Future dad as important as the mother for the health of the unborn child

    Future dad as important as the mother for the health of the unborn child

    Fathers-to-be are less aware than women that their health and lifestyles can affect the health of their children. It is before pregnancy that the foundation for having a healthy baby is laid.

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    It might seem obvious that to give birth to a healthy baby is mum and Pope must lead healthy lifestyles and have correct habits. But it's not really that well known as more emphasis is often given to what the new mother does before, during and after conception. According to a new study, which also confirms previous research, the pre-conception role of the father.

    To underline this was theBambin Gesù Pediatric Hospital who had about a thousand future fathers complete an online questionnaire to assess how much their habits before birth were relevant to the health of the unborn child. What emerged is that incorrect habits before conception for example smoking, overdoing alcohol or food (obesity) are potential risk factors for an alteration of the fetal DNA and therefore could compromise the regular and healthy growth of the child.

    Often what happens before pregnancy is underestimated while instead, as Alberto Tozzi, head of the Infant Jesus Predictive Medicine unit, underlines: “It is before pregnancy that the foundations are laid for having a healthy baby. In order for the delicate stages of development after conception to take place without complications, it is important that the future mother, but also the future father, follow healthy lifestyles and correct behaviors even before pregnancy, keeping their health under control. Fathers-to-be are less aware than women that their health and lifestyles can affect the health of their children. It is therefore important that these arguments are shared within the couple to increase the likelihood that the pregnancy proceeds smoothly and the baby is born healthy as much as possible ".

    But let's see specifically what was the situation of the 1000 dads interviewed: 1 in 3 smoked although it has now been scientifically proven that this habit in the long run leads to a lowering of fertility and an increased risk of problems for the future child, there is even talk of a + 25% chance of developing childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

    Also the use of drugs it can affect the well-being of the future baby as well as fertility. Experts say that some active ingredients contained in some drugs can increase complications during pregnancy or problems in the development of the fetus by 50%. Fortunately, of the 47% of the dads who used the drugs, none took potentially risky active ingredients.

    Another problem that affected 22% of future dads was theexposure to pesticides or toxic substances, especially for work reasons in particular for those who carry out the professions of cook, gardener, cleaner or agricultural work. Exposure to chemicals increases the risk of fetal malformations, childhood cancers, and more.

    The health of our children, Therefore, it really depends on our choices even what we do before they come into the world. This should always be kept in mind!

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