10 foods that make you happy

The foods of happiness. What are the foods that make us happy? These are those foods that are good for a good mood and improve our sense of well-being, almost as if they nourished the soul as well as the body. Green light then to super nutritious and healthy foods, friends of a good mood, when we feel a little down.

Don't store avocado like this: it's dangerous

Which ones are they the foods that make us happy? These are those foods that are good for a good mood and improve our sense of well-being, almost as if they nourished the soul as well as the body. Green light then to super nutritious and healthy foods, friends of a good mood, when we feel a little down. Let's remember this all year round, not just on the occasion of the World Happiness Day, which occurs on 20 March of each year.



10 foods that make you happy

Spinach and dark green leafy vegetables they help us to feel better especially if we are in a situation of lack of vitamins and mineral salts. Spinaches, eg, are rich in vitamin C and magnesium, two substances important for transforming tryptophan and thyroxine into serotonin and dopamine, the neurotransmitters responsible for happiness and well-being.

Seeds and nuts

10 foods that make you happy

Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, but also sunflower seeds e flax seed, pumpkin and chia are a good source of substances beneficial for a good mood starting from their content of omega 3 fatty acids. Cashews are also among the best vegetable sources of tryptophan. Almonds contain zinc, which helps keep mood stable, and iron, which counteracts mental fatigue, while healthy fats help reduce anxiety.

Read also: The 6 seeds of health


10 foods that make you happy

I blueberries, bacche di acai and berries in general they are considered superfoods, that is, super nutritious foods capable of enriching our diet with vitamins and antioxidants. Blueberries help the brain activate positive responses and feel-good signals, as do Acai berries. We take advantage of harvesting and enjoying fresh blueberries when they are in season.

Raw cocoa

A piece of chocolate to feel better: it is certainly not new. The secret ingredient is cocoa which becomes super nutritious food raw cocoa. Raw cocoa is rich in antioxidants and substances that allow the release of endorphins in our body, the feel-good hormones that make us feel better immediately.

Foods rich in vitamin B

Low levels of B vitamins in the organism (B1, B3. B6. B9 and B12) were related to the onset of bad mood. Hence the need to enrich the diet with foods that contain B vitamins, including legumes, nuts, seeds, brown rice, oats, spinach and broccoli. Vitamin B12 is present in foods of animal origin and in case of deficiency - which can appear in any type of diet, for example due to a situation of poor absorption - it can be taken through supplements.

Fermented foods

10 foods that make you happy

THEintestine it is one of the major indicators of our health. Much of the Serotonin it is produced right here. Intestine, brain and state of well-being or malaise are closely related. Hence the importance of taking fermented foods that help the good functioning of the intestine, such as sauerkraut, tempeh, miso, kefir, kombucha and kimichi, just to name a few examples of fermented foods and drinks that contain bacteria that are good for our digestive system.


10 foods that make you happy

Bananas are a energy food. They are an important source of vitamin B6, tryptophan, iron, magnesium and potassium. They are also a natural prebiotic, are rich in fiber that aid digestion and regulate blood sugar levels. Eating a banana in the middle of the morning is a real treat natural anti-stress remedy due to the magnesium supply that bananas provide to our body.


10 foods that make you happy

La maca, which is sold in powder form, has been known since the time of the Incas as natural remedy for stress. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus and potassium. It also contains magnesium and iron, two important nutrients for controlling anxiety. It is also a source of Vitamin B1 and B2, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.


10 foods that make you happy

La Spirulina it's a'Alga which is usually sold in powder form as a natural supplement but is also a very versatile ingredient to use in the kitchen. It is a fresh water algae, rich in proteins that are easily assimilated by our body. It is equivalent to a real multivitamin and also contains minerals, antioxidants and essential fatty acids.

Foods rich in vitamin D.

Our body stocks up on vitamin D thanks to'sun exposure and with the supply. Among the plant foods that are a source of vitamin D we find mainly mushrooms, while this vitamin is present in foods of animal origin such as milk and derivatives. Some plant-based drinks for sale are fortified with vitamin D. In the Nordic countries, where exposure to sunlight is poor for most of the year, vitamin D3 supplements are taken to avoid the risk of depression. Vitamin D in fact stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

Marta Albè

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  • Foods that make you happy
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