Metabolic syndrome: symptoms, causes and remedies for insulin resistance

Metabolic syndrome: symptoms, causes and remedies for insulin resistance

What is metabolic syndrome, what are the symptoms and what are the consequences? How to recognize it and how to intervene in case of insulin resistance

Don't store avocado like this: it's dangerous metabolic syndrome, what are the symptoms and what are the consequences? How recognize it and how to intervene in case of insulin resistance

La metabolic syndrome (or less known by the definitions of syndrome X, insulin resistance syndrome or Reaven's syndrome) is the set of multiple predisposing factors which place those who are subjected to a higher risk range for diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems and hepatic steatosis (the most common "fatty liver"). Basically, it is a mix of elements that contribute to increase the possibility of developing diabetes and diseases affecting the circulatory system. But what are the symptoms of a metabolic syndrome? Why should you care and what are the remedies for insulin resistance?

La prevalence of the metabolic syndrome it concerns the adult population, with percentages that increase in the elderly age groups, and its causes are to be found in a combination of incorrect habits (wrong diet and poor physical activity) and family predisposition. All factors that involve the accumulation of abdominal fat, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and arterial hypertension.

The prevalence of the syndrome, however, varies widely, since it seems to depend on age, ethnic group, various degrees of obesity and the predisposition to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus.


What is metabolic syndrome?

The metabolic syndrome is thatset of risk factors linked to conditions that they increase the possibility of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Typically, a doctor diagnoses the presence of metabolic syndrome when at least three of the following risk factors are present:

  • blood pressure above 130/85 mmHg
  • fasting blood sugar above 110 mg / dl (100 mg / dl according to the ADA) and resistance to insulin, a hormone that helps regulate the amount of sugar in the body at the peripheral level in the so-called "target organs" (liver, muscle, adipose tissue) resulting in hyperglycemia
  • blood triglycerides above 150 mg / dl
  • HDL cholesterol below 40 mg / dl in men or 50 mg / dl in women
  • abdominal circumference greater than 102 cm for men or 88 cm for women

Of course, the more conditions you have, the more likely you are to develop metabolic syndrome.

In addition, it is clear that the risk of developing metabolic syndrome increases

  • as we age
  • if you already have diabetes
  • if you have a certain genetic predisposition
  • if you do little exercise

Metabolic Syndrome Symptoms and Complications

It is now well established, therefore, that having metabolic syndrome means suffering from several metabolic disorders at the same time. Therefore, they are a sign of metabolic syndrome in particular:

  • fat waistline
  • hypertension
  • a high level of triglycerides in the blood
  • a low level of HDL cholesterol - the "good" cholesterol
  • insulin resistance

A condition that also has its alarm bells in:

  • cardiovascular diseases
  • kidney disease
  • eye diseases
  • liver disease (this risk is two to four times higher than in normal people)

Causes metabolic syndrome

Given the complexity of the syndrome itself, it is clear that the causes are manifold. The most common ones are undoubtedly an unbalanced diet, insulin resistance (an element responsible for the propensity to diabetes, hypertriglyceridemia, hypertension), obesity, genetic predisposition and sedentary. These risk factors can also occur separately, but often tend to occur together.

In summary, among the causes of metabolic syndrome appear:

  • abdominal fat, which poses a greater risk for heart disease than excess fat elsewhere in the body
  • high triglycerides in the blood
  • lower than normal level of good cholesterol
  • high pressure
  • higher than normal fasting blood glucose levels
  • high level of bad cholesterol
  • smoke
  • old age
  • race, Hispanics and Asians appear to be at higher risk of metabolic syndrome
  • obesity
  • family history of type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes
  • other diseases, such as polycystic ovary syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome Remedies

If you believe you are predisposed to metabolic syndrome, the first step is to contact your doctor, who will surely aim to increase your physical activity and reduce your body weight.

If there is one thing to do in the fight against metabolic syndrome, in fact, it is prevent it at the table and with more adequate lifestyles.

Regular daily physical activity, in fact, has benefits in the treatment of metabolic syndrome:

  • favors the weight loss
  • increases the insulin sensitivity
  • prevents cardiovascular diseases
  • reduces blood triglyceride levels
  • increases "good" cholesterol and reduces "bad" cholesterol
  • reduces blood pressure levels
  • helps prevent type II diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity and glycemic control

Metabolic syndrome and remedies for insulin resistance

With "insulin resistance" we indicate one a condition in which the body is no longer able to use its insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone through which the process of converting blood sugar into energy takes place in our body. It goes without saying that "insulin resistance" causes high blood sugar levels and in turn is linked to overweight or obesity.

Well, the metabolic syndrome is probably mainly due to the condition of insulin resistance.

If in normal health conditions, the digestive system divides some of the foods we eat into sugar (glucose) which is then transported by the blood to the various body tissues where cells use it as an "energy substrate" making it enter with the help of insulin, in situations of "insulin resistance" the cells are unable to do so and glucose cannot enter. Our body reacts like this releasing more and more insulin to help glucose enter cells, but the result is only excessive insulin and glucose levels in the blood. From here, the levels of triglycerides and other lipids in the blood increase and also disrupts the work of the kidneys, causing an increase in blood pressure.

These "insulin resistance" effects increase the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other conditions.

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It is true, however, that insulin resistance can be cured or even less can be kept at bay very easily. Correcting your diet, and consequently losing weight, is the first fundamental step to take.


Foods to be preferred

Foods that have a low glycemic index:

  • vegetables, such as broccoli and asparagus
  • yogurt
  • low-fat milk
  • low-fat cheeses
  • white meat
  • fish

Foods to avoid

On the other hand, foods that can cause a sharp rise in the blood sugar level should be avoided:

  • sugar
  • desserts
  • non-wholemeal bread and pasta
  • fat food
  • carbonated and sugary drinks
  • alcohol

Finally, herbal teas that promote lowering of blood sugar levels are very useful, based on:

  • blueberry leaves
  • fennel seeds
  • semi di galega officinalis
  • nettle leaves

Germana Carillo

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