If you've been experiencing these symptoms and sneezing strangely these days, you may be intolerant to chocolate

If you've been experiencing these symptoms and sneezing strangely these days, you may be intolerant to chocolate

Chocolate intolerance can also occur through sneezing and respiratory system disorders, the typical symptoms of seasonal allergies. Let's see how to recognize them.

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During this time, if we sneeze often, we immediately trace the possible cause back to seasonal allergies. However, not everyone is aware that some symptoms ofintolerance to chocolate are related to disorders affecting the respiratory system, such as the runny nose, i.e. the sensation of having a stuffy and runny nose. Let us try to go deeper into this topic. (Read also: Lactose intolerance: causes, symptoms and how to recognize it)

Symptoms of chocolate intolerance

Usually, chocolate intolerance manifests itself through:

  • migraine,
  • headache,
  • skin rashes such as hives, redness of the skin or burning,
  • drop in blood pressure resulting in tiredness,
  • headache.

All the signs listed may indicate a food intolerance towards chocolate, however, being very generic, they are unlikely to be immediately traced back to this cause.

Then there are other symptoms that are more difficult to trace back to chocolate intolerance, such as a excess sneezing after we ingested some chocolate. This symptomatology is even more difficult to recognize because sneezing and breathing difficulties often disappear after a few hours, however it is important to know how to identify these alarm bells.

Why can chocolate intolerance make us sneeze? The reason must be traced back to the presence of phenylethylamine, a substance that causes intolerance and capable of modifying the vascular tone, inducing vasoconstriction or vasodilation. In some predisposed individuals it causes allergic reactions and fatigue similar to those triggered by classic rhinitis.

How is chocolate intolerance treated?

The first thing to do is consult your doctor immediately to find suitable treatments. It is likely that chocolate will be completely eliminated from your diet at first, only to be reintroduced later to develop a modicum of tolerance to it again.

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