New study confirms that omega-3s extend life. Fill up on foods that are richer in it

    Getting the right daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids would extend life, according to a new study

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    Getting the right daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids would extend life, according to a new study.

    The researchers of the Framingham Offspring Cohort have tried to establish a connection between omega-3 fatty acid intake and longevity. To do this, they monitored 2.240 volunteers over the age of 11 and analyzed the levels of omega-3 in their blood.

    It would seem that having higher levels of fatty acids in the blood is an indicator of a longer life, especially in the elderly (over 65): in fact, high levels of omega-3 (combined with a non-dependence on cigarette smoking) increase the odds of survival in old age.

    New study confirms that omega-3s extend life. Fill up on foods that are richer in it

    @ The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

    But why are fatty acids associated with a longer life expectancy? First of all, because they contribute to the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels, thus reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. In addition, they help reduce inflammation in our body. 

    Fatty acids are divided into omega-3 and omega-6: while the latter are readily available in typical foods of the 'Mediterranean diet', the former are not always taken in correct doses.

    Which ones are they. in addition to fatty fish, therefore the foods richest in omega-3 and how can we introduce them in our diet?

    • Flax seed: they may seem small, but they are a mine of omega-3s - in particular of α-linolenic acid, which plays a fundamental role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease (as shown by this study); in addition, flax seeds are also an excellent source of magnesium, fiber and thiamine;
    • Chia seeds: these too are a very small food, but with a very powerful beneficial effect: they have a high protein content (they contain more protein than flax seeds) and are at the same time an important source of omega-3s. Adding them to our diet is really easy: just a teaspoon in a salad or yogurt.
    • walnutsAll nuts are rich in omega-3s, but walnuts are the ones that contain the most - that's why it is recommended to consume a handful of these fruits every day to improve the health of the cardiovascular system, reduce inflammation and mitigate symptoms of depression.
    • Seaweed oils: we can add them to our dishes while we cook to fill up on fatty acids. Apart from these, rapeseed oil is also a completely plant-based source of omega-3s (like flaxseed oil and walnut oil). 

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    Fonte: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition / National Institutes of Health

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