Be careful, leftover rice could be very bad for you if you don't store it properly

Be careful, leftover rice could be very bad for you if you don't store it properly

Leftover rice, if not properly stored, can cause food poisoning. Here are some tips for doing it right.

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Leftover rice, if not properly stored, can cause food poisoning. Here are some tips for doing it right.

Often, when we cook the rice, we are a bit wrong with the quantities and part of this cereal is left over. Obviously we don't want to throw it away and therefore we keep it. But be careful to do it best by following the food safety guide languages ​​for avoid intoxication.

Eating reheated rice can be risky to our health if you don't pay attention to it after cooking. The British National Health Service has sounded the alarm.

The problem is not the heating of the rice itself but the way the rice is handled once cooked. After cooking it, for example, it shouldn't sit out of the fridge for more than an hour.

Uncooked rice may indeed contain spore di Bacillus licheniformis, a bacterium that exposes us to the risk of food poisoning. These bacteria can survive even after the rice has been cooked and the longer the cereal is left at room temperature, the more likely it is that these microorganisms will multiply, release toxins and the food becomes dangerous causing, to those who consume it, attacks of vomiting or diarrhea.

Those who eat rice that contain spores of these bacteria may notice the onset of symptoms, which can be more or less mild and usually last 24 hours, starting one hour after eating the food and up to 5 hours.

Tips for serving rice safely

Fortunately, avoiding the risk is quite simple. Basically we have 2 options:

  • cook the required amount of rice weighing the cereal and serving it immediately after cooking
  • store the leftover rice as soon as it has cooled down in the refrigerator (never wait more than an hour)

It is also important to know that it is good consume the rice within the next day when it was cooked heating it well and never more than once.

Do you follow these precautions when preparing and storing rice?

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