That's why we never give raw chicken to our dogs

That's why we never give raw chicken to our dogs

New Australian research warns all dog owners about eating raw chicken.

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I dogs they should follow a controlled diet adapted to their needs. Instead, we often make the mistake of feeding them the wrong foods, underestimating the potential risks. Australian research now warns all dog owners about eating raw chicken.

A research team from U-Vet Werribee Animal Hospital (University of Melbourne) has discovered the link between raw chicken and acute polyradiculoneuritis (APN) in dogs. It is a very dangerous disease that leads to paralysis and in some cases to the death of the animal.

Researchers have basically found that eating raw chicken meat (especially the neck) can significantly increase the likelihood of getting sick for our 4-legged friends (the risk would even increase by 70 times).

The situation would be particularly dangerous for small dogs who, according to the study, are more likely to eat raw chicken necks. This is due to the fact that for a long time these foods have been recommended to pet owners for dental health, particularly of smaller dogs. Among other things, they are readily available in supermarkets and butchers' shops at a good price and therefore are bought by the unsuspecting owners.

To arrive at this result, the researchers examined the diets and feces of a sample of dozens of dogs that showed or did not show symptoms of the disease and found that campylobacter was a probable cause of the paralysis.

In the study, published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, the researchers write:

"We would recommend owners to choose normal dog food rather than chicken necks until we know more about this debilitating condition"

The finding is of particular concern given that raw meat is often present in dog diets. Among other things, this is not even the first research that questions the safety of this food, there was for example the study of the Veterinary Record which highlighted how the feeding of raw meat for our pets could increase. the possibility of transferring parasites and diseases between animals and humans.

What is the ANP

Acute polyradiculoneuritis or APN causes weakness in the dog's hind legs, which can then spread to the legs, neck, head and face. The disease can take up to six months for the animal to fully recover (even without any treatment) but in some cases it can be fatal, specifically those where it reaches the heart.

This rare form of paralysis is the canine counterpart of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) in humans which is often triggered by the bacterium Campylobacter, which can be found in undercooked chicken.

We remind you of other foods that dogs should never eat:

  • 10 foods to never give to our dogs
  • Pet Food: 4 Dangerous Ingredients Hidden in Pet Food
  • Dogs and cats: no raw foods, they risk Salmonella and Listeria

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