White focaccia: the recipe for Tuscan flatbread with mother yeast

Schiaccia name="-"> Toscana, name="-"> the name="-"> recipe name="-"> to name="-"> prepare name="-"> it name="-"> with name="-"> sourdough

name="-"> src="/images/posts/f3b6a6f8a43a595b70419d9ab1d69af1-0.jpg">

White name="-"> focaccia, name="-"> here name="-"> la name="-"> prescription name="-"> to name="-"> prepare name="-"> the name="-"> traditional name="-"> tuscany name="-"> schiacciata name="-"> with name="-"> natural name="-"> yeast, name="-"> a name="-"> valid name="-"> alternative name="-"> to name="-"> the name="-"> classic name="-"> snack, name="-"> it name="-"> is name="-"> perfect name="-"> for name="-"> recreation name="-"> at name="-"> school name="-"> or name="-"> to name="-"> accompany name="-"> your name="-"> main name="-"> courses.

Soft name="-"> and name="-"> fragrant, name="-"> this name="-"> white name="-"> focaccia name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> Tuscan name="-"> tradition name="-"> is name="-"> ad name="-"> high name="-"> digestibility; name="-"> once name="-"> taken name="-"> out name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> oven name="-"> it name="-"> can name="-"> be name="-"> consumed name="-"> without name="-"> any name="-"> type name="-"> of name="-"> additional name="-"> seasoning name="-"> or name="-"> alternatively name="-"> you name="-"> can name="-"> also name="-"> serve name="-"> it name="-"> as name="-"> an name="-"> aperitif name="-"> together name="-"> with name="-"> sweet name="-"> and name="-"> sour name="-"> onions name="-"> or name="-"> dried name="-"> tomatoes name="-"> in name="-"> oil.
If name="-"> you name="-"> want name="-"> to name="-"> customize name="-"> our name="-"> recipe, name="-"> you name="-"> can name="-"> also name="-"> season name="-"> the name="-"> surface name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> schiacciata name="-"> with name="-"> olives name="-"> or name="-"> cherry name="-"> tomatoes, name="-"> in name="-"> this name="-"> way name="-"> you name="-"> will name="-"> always name="-"> bring name="-"> a name="-"> different name="-"> dish name="-"> to name="-"> the name="-"> table.


name="-"> name="ingredients">Ingredients

  • 75 name="-"> gr name="-"> of name="-"> sourdough
  • 300 name="-"> 1 name="-"> grams name="-"> of name="-"> flour
  • 20 name="-"> gr name="-"> of name="-"> extra name="-"> virgin name="-"> olive name="-"> oil
  • 8 name="-"> gr name="-"> of name="-"> salt
  • 180 name="-"> grams name="-"> of name="-"> water
name="-"> name="-"> name="-"> name="-">

name="-"> name="-">

  • Preparation name="-"> Time:
    15 name="-"> minutes
  • Cooking name="-"> time:
    40 name="-"> minutes
  • Rest name="-"> time:
    24 name="-"> hours name="-"> of name="-"> leavening
  • Dose:
    4 name="-"> people name="-"> to
  • difficulty:


How name="-"> to name="-"> prepare name="-"> the name="-"> Tuscan name="-"> schiacciata: name="-"> procedure name="-">

  • To name="-"> melt name="-"> the name="-"> mother name="-"> yeast name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> water name="-"> and name="-"> put name="-"> the name="-"> flour name="-"> in name="-"> a name="-"> large name="-"> bowl,
  • deposit name="-"> the name="-"> water name="-"> with name="-"> the name="-"> yeast name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> bowl name="-"> containing name="-"> the name="-"> flour name="-"> and name="-"> start name="-"> kneading name="-"> by name="-"> hand name="-"> or name="-"> with name="-"> the name="-"> mixer,
  • to name="-"> follow name="-"> add name="-"> the name="-"> oil name="-"> first name="-"> and name="-"> then name="-"> the name="-"> salt,
name="-"> src="/images/posts/f3b6a6f8a43a595b70419d9ab1d69af1-1.jpg">
  • knead name="-"> vigorously name="-"> for name="-"> a name="-"> few name="-"> more name="-"> minutes, name="-"> then name="-"> cover name="-"> the name="-"> dough name="-"> with name="-"> some name="-"> food name="-"> film name="-"> in name="-"> contact, name="-"> thus name="-"> preventing name="-"> it name="-"> from name="-"> drying name="-"> out name="-"> on name="-"> the name="-"> surface name="-"> and name="-"> letting name="-"> it name="-"> rise name="-"> for name="-"> twenty-four name="-"> hours.
  • During name="-"> the name="-"> rising name="-"> dough name="-"> will name="-"> double, name="-"> then name="-"> take name="-"> it name="-"> back name="-"> and name="-"> line name="-"> a name="-"> pan name="-"> with name="-"> parchment name="-"> paper,
name="-"> src="/images/posts/f3b6a6f8a43a595b70419d9ab1d69af1-2.jpg">
  • ungerla name="-"> and name="-"> roll name="-"> out name="-"> the name="-"> dough name="-"> inside name="-"> by name="-"> simply name="-"> spreading name="-"> it name="-"> with name="-"> your name="-"> hands,
  • oil name="-"> on name="-"> the name="-"> surface name="-"> and name="-"> bake name="-"> it name="-"> in name="-"> a name="-"> hot name="-"> oven name="-"> at name="-"> 200 name="-"> °,
  • cook name="-"> it name="-"> at name="-"> 180 name="-"> ° name="-"> for name="-"> about name="-"> forty name="-"> minutes name="-"> or name="-"> in name="-"> any name="-"> case name="-"> until name="-"> completely name="-"> golden.
  • Cooking name="-"> when name="-"> finished, name="-"> take name="-"> it name="-"> out name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> oven name="-"> and name="-"> let name="-"> it name="-"> cool name="-"> on name="-"> a name="-"> wire name="-"> rack.
name="-"> src="/images/posts/f3b6a6f8a43a595b70419d9ab1d69af1-3.jpg">

name="-"> style=" name="-"> text-align: name="-"> justify;">One name="-"> more name="-"> tip:

It name="-"> will name="-"> be name="-"> useful name="-"> to name="-"> let name="-"> the name="-"> dough name="-"> rise name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> refrigerator name="-"> for name="-"> the name="-"> first name="-"> twelve name="-"> hours, name="-"> after name="-"> which name="-"> to name="-"> extract name="-"> the name="-"> dough, name="-"> make name="-"> it name="-"> cool, name="-"> then name="-"> knead name="-"> again name="-"> and name="-"> let name="-"> it name="-"> rise name="-"> until name="-"> doubled; name="-"> if name="-"> the name="-"> atmospheric name="-"> temperature name="-"> is name="-"> low, name="-"> it name="-"> will name="-"> be name="-"> useful name="-"> to name="-"> do name="-"> the name="-"> second name="-"> leavening name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> oven name="-"> off, name="-"> with name="-"> the name="-"> door name="-"> closed name="-"> and name="-"> the name="-"> light name="-"> on.

name="-"> name="-">


How name="-"> to name="-"> preserve name="-"> the name="-"> Tuscan name="-"> schiacciata:

The name="-"> Tuscan name="-"> schiacciata name="-"> will name="-"> remain name="-"> fragrant name="-"> for name="-"> a name="-"> couple name="-"> of name="-"> days name="-"> if name="-"> placed name="-"> in name="-"> a name="-"> food name="-"> paper name="-"> bag. name="-">

name="-"> src="/images/posts/f3b6a6f8a43a595b70419d9ab1d69af1-4.jpg"> name="-"> You name="-"> may name="-"> be name="-"> interested name="-"> in name="-"> other name="-"> recipes name="-"> for name="-"> focaccia name="-"> with name="-"> sourdough name="-">

Ilaria name="-"> Zizza

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