Dogs: love cuddling much more than verbal praise, that's why

    Dogs: love cuddling much more than verbal praise, that's why

    Dogs love cuddles much more than words we can sweetly address them. This is perhaps explained why dogs, even more so when they are puppies, require caresses, cuddles and games in contact with us all the time.

    He is about to end up run over, his mother saves him

    I dogs they love the cuddles much more than the words we can gently address to them. This is perhaps explained why dogs, even more so when they are puppies, require caresses, cuddles and games in contact with us all the time.

    In short, dogs prefer stroking to verbal praise. A new one proves it search conducted by experts from the University of Florida and Arizona State University in the United States. “Shut up and pet me” is the unequivocal title of the study recently published in Behavioral Processes.

    Doctor Clive Wynne, one of the authors of the study, explained: “I spend half my days talking to my dog, it seems that words are precious to her. It's a shock to find that what we say to dogs doesn't seem to be rewarding for them after all. "

    The experts they observed the reactions of the dogs compared to the people who caressed them and those who praised them verbally. The researchers measured the amount of time the dog chose to spend with each person. Observations were conducted on both kennel dogs and luckier specimens, accustomed to living in houses and gardens.

    In any case the dogs showed more interest in the people who pampered them and they caressed them, rather than for those who praised them and talked to them. Why do dogs prefer petting over praise? According to Feuerbacher, previous studies have shown that dogs' heart rate and blood pressure are reduced by cuddling and stroking that we dedicate to them. Just like what happens in friendly and affectionate contact between people.

    Despite the new discovery, Wynne said she will not stop talking to her dog, but that thanks to this study she has learned more about how to behave. It could be anyway train the dog to recognize vocal praises, in his opinion, if they are combined with prizes that dogs can recognize and appreciate, just like caresses (or food).

    Marta Albè

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