Feng Shui: 10 tips for decorating your home with awareness

    Feng Shui: 10 tips for decorating your home with awareness

    Feng Shui, how to decorate the house with awareness. Feng Shui is an oriental art, of Chinese origin, which aims to support traditional architecture in the design of homes and in the choice of furniture for furnishings. The spaces are organized in such a way as to create a real harmony between the inside and the outside of the house. The term Feng Shui recalls the words "wind" and "water", which according to Chinese culture are equivalent to health, happiness, peace and prosperity.

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    Il Feng Shui è un'oriental art, of Chinese origin, which aims to support thetraditional architecture in the design of homes and in the choice of furniture. The spaces are organized in such a way as to create a real one harmony between the inside and outside of the house. The term Feng Shui recall the words "wind" and "water" which, according to Chinese culture, are equivalent to health, happiness, peace and prosperity.

    The principles of Feng Shui take into account the presence of magnetic and energy fields in the arrangement of the furnishings. Each choice is aimed at creating welcoming environments that know how to promote the well-being of those who live there. Choose to furnish your home with awareness, following the principles and advice of Feng Shui, allows you to spend your time in pleasant, comfortable and tidy spaces, suitable for moments of relaxation. to welcome guests or to work. Feng Shui can in fact also find application in office. Here are a few useful tips for those who are preparing to furnish or renovate their spaces, or simply to tidy up.

    1) Decluttering

    Nel Feng Shui l'order is the first rule. Before taking care of moving the sofa or mirror, it is good to get to work for get rid of the superfluous. The accumulation of unused or disordered objects, according to Feng Shui, prevents the flow of positive energies and can create situations of stasis that can negatively affect the well-being of domestic life. It is therefore advisable to try to tidy up every day and get rid of what is not needed, obviously in the most ecological way possible, for example thanks to the barter. Don't stack up and follow a very simple principle: just the right.

    Read also: Decluttering: how to get rid of the superfluous to live better

    2) Colors

    If you are going to paint from scratch or repaint the walls of the rooms of the house, pay attention to the colors to prefer. The choice must not be random and must be suitable for every environment. In the living room colors like red or l 'Orange facilitate conversation with family or friends. The blu and green in the bedrooms they promote relaxation and restful sleep, while the pink stimulates romance and passion. The yellow, in the kitchen, it stimulates the appetite and gives energy from the beginning of the day, starting from the moment of breakfast.

    3) Sofa and bed

    La furniture arrangement is one of the key principles of Feng Shui. In the living room the sofa it must be positioned so that it faces the entrance door. Whoever enters the house will immediately perceive the presence of a welcome symbol e hospitality. It must also be placed with the backrest close to the wall, to give a sense of protection to those who will sit on it. The bed, to create a greater situation Relaxing and quiet, it must be positioned so that it is not directly in front of the door. There port it must be out of sight while trying to fall asleep.

    4) Mirrors

    Mirrors can hinder the flow of positive energies. According to Feng Shui, no visible mirrors should be placed in bedroom. The presence of a mirror near your bed could hinder sleep. A valid suggestion in this regard could consist in placing the mirror on one of the internal doors of the wardrobe or in a corridor outside the room dedicated to the night's rest.

    5) Windows

    The windows of the house must be large enough to be able to make optimal use of the natural light for the lighting of the interior spaces during the day. Particular attention must be paid to windows that are turned on one busy road. The passage of cars must not disturb the harmony and tranquility of the house. For this reason, Feng Shui recommends protecting them with some tends suitable, light in color, which do not obstruct natural light too much.

    6) Kitchen

    The kitchen must be a welcoming and tidy place. The door should never be positioned so that it is directly behind the cook, in order to promote a feeling of tranquility while you are at the stove. The stoves must always be kept clean, in order to promote abundance e prosperity. The forno it should never be placed near the refrigerator or sink. In the kitchen, as in all other rooms, furniture with fluid and rounded shapes should be preferred. Pay particular attention to edges of the tables.

    7) Materials

    For home furnishings, Feng Shui suggests the choice of materials as much as possible natural, as wood, Stone e metal. Therefore, plastic materials should be avoided. The wooden floors and windows allow for continuity, at least from a visual point of view, between the natural external environments and the interior of the house.

    8) Bathroom

    According to Feng Shui, the bathroom can be placed anywhere in the house. However, there is an important recommendation: the bathroom door it should not open directly onto the kitchen, so as to prevent the spread of germs. In the bathroom you should always have one window, in order to allow adequate ventilation and to ensure light conditions that allow you to use the room without using electricity during the day.

    9) Stairs and elevators

    Le stairs inside the house they should always be harmonious and not too steep, as well as formed by steps of regular height and built with natural materials, as well as resistant, such as wood or stone. In the design of a office, particular attention should be paid to the position of the stairs or lift in relation to the entrance door. As the "Feng Shui Manual" suggests (Wu Xing, Il Punto d'Mappoint Editions, 2000), the office should not face an elevator or a steep staircase, as this could hinder the financial luck.

    10) Garden

    THEgarden and garden they must turn out always cared for and in order. Even the plants present inside the house or on the terrace must receive the necessary care to avoid the presence of Dry leaves and the perception of a feeling of disorder. The presence of areas of the garden with poorly maintained plants hinders the flow of positive energies, favoring them negative emotions. Taking care of the vegetable garden and the garden itself represents one beneficial therapy for the mind and inner well-being.


    Read also: Garden Therapy: true well-being is in the garden

    Marta Albè

    Photo source: home-style-kreation.com

    READ also:

    - Decluttering: how to get rid of the superfluous to live better

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