The semi-vegetarian diet extends life and protects the heart

    The semi-vegetarian diet extends life and protects the heart

    Becoming demitarian, that is, semi-vegetarian, not only to protect the planet, as the UN suggests, but also to safeguard one's health. If you don't feel like becoming a vegetarian, you may want to consider reducing your meat consumption considerably to check the health effects of this choice.

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    Becoming demitarian, that is semi-vegetarian, not only to protect the Planet, as the UN suggests, but also to safeguard one's health. If you don't feel like becoming a vegetarian, you might be thinking of considerably reduce your meat consumption to check the health effects of this choice.

    We told you about reducetarian, that is, of those who decide to consume meat only once in a while, with easily achievable goals, to learn how to eat small portions and to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Now experts have defined the semi-vegetarian diet with the term pro-vegetarian.

    Cutting down on meat consumption is a gradual choice and could be the first step to becoming fully vegetarian. According to experts, the semi-vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 20%, including stroke. Here, then, is new evidence that indicates how reducing meat consumption is a beneficial choice for health.

    The researchers from Imperial College London came to a very specific conclusion: follow a diet consisting of 70% plant-based foods can reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 20%, compared to those who follow a diet that contains less than 45% of plant foods.

    The experts they took into consideration the eating habits of over 450 European citizensthe. These are volunteers who took part in the project Epic, which began in 1992, when all participants were between the ages of 35 and 70.

    Following the participants' eating habits for 12 years allowed the experts to reveal that those following a semi-vegetarian diet, consisting of 70% plant-based foods and 30% animal-based foods, had lower chance of cardiovascular disease and lower risk of death.

    According to the researchers, following a diet in which the intake of foods of animal origin is reduced to only 30% and consuming fruit, vegetables, legumes and foods of plant origin in abundance, is an easy way to lower the risk of getting sick and dying from cardiovascular disease.

    prevent the risk of stroke and heart attack it is therefore useful to follow a diet consisting mainly of plant foods. Green light to seasonal fruit and vegetables and legumes as a vegetable source of protein alternative to meat, fish and other products of animal origin.

    These are the results presented at the last meeting of theAmerican Heart Association, held in Baltimore. Camille Lasselle, head of the study, stressed that in this approach we focus on increasing the percentage of plant-based foods compared to those of animal origin, which translates into an improvement in the nutritional balance of our diet.

    We are facing a further study that underlines the benefits of a vegetarian diet or almost vegetarian, in which common sense, accompanied by the data collected by experts, indicates to increase the consumption of fruit, vegetables, legumes and whole grains compared to products of animal origin.

    Are you ready to change your diet in favor of plant foods, but without too many sacrifices, to protect the heart and circulation? Also take into account that, according to a previous study, a completely vegetarian diet reduces the risk of heart disease by 32%. So the step from a semi-vegetarian diet to a vegetarian diet to protect the heart and circulation could be very short.

    Marta Albè

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