Hot water bottle: benefits, uses and how to make it cheap

The hot water bottle, a natural remedy that comes from the past and which helps to alleviate some small annoyances of everyday life. There are those who use it simply to warm the sheets and blankets before going to sleep, and those who would never give up the hot water bottle for therapeutic purposes, for example for the treatment of pain.

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La hot water bottle, a natural remedy that comes from the past and which helps to alleviate some small annoyances of everyday life. There are those who use it simply to warm the sheets and blankets before going to sleep, and those who would never give up the hot water bottle for therapeutic purposes, for example for the treatment of pain.

Is the hot water bottle just a stopgap or is it really effective? Science tells us that this grandmother's remedy is not a placebo. The hot water bottle it really serves to ease the pain in conditions that benefit from the presence of heat.


Benefits and uses of the hot water bottle

Let's imagine we have an upset stomach. One study of University College London showed that the heat from the hot water bottle blocks the messages from the stomach that transmit the sensation of pain to the brain. It therefore acts as a kind of anesthetic and perhaps even better than classic drugs. The same effect applies to i menstrual cramps.

Before this research it was thought that the effect of heat was only psychological, but apparently the hot water bottle actually manages to deactivate pain at its own molecular level. like the painkillers we find in pharmacies.

According to experts, if we put the part of the body from which the pain comes into contact with a heat source of a temperature above 40 ° C (such as a container of water, or hot water bottle), receptors which in turn block the pain receptors. Like a drug, the hot-water bottle acts on the symptom. It can be useful for momentary relief, such as when taking a pain reliever, but then it will be important to look for the causes of the pain, if these are unknown. Research by University College of London experts on the effects of the hot water bottle has landed in the news of the with the BBC.

In the case of the hot water bottle we can speak of heat therapy (heat therapy, abroad). A growing number of studies are pointing out the health benefits of heat. So why not go and rediscover the good old hot water bottle?

For example, in the case of injuries involving muscles, in the opinion of the experts, intervening with heat after 48 hours could be useful to accelerate healing. The use of the hot water bottle is considered useful for both stomach pain and cramps related to the menstrual cycle, with the aim of reducing the sensation of pain.

The heat of the hot water bottle can also be beneficial in case of pain related toarthritis and for the backache, for example if the pains are due to muscle contractures. In case of muscles to relax at the level of the neck, it may be useful to resort to a hot shower or pads for the cervical to be heated. So, except in special cases, yes to the hot-water bottle for menstrual cramps, muscle contractures, stomach pain, cramps and arthritis.

How to make a hot water bottle

As for the classic hot water bottle, if you want to renovate an old model, you can make a lining to cover it from the creative recycling of an old sweater or knitting or crochet. THU find the tutorial to make a hot water bottle holder from an old sweater.

Hot water bottle: benefits, uses and how to make it cheap

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Are there alternatives to the classic hot water bottle? Certainly. These are the pads that you can heat in the oven, in the microwave or on the radiator. These bearings to be heated they are usually stuffed with cherry pits, rice or flax seeds. They are also suitable as an ice pack (useful for bruises for example) after storing them in the freezer. Cherry stone or other stone pads are usually for sale at a herbalist's shop. But you can also make them by hand sewing the pillowcases from fabric scraps or using socks, which you will then stuff with the chosen material. THU instructions for making a cushion with cherry stones or flax seeds.

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9 creative reuses for old socks
How to use cherry stones to make a cushion

Hot water bottle: benefits, uses and how to make it cheap

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Hot salt

Another idea that you can use in a similar way to the hot water bottle is the hot salt. Warm salt absorbs excess moisture from the body and provides relief from the heat. A bag of warm salt can be helpful to experiment with for sinus and colds, neck pain, back pain, menstrual and kidney pain, rheumatism, toothache, and earache.

Read also: Hot salt: how to prepare and use it

Hot water bottle to wear

A hot water bottle to wear. Finally, if you are looking for a hot water bottle for you or the family, here is a truly original model, it is a hot water bottle to hug and wear. It has the advantage of being able to heat several parts of the body at the same time. It is a real reinterpretation of the good old hot water bottle with attention to today's needs. You can find it on The Amazon.

Hot water bottle: benefits, uses and how to make it cheap

Marta Albè

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Hot salt: how to prepare and use it

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