What kind of belly do you have and the most effective ways to permanently reduce it

The roundness of our belly depends on many factors. What is your belly type? And what's the best way to flatten it?

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Sedentary belly, bad diet belly, swollen belly due to stress, postpartum belly or simply due to premenstrual syndrome. You that belly you have? The roundness - or not - of our belly depends on multiple factors, so each of them will have a different treatment. But what is your belly type? And what's the best way to flatten it?

All bodies are different from each other, especially if we talk about the belly area: everyone has a different mouse, which requires different ways to reduce it if it is too "showy", even if physical exercise is the common factor for all of them. the "swollen" bellies to solve the problem.

Here are 5 types of belly that we have identified and the best tips to minimize it:


Stressed belly

What kind of belly do you have and the most effective ways to permanently reduce it

The "stressed" abdomen is very common among people who have a strong sense of responsibility and perfectionists and consists of a swelling that goes from the diaphragm to the navel area.

In general, those with this type of abdomen often also suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, which can cause further swelling.

Bad habits: These people often skip meals, often consume too many fast food items, and abuse caffeinated drinks.

How to reduce stress belly

What should be done is to improve sleep habits and avoid falling into insomnia. If you sleep little, you eat more and more often and stop producing leptin, the hormone that helps regulate appetite and metabolism.

You can also combat stress with relaxation techniques, meditation activities and long hot baths. Do yoga, go hiking and do resistance exercises with weights.
Avoid the consumption of coffee and other caffeinated drinks and go for foods rich in magnesium such as green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Belly from "tires" or rolls

What kind of belly do you have and the most effective ways to permanently reduce it

This type of belly is usually that of those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. It is very common, in fact, among those who perform office work or who, for some reason, remain seated for a long time.

Generally, people with this type of belly tend to do little physical activity, consume sugary foods, a lot of flours and generally consume excess calories. Probably, in addition to having more belly, they also have overweight between legs and hips.

How to reduce the belly from "tires"

Reduce the consumption of refined foods and sugars, sauces and condiments, too sugary drinks and alcohol (alcohol is a "fat pump" for the belly and its excessive consumption is also one of the causes of the increase in the belly) .

Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables, fish, grains, nuts and natural drinks and avoid "low fat" or "light" foods because, even if they seem harmless, the truth is that they are full of chemicals, refined sugar, salt and preservatives.
Remember that exercise is the key to reducing this type of belly. Get a good session of cardiovascular exercises and squats, strides and abs.

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Postpartum belly

What kind of belly do you have and the most effective ways to permanently reduce it

This type of belly is typical of women who have just given birth and is the swollen belly that covers almost the entire abdomen. It takes at least six weeks to recover to normal size, so don't worry because sooner or later you will dream!

Surely returning immediately to physical exercise will not help you, much less being stressed by the thought that you will never be able to regain normal weight. Except in cases where the abdominal diastasis (which can also be self-diagnosed after six months of childbirth) you will be able to get back in shape by following a healthy diet and doing targeted exercises.

How to reduce the postpartum belly

Eat fish supplements or omega 3 fatty acids, prefer foods rich in fatty acids, such as nuts, avocados, olives and chia seeds.
Exercise the pelvic floor to flatten the abdomen from the inside: press and release the pelvic floor muscles 15-20 times, in five sessions per day. Kegel exercises are also a good solution to regain strength and shape of the belly.

Here you will find our tips on how to strengthen the pelvic floor.

Swollen belly

What kind of belly do you have and the most effective ways to permanently reduce it

Swollen bellies usually lie flat in the morning hours, but are inflamed by gas or indigestion during the day. It can affect both thin women and overweight women and is generally a problem due to food intolerances, allergies or poor digestion.

The bad habits in this case are eating certain foods while noticing that they cause intolerance. Don't chew food well.

How to reduce a swollen belly

The most common food intolerances are in wheat and gluten (bread, pasta, cakes, pizzas, cakes and cereals), alcohol, yeast (in muffins, beer and sweets) and processed dairy products (cheese, milk, butter). It is important to find out which of these foods can cause intolerance in order to exclude them from the diet, but it is imperative to avoid DIY and consult a specialist.

Improve your eating habits for better digestion, increase your intake of high-fiber foods and drink more water. Bloating can also indicate an imbalance in the intestinal flora. To restore it, it is recommended to consume more prebiotic and probiotic foods.

Here are 10 natural remedies to reduce abdominal bloating.

Low bacon

What kind of belly do you have and the most effective ways to permanently reduce it

Especially classic for women, even those who go to the gym or follow a weight loss diet, but who always perform the same exercises and eat the same foods.

Again, a good and varied diet is necessary, as well as avoiding constipation and bloating.

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At the table it is useful to consume green leafy vegetables, whole grains and lots of fruit. In the gym, it is good to replace the abs with push-ups or resistance exercises and perform strength exercises or aerobic exercises, such as the squat.

Read also:

  • 10 foods that can cause bloating
  • 10 moves to deflate the belly and have a flat abdomen
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