10 super foods for pregnancy

Foods to be consumed during pregnancy to promote the correct development of the baby. Folic acid, iron and fiber are essential nutrients during pregnancy to promote the proper development of the baby. It is useful to know the dietary sources of mineral salts, vitamins and nutrients that it is useful to choose during the nine months of waiting, to keep the risks of deficiencies at bay. Here are some of the foods that are considered real super foods for expectant mothers.

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Folic acid, iron and fiber are essential nutrients during the pregnancy to encourage the correct development of the child.

It is useful to know the food sources of mineral salts, vitamins and nutrients that it is important to choose during the nine months of waiting, to keep the risks of deficiencies at bay.

Here are some of the foods that are considered real supper cibi for expectant mothers.



Figs are an important one vegetable source di football. A portion consisting of 8 dried figs contains a quarter of the required daily calcium and 5 grams of fiber. Figs are rich in mineral salts such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, which are useful for the formation of the child's teeth and bones, together with vitamin K. 8 dried figs contain 23 micrograms. Fresh figs also do well in pregnancy, but their dry version has a higher concentration of nutrients.

10 super foods for pregnancy


The recommended daily allowance is 2 tablespoons of chopped chives, to be used as a condiment. It is rich in folic acid, iron, fiber, vitamin C and vitamin B6, as well as calcium and magnesium. Folic acid is one of the most important nutrients during the first three months of pregnancy. 2 tablespoons of fresh chopped chives contain 6.4 micrograms of folic acid

10 super foods for pregnancy

photo source: bbc.co.uk

Borlotti beans

Borlotti beans are an important source of iron, copper and phosphorus. It is about mineral salts useful for the formation of blood cells and to ensure the transport of oxygen by red blood cells. Calcium and phosphorus ensure that the baby's teeth and bones develop properly. Their high fiber content helps to counteract the sense of nausea typical of pregnancy.

10 super foods for pregnancy


Leeks are rich in football, a mineral that contributes to bone formation and to counteract some typical symptoms of pregnancy, such as irritability, insomnia, leg pain and back pain. They also contain folic acid and vitamin B6, which is needed by the body to metabolize the energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats present in the diet. Vitamin B6 also prevents morning sickness.

10 super foods for pregnancy


Artichokes are a source of iron and folic acid. A medium-sized artichoke contains 100 micrograms of folic acid and 12% of the recommended daily allowance of iron. These are essential nutrients to prevent birth defects. Artichokes are also high in fiber, which helps solve any constipation problems during pregnancy.

10 super foods for pregnancy

Pumpkin seeds

I pumpkin seeds help to increase the daily intake of protein through the power supply. Protein is needed to contribute to the development of the baby's muscles and to strengthen the mother's muscular system. They also contain potassium, calcium and phosphorus, which contribute to the health of muscles and hydration. They also have a high content of zinc and magnesium, which helps the body to use fats, proteins and carbohydrates as energy sources.

10 super foods for pregnancy

READ also: Pumpkin seeds: 10 beneficial properties

7) Sesame cream

Sesame cream, also known as tahini, or tahini, retains all the healthful nutrients found in Sesame seeds and is full of essential fatty acids, necessary for the integrity of nerve cells and for the proper functioning of the immune system. The adequate development of the glands for the production of breast milk, of the placenta and of the uterus depends on the adequate supply of essential fatty acids in the body. Sesame cream is also a good source of phosphorus, copper and magnesium. Recommended ration in pregnancy: 2 tablespoons a day.

10 super foods for pregnancy

READ also: Sesame seeds: properties, uses and where to find them


Basil is a good source of niacin, riboflavin, and fiber. It also contains vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin C. It contributes to the supply of mineral salts such as phosphorus, potassium, copper, zinc, iron and magnesium. Fresh basil guarantees a greater supply of useful nutrients during pregnancy. Recommended quantities: 10 tablespoons of fresh leaves of basil a day (green light for the homemade preparation of pesto!).

10 super foods for pregnancy

9) Sunflower seeds

I sunflower seeds I'm a instant source of omega 6 fatty acids e omega 3. They can be accompanied by pumpkin seeds for a hunger-break snack, or added to muesli for breakfast or used as a dressing for salads and other dishes. They also contain magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, potassium and vitamins useful for the development of children, such as vitamin K and vitamin D.

10 super foods for pregnancy


Molasses is a 'natural alternative to the refined sugar, which can occasionally be used as a sweetener. Among the best types, we find organic black molasses and grape molasses, which can also be prepared at home. In general, molasses is rich in manganese, an important mineral for the development of the baby, with particular reference to the bones. It also contains potassium and vitamin B6.

Read also: Grape molasses: how to prepare it at home

10 super foods for pregnancy

Marta Albè

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