Why you should always add two bay leaves when cooking broccoli and cauliflower

    Why you should always add two bay leaves when cooking broccoli and cauliflower

    Here's why bay leaves can help you when you want to cook broccoli or cauliflower.

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    Among the most consumed vegetables during the winter we certainly find broccoli e cauliflower, two vegetables rich in nutrients and very versatile in the kitchen, however, using them for cooking means encountering an unpleasant problem: they are two foods that release extremely unpleasant odors for the whole home environment.

    Don't despair though, there is a simple natural remedy that can get you out of this annoying situation and be able to eliminate (or at least soften) that typical smell emanating from cooking these vegetables: use bay leaves.

    There are several methods of cooking broccoli and cauliflower, such as steaming, boiling in salted water, or cooking in a pan, all of which will lead your family members to beg you to open the kitchen window. To overcome the problem of bad smells, however, you have various solutions:

    • if steamed, you can add 2 bay leaves in the water, in such a way that the strong aromatic smell of laurel will be able to dominate that of broccoli or cauliflower; you can add other spices as well, like one cinnamon stick;
    • if boiled, add 2 bay leaves e a potato;
    • if they are cooked in a pan, add in the preparation 2 bay leaves, perhaps even with the juice of half a lemon.

    Now that you know how to eliminate (or at least decrease) bad smells from your kitchen, nothing can stop you from using broccoli and cauliflower to prepare your favorite recipes!

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