Brain: discover the map of human emotions and it's all thanks to Forrest Gump

    Brain: discover the map of human emotions and it's all thanks to Forrest Gump

    New research has discovered the map of human emotions in the brain and it's all thanks to the famous film "Forrest Gump".

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    Who would have thought that the emotions human beings, from anger to sadness, from fear to joy, were enclosed in just 3 cm of brain ?! Well, according to a new study published in Nature Communications by researchers at the Molecular Mind Laboratory (MoMi Lab) of the Scuola Imt Alti Studi Lucca, entitled "Emotionotopy in the human right temporo-parietal cortex", human emotions are represented topographically in the temporal junction right parietal of the brain, divided according to the type and intensity in a kind of map.

    The researchers were able to locate it after examining the brains of 15 volunteers subjected to Forrest Gump's vision. The volunteers had to reveal the emotions felt from scene to scene, also describing their intensity on a scale from 1 to 100. The behavioral data collected were compared with the brain data obtained from the German research project 'studyforrest' conducted on 15 other volunteers. , whose brain was examined using functional magnetic resonance imaging.

    The choice of "Forrest Gump" was not accidental but due to the fact that it is a film capable of arousing strong emotions, therefore ideal for the purposes of the experiment, which allowed the researchers, led by the pischiatrist Pietro Pietrini, to intuit that the brain is able to represent emotions topographically.

    Result they arrived at starting from the assumption that the principles that govern the perception of emotions were similar to others, such as those, for example, of perception through the senses. In fact, they have shown that this is the case since there are brain regions capable of predicting moods and representing them in a detailed emotional map.

    This discovery is important because it could promote understanding, and consequently improve the methods of treatment, of depression and various phobias, which occur when emotions "are bad".

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