Biological fight: how to attract ladybugs and beneficial insects to the vegetable garden

Biological fight: how to attract ladybugs and beneficial insects to the vegetable garden

Cultivating a home garden and resorting to pesticides means compromising the best reasons to devote oneself to it in a truly natural way, consisting in the production of healthy and genuine foods, completely free of potentially dangerous substances, and being active in respect of the environment and fertility of the land in first person. Fortunately, there are effective alternatives to insecticides and pesticides, starting with the possibility of organizing your garden by enriching it with plants and flowers that can attract beneficial insects.

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Cultivate a home garden and resort to harmful pesticides it means compromising the best reasons to devote oneself to it in a truly natural way, consisting in the production of healthy and genuine foods, completely free of potentially dangerous substances, and in being active in the defense of respect for the environment and the fertility of the land in the first person .

Fortunately, there are effective alternatives to insecticides and pesticides, starting with the possibility of organizing your own garden enriching it with plants and flowers that can attract beneficial insects.

Among garden friendly insects we first find the ladybug, elected not by chance as a true symbol of organic agriculture, which includes among its main rules the prohibition of using pesticides that are harmful to the environment. How to attract the precious ladybugs to your garden and other beneficial insects?

Ladybugs contribute to the biological control of garden parasites as they can be defined as insects that they feed on other insects. To ruin our crops are instead those insects that base their survival by feeding on plants, which are defined like phytophagous insects.

Among plants that attract particolarmente the ladybug we find the horseradish, the cauliflower and of broccoli. It is therefore possible to consider enriching your garden with this type of vegetables in order to favor the presence of beneficial insects. Ladybugs would be attracted above all by their aroma. Assuming to design a synergistic vegetable garden it may be useful to alternate rows of broccoli or cauliflower with other vegetables. A further useful advice consists in preserving the permanence of the stems of cauliflower and broccoli in the ground, so that they can carry out their beneficial action in attracting ladybirds even after harvesting the vegetables.

There are also both herbs and fiori considered particularly capable of attracting ladybugs and predatory insects. It is therefore possible to organize your vegetable garden so that in its vicinity, for example thanks to the creation of flower borders, or inside it, by placing flower beds or the creation of dedicated clods, are present herbs, flowers and other vegetables capable of attracting ladybugs and beneficial insects.

Among the fiori which will make it possible to avoid the use of toxic pesticides, as they are able to attract entomophagous insects (which feed on, that is, other insects), among which, in addition to ladybugs, they can be entered the hoverflies and the members of the families of the rincoti, diptera, coleoptera and neuroptera (all predatory insects), are:

  1. La calendula, able to attract hoverflies.
  2. La potentilla, whose yellow flowers are particularly attractive to ladybugs.
  3. Il dandelion, also among the flowers loved by ladybirds.
  4. I geraniums, which attract beneficial insects both thanks to their colors and their scent.
  5. Il cornflower, whose presence attracts hoverflies and ladybirds.

Among plants and herbs with which you can enrich your vegetable garden and your garden in order to attract beneficial insects and avoid the use of pesticides is possible locate:

  1. THEnettle, a real natural pesticide, useful against aphids.
  2. THEgarlic, another natural pesticide that can be planted in rows inside the garden.
  3. La sage, which attracts bees and insects useful in the fight against parasites and for pollination.
  4. Il thyme, another essential aromatic plant for biological control; attracts hoverflies.
  5. Il coriander, which attracts beneficial insects and can be placed in flower beds.

More plants considered useful to attract beneficial insects to the garden are potentilla, fennel, dill, yarrow, tansy, angelica, flowers of the genus Coreopsis, black nightshade and flowers of the genus Tagetes.

In the biological fight against insects harmful to the garden and parasites, it may also be useful to resort to associations between plants that can act in synergy in protecting themselves from adversity. To cite some reference examples:

  1. La mint planted next to tomatoes protects these fruits from parasites.
  2. Il rosemary and sage they protect vegetables such as carrots and beans from harmful insects.
  3. I flax flowers they remove the doriferae from the potatoes.
  4. Carrots and onions, planted next to each other, they defend each other from parasites.
  5. Il thyme, planted next to cabbages, helps keep the cabbage butterfly away.

Finally, you might find it useful to read the article How and why to build a house for beneficial insects, Other method to exploit to combat parasites in a completely natural way, based on biological control, and in order to attract, in addition to predators, bees and other types of insects that will take care of pollination.

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