10/10: the theory that teaches what is really needed in life

How important are material possessions in your life? Perhaps the answer is not so obvious. Is a beautiful house, a luxury car, jewelry and money really the center of our life? Minimalism gurus Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus are convinced not, here's why.

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How important are i material goods in your life? Perhaps the answer is not so obvious. Is a beautiful house, a luxury car, jewelry and money really the center of our life? Minimalism gurus Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus are convinced not, here's why.

Spend less and surround yourself only with objects that are really necessary to live better, thus appreciating the important things that go beyond the objects we own.
Il Minimalism it is a philosophy of life that more and more people are adopting. 'Less is more' is the basic idea that could help us stop hoarding and focus more on non-material goods.

How can this be done? Each of us probably thinks we can't do without this or that. But are we sure that everything we buy is fundamental in our life? A simple exercise developed by The minimalist can help you to embark on a path of balance of the mind.

Just like the Konmari method, a series of tips devised by Marie Kondo to tidy up the house and life, which allow us to choose without too much hesitation, which objects we really need and which ones we no longer need.

Getting rid of it, in fact, helps to make room not only in our home, but also in our life. To do this, you can try the 10/10 Material Possession Theory, or the theory of material possession.

10/10: the theory that teaches what is really needed in life

10/10 Material Possession Theory

Your material possessions, those for which you may have worked 40 hours a week, what value do they give to your existence? We bet it's less than you think?

According to the 10/10 Material Possession Theory just take a sheet of paper and write down the ten expensive tangible assets you have purchased over the past decade. For example, the car, jewelry and so on.

Next to that list make another with ten things that add the greatest value to your life: the birth of a child, a promotion, the sight of a sunset in company, a walk with your four-legged friend, affection. of a loved one and anything else that you think is important.

10/10: the theory that teaches what is really needed in life

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Now look at both lists and do a comparison: how many things are there in common between one and the other? Probably zero. So here is the mystery of how to adopt the 'less is more' philosophy.

Dominella Trunfio

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