10 bizarre tricks to use for your vegetable garden and garden

Vegetable garden and garden. The care of the vegetable garden and the garden will be much easier thanks to some tricks and some slightly bizarre tricks that can be put into practice very easily starting from recycled materials and natural materials usually always available at home or in the garden. Here are some tips for preparing a natural fertilizer for roses, for sowing and transplanting in the garden, for the care of succulents and more.

He is about to end up run over, his mother saves him

The care ofgarden and garden it will be much easier thanks to some tricks and to some tricks a little bizarre, but useful, which can be put into practice very easily starting from recycled materials and natural materials usually always available at home or in the garden.

Here are some tips for preparing a natural fertilizer for roses, for sowing and transplanting in the garden, for the care of succulents and more.


Protective nest for perennials

The growth of perennials in the garden it can be protected over time, and especially at the beginning, by creating a protective nest using wooden twigs, the ends of which must be inserted into the ground allowing the formation of small arches. This is a device that will allow the seedling to find support during growth and to be protected from heavy rainfall.

10 bizarre tricks to use for your vegetable garden and garden

Diaper for flower pots

Here is a trick that allows the soil in your flower pots and other flower containers, such as baskets and planters, to maintain a constant humidity, helping to decrease the amount of water needed for watering. It involves placing a baby diaper on the bottom of the pot, before covering it with soil, after having spread only a thin layer. The alternative is to use the expanded clay balls to be placed on the bottom of the pots, to keep the humidity constant and to avoid the formation of stagnation in the saucers. Clay balls can be found for sale in garden stores.

10 bizarre tricks to use for your vegetable garden and garden

Seed germination test

Seeds stored from the previous year may have lost their ability to germination. For this reason, in order not to sow them empty, it is possible to carry out a test to check their fertility. It is necessary to place them on a moistened handkerchief inside a transparent plastic bag to be sealed, or on a plate covered with a damp cloth. If more than half of the seeds sprout, their fertility can still be considered good.

10 bizarre tricks to use for your vegetable garden and garden

Spacer for sowing

When the seeds are sown directly in the ground, after creating furrows in the garden, or when it will be necessary to transplant the seedlings from the pots to the ground, for reasons of space organization and depending on the variety of vegetables, it is advisable to respect precise and regular distances. For this reason it is possible to obtain a spacer for sowing, practical because the garden is in perfect order.

10 bizarre tricks to use for your vegetable garden and garden

Rinse the vegetables in the garden

Here is a trick that allows you to save water. Leafy vegetables such as lettuce, salads and spinach can be rinsed directly in the garden, outside, rather than being carried around the house to be cleaned up in the sink. By placing the leaves in a colander this operation can be carried out directly at the time of harvesting, so that the water used for rinsing reaches the ground directly, watering it effortlessly and without waste.

10 bizarre tricks to use for your vegetable garden and garden

Protect the garden from the cold

Here is a valid advice when the sowing or transplanting in the garden has already been carried out, taking advantage of the first sunny days, then being caught unprepared by nights that are still rather cold. The trick is to place along the spaces of the garden that distance one clod from the other, with particular reference to the plants that suffer the most from low temperatures, buckets full of water that will warm up during the day under the rays of the sun and that will disperse their warmth, warming the garden, during the night.

10 bizarre tricks to use for your vegetable garden and garden

Container for tools

So that the tools from the garden are always in perfect order and so that they do not get damaged, it is advisable to prepare a container to be stored inside your home or under a roof, in a sheltered place. To protect tools, you can fill an unused container, such as a wicker basket or shoe box, with clay mixed with sand. You will no longer be struggling to search for lost tools and they will be protected from rust and humidity.

10 bizarre tricks to use for your vegetable garden and garden

Banana peels to fertilize roses

Le banana peels they are considered as a natural remedy suitable for fertilizing roses. It is possible to break the peel of a fresh banana, or left to dry, and place a few pieces in the ground before transplanting the roses. Alternatively there is the possibility of preparing a liquid fertilizer, placing a banana peel cut into small pieces in a spray container, filling it with hot water and letting it rest for two weeks, so that the banana peels can ferment, before use.

10 bizarre tricks to use for your vegetable garden and garden

Pine cones for succulents

Le fat plants they do not like watery stagnations in saucers and do not need to be watered very often. A trick to avoid the formation of excessive humidity inside the pots and to obtain the best conditions for the good maintenance of succulents is to place a layer of pine cones or ceramic shards on the bottom of the pots, before moving on to cover. with soil and transplanting.

10 bizarre tricks to use for your vegetable garden and garden

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Save soil

If you have a planter or a large one excessively deep vessel, in which you would like to transplant your flowers, your aromatic herbs and seedlings, so much so that the soil at your disposal is not sufficient, you could try to reduce the quantity needed, covering the bottom of the pot with the plastic containers in which the seedlings to be transplant were found at the time of sale and / or with cans.

10 bizarre tricks to use for your vegetable garden and garden

Marta Albè

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