Do you know what your chronotype is? Why you should know to sleep better

Do you know what your chronotype is? Why you should know to sleep better

Chronotypes define our sleep and rest habits. According to our chronotype, each of us will be more or less active and energetic in the morning or in the evening.

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I chronotypes they define a person according to his own natural sleep habits. While we may force ourselves to get up early or work late, these habits don't always go along with who we really and biologically are. Hence, it is important to learn about your chronotype.

Regardless of the biological clock, proper sleep hygiene is very important. But ours circadian rhythms respond and adapt to signals such as sunrise and sunset, and specific responses to these cues vary from person to person - this is your chronotype. The personal circadian response can explain why you are more active and creative during the day, and in particular how you function in the morning and evening, so that you can better plan activities based on your biology.

For example, a person with a Early chronotype could start the day as soon as light hits her in the morning, or even earlier. But others with a different chronotype may need more rest. Maintaining circadian health is a major contributor to overall well-being, so pay attention to the signals your body is sending you.

Knowing your chronotype can help us better understand the internal clock, and help us get a optimal sleep based on natural rhythms of each. It also provides information on how to make the most of the whole day, including daily activities such as exercise, eating, work and even socializing.

I four chronotypes

There are 4 different types of chronotypes, each with its own characteristics capable of providing us with information about our circadian rhythm and our internal biology. The chronotypes are:

  • leoniI lions are early risers and are most productive in the morning, but they need to relax in the evening. They usually sleep by 21pm. or 00pm, and wake up around 22:00 am-5pm.
  • bears: this is the most common category. THE A bear's sleep and wake cycles follow the sun. They tend to wake up easily and generally fall asleep without any problems. They are most productive in the morning before noon, but suffer from a drop in energy by mid-afternoon.
  • wolves: wolves love to sleep, and often have difficulty waking up in the morning. A wolf feels best when he sleeps all morning. Their maximum productivity starts at noon and they are usually still quite productive at the end of the day.
  • Dolphins: If you have trouble sleeping, you are probably a dolphin. Dolphins can have difficulty falling asleep and having difficulty sleeping through the night. They wake up easily especially if disturbed by noise or light. Although they find it difficult to sleep, they have a strong productivity spike that tends to last from around 10:00 to 14:00.

We all need different amounts of sleep based on our biology; therefore, it is just a matter of understanding what makes us rested enough to carry out all the activities of the day.

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