Vomiting: causes and all the remedies to alleviate it

He retched. There may be several causes that cause this annoying symptom, although the most frequent are undoubtedly intestinal flu and indigestion. So let's see how to act in case of vomiting and all the remedies to mitigate it.

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Threw up. There can be several causes for this symptom so annoying, even if the most frequent are undoubtedly the intestinal flu and theindigestion. Let's see then what to do in case of vomiting e all remedies to mitigate it.

Vomiting is a natural defense mechanism of the body trying to get rid of harmful or irritating substances such as contaminated, poorly digested food, pathogenic microorganisms, etc. The stimulus that causes vomiting is initially of a nervous type but then turns into mechanical and after the famous retching, the diaphragm and abdominal muscles contract several times with the aim of making the contents of the stomach rise up in order to expel it more easily. . The more or less digested food then goes up towards the esophagus and then comes out of the mouth.

There are rumblings that prelude to this situation: before vomiting generally the person accuses nausea, sweating, tachycardia and hypersalivation. Depending on the cause that originated this problem, other symptoms may also appear: paleness, general feeling of malaise, fever or other.




The causes of vomiting are very many and in some cases it is necessary to consult a doctor to understand its origin, especially if the phenomenon is not sporadic. Among the possible reasons that cause vomiting there are certainly theviral intestinal flu, the presence of very acute pains, anxiety, stress, or strong worries, cervical problems or head trauma, ingestion of toxic substances, too much alcohol but the intake of certain drugs (for example chemotherapy drugs).

Vomiting can also appear in case of ear infections, headaches, gastritis and appendicitis but it can also be a reflection due to external stimuli such as bad smells or too strong odors, traveling by car, plane, train, ship or very strong coughing fits which cause the retching and then the actual emission of the gastric contents.

During pregnancy, vomiting is a very frequent phenomenon, especially in the first months, generally associated with nausea. Episodes most frequently occur in the morning or after taking hot drinks or heavy foods. In this case the problem is completely physiological and due to the hormonal changes taking place in the maternal organism.

Even people who suffer from psychological or eating disorders they may have more or less frequent episodes of vomiting. Only in sporadic cases is this symptom to be associated with serious situations or diseases such as meningitis, encephalitis, cancer, intestinal obstruction, heart attack or other.


In most cases, vomiting is treated symptomatically with natural remedies or drugs to stop or mitigate it. We obviously offer you the most effective natural solutions:


As with so many other gastrointestinal problems, ginger is undoubtedly the number one remedy. This root relieves nausea and vomiting when chewed in small quantities or taken as an herbal tea.

Vomiting: causes and all the remedies to alleviate it


Baking soda

If it is a question of vomiting due to indigestion or some poorly digested food, you can opt for one pin of bicarbonate dissolved in a cup of water. It will promote the work of the stomach.


Mint is a plant that aids digestion and fights nausea and vomiting. It can be taken in the form of herbal tea (to be drunk in small sips) also useful for replenishing at least part of the lost liquids, alternatively candies are also good and will leave a pleasant taste in the mouth. It may also be useful to smell the mint essential oil directly from the bottle or after pouring a few drops on a handkerchief.

Read also: MINT: properties, BENEFITS AND USES


In case of vomiting, especially if prolonged, it is very important drink water initially in small sips and then, once you have seen if the stomach holds it up, in a normal way. It is essential to avoid dehydrating the body.

Light foods

When vomiting appears it is recommended initially eat dry and light foods such as rusks, crackers but also boiled potatoes for example which, thanks to the large presence of starches, help the stomach to absorb excess acid. The diet in case of vomiting must always be careful to avoid foods rich in fats or acids.

To breathe

Especially if nausea and vomiting are due to stress, anxieties or fears, it can be very useful to relax for a moment and breathe deeply with your eyes closed focusing on the air entering and exiting the body. Getting a breath of fresh air can also help reactivate the body.


In case the vomiting lasts from more than a day or contains blood, contact a doctor immediately. The same advice applies if you notice stiffness of the nape and neck.

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