Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? Can we give our little furry a little watermelon?

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? Can we give our little furry a little watermelon?

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? Can we give some watermelon to our furry friend? The answer is yes, but with some precautions

He is about to end up run over, his mother saves him

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? Can we give some watermelon to our furry friend or does it hurt? The answer is yes, but with some precautions

Summer is a time of fresh and juicy fruit, but how can we manage with our four-legged friends? Imagine a summer vacation, you and your dog, enjoying some shade, eagerly watching you tear apart the sliced ​​watermelon you brought from home. We know how greedy our puppies are, but what if they too want to bite a piece of it?

True, you would gladly share anything with them, even a piece of red watermelonBut the problem is you're not sure it's a safe fruit for canine consumption.

To refresh the summer of our quadrupeds we have already provided you with 10 fantastic recipes to prepare ice creams and popsicles for them at home, but the temptation to give them a few pieces of fresh fruit on such hot days can be strong.

So, is watermelon good for Fido?

Usually fruit is not a popular choice for an alternative diet for our dog and his great appetite cannot in any case lead us to give him anything, if only some foods could even poison him.

But the watermelon, as well as a few slices of orange, apple or banana, is not one of the foods to never give to our dogs. Rich in lycopene, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, copper, vitamin A, potassium, biotin, magnesium, vitamin b6 and vitamin b1, they also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This means that watermelons can be consumed not only for their taste but also for their nutritional value and yes: the dog can eat watermelon, but with a little care.

The benefits of watermelon for dogs

  • Watermelon is a good source of beta-carotene, which improves vision
  • Contains magnesium which is important for canine cell processing
  • It is a great source of Vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system
  • It also contains a fair amount of potassium, which is needed for the proper functioning of enzymes and also maintains the health of muscles and nerves.
  • It contains a lot of water, so it's a great way to hydrate, but remember that nothing beats real water to quench even Fido's thirst.

Recommendations and mistakes to avoid

In short, watermelons are good for dogs, but there are still one set of recommendations.

  • They will be enough one or two pieces and no more: too much watermelon could lead them to frequent urination and changes in bowel movement. In any case, the portion depends on the size: the smaller the dog, the smaller it must be
  • Remove the semi, which could create serious problems for the dog who cannot digest them
  • No peel. If it is useful for us to reuse it in the kitchen in an alternative recipe, it is not so useful to give it to our puppy. Watermelon rind can cause gastrointestinal upset and, it is very tough, is not very good for your dog's oral health. The likely results for this are tooth damage and tooth decay.

As for allergies? There appears to be no documented cases of dogs having allergic reactions after eating watermelon. However, before making our friend eat watermelon for the first time, let's start trying with small pieces a little at a time.

Only afterwards, green light for some watermelon also for our furry friends, here you could find some tasty recipes for them based on watermelon and coconut milk.

Read also

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