Killer bacterium: 35 victims of E. coli In the sights garlic sprouts, broccoli and fenugreek

    Killer bacterium: 35 victims of E. coli In the sights garlic sprouts, broccoli and fenugreek

    Also because after putting the soybean sprouts in the dock and subsequently clearing them, three more sprouts are now under accusation. So after those of beans, the German health authorities focus the disc on those of broccoli, garlic and fenugreek. The suspicion this time would be supported by a very specific fact: five employees of Gaertnerhof, the Bienenbuettel nursery from which the epidemic started, were struck by the infection after consuming the garlic sprouts, broccoli and fenugreek. With this feedback we are now able to reconstruct an important element of the chain of clues, the minister announced.

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    They went up to 35 the victims of the E. coli, killer bacterium that in Germany - every week - counts new deaths. In fact, among the dead, there is only one Swedish lady (who however contracted the disease during a trip to Germany) while all the other victims are German nationals.

    The numbers were communicated by Gunther Dettweiler, spokesman for the Institut Robert Koch, the federal health surveillance institute, who specified that of the 35 German victims 22 died of haemolytic and uremic syndrome (Shu), the most serious kidney complication of the disease, while the other 12 died from other causes associated with the infection.

    On the other hand i There are 16 countries where the dangerous killer bacterium has spread (in addition to Germany, we remember Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Canada, France, Czech Republic, Greece, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA) and cases of contagion have now reached 3255 units ; all people who risk one fatal dysentery.

    The bacterium has therefore not diminished its strength and continues to threaten. In fact, in these days, the German Minister of Health, Daniel Bahr, has made it clear that the danger is not over at all: “We do not exclude new cases of E.coli. However, the number of new infections is continuously decreasing, and this gives us reasons for optimism ”.

    Also because after putting the soybean sprouts in the dock and subsequently clearing them, three more sprouts are now under accusation. So after those of beans, the German health authorities put the disc on those of broccoli, garlic and fenugreek. The suspicion this time would be supported by a very specific fact: five employees of Gaertnerhof, the Bienenbuettel nursery from which the epidemic started, were affected by the infection after consuming the garlic sprouts, broccoli and fenugreek. "With this feedback we are now able to reconstruct an important element of the chain of clues", announced the minister.

    Against the killer bacterium, one tries to remedy in various ways, but in the most serious cases we resort to transplants and dialysis.
    "A hundred patients are so affected in the kidney that it will be necessary to undergo a transplant or to envisage a life in dialysis" - said Karl Lauterbach, an expert on health issues of the Social Democratic Party SPD, who is also a researcher and specialist in epidemics. .

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    Read all our articles and updates on the E. coli killer bacterium

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