Burns: natural home remedies for minor burns or sunburns

Burns: natural home remedies for minor burns or sunburns

Natural remedies for minor sunburn. Iron, pans, pans and stoves: these are the main culprits for the small burns that can occur while cooking or when ironing. These are usually minor domestic accidents that heal within a few days. In some cases a bubble will form: do not burst it and do not pierce it, but let it heal without teasing it. If the burn is mild and not a serious problem, try to make it easier to heal by applying one of the following natural remedies.

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Iron, pans, pans and stoves: these are the main responsible for small burns which can occur while cooking or ironing. It is usually about domestic accidents mild that heal in a few days. In some cases a bubble will form: do not burst it and do not pierce it, but let it heal without teasing it.

If the burn is mild and not a serious problem, try to make it easier to heal by applying one of the following natural remedies.


Cold water

THEcold water and the simpler remedy to be put into practice in case of minor burns on fingers or hands. To relieve the burning and discomfort immediately, pass the affected part under running water for a few seconds. You can also try rinsing the burn from time to time with cold water to which you have added a pinch of salt.


Potatoes have calming and anti-irritating properties. You can apply one on small burns raw potato slice, or a piece of potato peel, from the inside. Apply the remedy as soon as possible to relieve discomfort immediately.

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Aloe vera

THEaloe vera ha property astringent, pain relieving and calming. Helps the skin heal faster in case of minor burns. Rinse the affected area with cold water and apply some aloe gel directly to the sunburn. You can buy it in herbal medicine or extract it from the leaves of the plant after having engraved them.

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Coconut or olive oil

THEcoconut oil it can be useful to facilitate the healing of minor burns. It helps the skin to regenerate, it is rich in vitamin E and useful fatty acids. In addition, it has antibacterial and antifungal properties. You can apply it in small quantities directly on the affected area. Me too'olive oil it is suitable for treating mild sunburn, as our grandmothers taught us.

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Honey contributes to disinfect and heal minor burns. Helps the elimination of fluids from the tissues, promoting healing. You will apply a thin layer of honey on gauze to wrap around the burn. Replace it 3 or 4 times a day.

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I tannins present in black tea can help reduce pain and burning sensation. Put a sachet of tender in a glass of cold water, let it rest for a few minutes, squeeze it and pass it directly on the small burn. You can also support the tea-bag on the affected part and wrap it with a bandage.


THEvinegar has astringent and antiseptic properties, which can help prevent minor sunburn infections. Dilute vinegar and water in equal parts and use the liquid obtained to rinse off minor burns. You can also soak a gauze pad in water and vinegar to apply on the part.

Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil has antiseptic and pain relieving properties. It also helps prevent scar formation. You can add a drop to the gauze that you will use to wrap the small burn. Dilute theessential oil of lavender with del aloe vera gel.

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Il onion juice contains substances such as quercetin which help relieve pain and promote the healing of minor burns. Cut a raw onion and collect the juice. Apply it on the affected area several times a day.

READ also: Natural remedies: 10 alternative uses of onion

Banana peels

also the scrap parts some fruit can be useful to relieve the discomfort caused by minor burns. Then try to apply a piece of banana peel, from the inside, on the area to be treated.

You know other natural remedies for minor burns?

Photo source: wikihow.com

Read also: 10 natural remedies for sunburn

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