get more exercise

Exercising releases endorphins, substances that contribute to stimulate positive sensations, acting as a anti-depressants. So don't give up your favorite sport, dedicate yourself to race or you do long walks. Or try to approach disciplines that are energizing and relaxing at the same time, such as yoga and pilates.

Don't skip meals

Divide your diet into three main meals and two snacks, one mid-afternoon and one mid-morning. Getting used to this routine will help keep sugar levels stable in the blood, thus avoiding mood swings.

Follow a pro-serotonin diet

Many antidepressant medicines aim to chemically raise serotonin levels. A similar effect can be obtained thanks to the intake of certain foods, such as herring, anchovies, salmon, oil and linseed, nights, which are among the foods richest in fatty acids omega-3.

Choose "cheerful" and energetic foods

Foods that help improve mood include bananas and chocolate. Bananas contain fructose, which gives the body an immediate sprint, e fibers, which form a supply of energy, ready for the moment in which the organism requires it. Chocolate, preferably dark, contains high levels of tryptophan, precursor of serotonin, and of flavonoids, antioxidants that help the proper functioning of the brain and blood circulation. Don't forget the pumpkin seeds. A handful a day, thanks to the high content of folic acid, helps to regulate mood swings. Too low levels of folic acid promote states of irritability and insomnia.

Avoid caffeine

If you drink too many coffees a day, gradually decrease the number of your usual cups. In fact, caffeine reduces serotonin levels.

Live in the open air

Expose yourself to sunlight helps to improve mood immediately. Enjoy the benefits of summer as much as possible, including increased production of vitamin D, given by the greater exposure of our body to the sun's rays, obviously without forgetting to protect your skin from damage caused by UVA and UVB, preferably choosing sunscreens containing physical filters.


Meditation has proven beneficial effects for the mood, the mind and the whole organism. Regular practice will help you gradually regain that ability to concentrate that was undermined by your state of depression.

Discard the mask

That is, try to live more authentic every aspect of your existence. Be yourself and don't be ashamed of being. Don't hide. Pretending to be what you are not inevitably leads to being dissatisfied with yourself and worsening your mood.

Talk about it

Don't close in on yourself. Seek a trusted person, willing to listen to you without judging you, to whom you can open your inner world and to whom you can freely confide your moods. If you feel the need to analyze you in depth and of overcome the inner blocks you meet, please contact a good doctor, which will help you discover the causes of your depression, if it is depression, and will be able to suggest the best treatments, not necessarily pharmacological, depending on the extent of your problem.

Marta Albè

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