Type 2 diabetes: 10 foods and tips to prevent it

    Type 2 diabetes: 10 foods and tips to prevent it

    How to prevent diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is increasingly common in industrialized countries. The fault would be above all of a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. Recently, the ASL of Milan has decided to include the vegan diet among the guidelines to be indicated to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. But how can we improve our diet and lifestyle to prevent diabetes? Here are some helpful tips based on the latest scientific studies.

    Don't store avocado like this: it's dangerous

    Il 2 type diabetes it is increasingly widespread in industrialized countries. The fault would be above all of a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. Lately the ASL of Milan has decided to include the vegan diet among the guidelines to be indicated to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. But how can we do to improve our nutrition and lifestyle for prevent diabetes? Here are some helpful tips based on the latest scientific studies.

    1) Walk

    According to one study taken to Seattle, that's enough 2000 steps a day to ward off type 2 diabetes. For the first time, the physical activity necessary to avoid the risk of developing this disease was quantified. Study participants who walked the most boasted a 25 percent reduction in their risk of developing diabetes.

    Read also: Walking to prevent diabetes

    2) Do aerobics

    Type 2 diabetes is prevented in the gym, especially thanks to the practice of exercises that require the use of weights and with theaerobics. Training with weights 5 days a week, with sessions of 30 minutes at a time, reduces the chance of developing food-related diabetes by 34%. One says so study published in Archives of Internal Medicine.

    Read also: Diabetes: weights and aerobics to prevent it

    3) Beware of coffee

    The coffee can promote diabetes in regular consumers and especially in those suffering from hypertension. Could one of the most popular drinks therefore be included among the causes of diabetes? The first thought goes to the teaspoons of sugar that many coffee lovers pour into the cup without thinking too much. Confirmation from a new one study just presented at the European Cardiology Society congress.

    Read also: Coffee: attention, it can promote type 2 diabetes

    4) Oregano and rosemary

    Oregano and rosemary, two aromatic and medicinal plants very popular in the kitchen, are rich in beneficial substances. New scientific research has shown that their use to fight diabetes could be as effective as common medicines. Commercial extracts of Greek oregano, Origan Mexican and rosemary were found to be the best for reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

    Also read: Type 2 Diabetes: Oregano and Rosemary to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

    5) Cinnamon

    Uno study published in the journal Diabetes Care showed that hiring one daily dose of cinnamon equal to 6 grams reduces blood sugar, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Experts tested people with type 2 diabetes.

    Read also: Cinnamon: 10 surprising benefits for our health

    6) Pistachios

    Research on the link between taking pistachios and diabetes prevention will need to be explored, but the first results appear encouraging. Scientists will focus on pistachios' ability to reduce symptoms of metabolic syndrome and the risk of type 2 diabetes through regular food intake.

    Also Read: Type 2 Diabetes: Pistachios Help Prevent It

    7) Foods rich in Omega 3

    A study conducted in Finland found that a diet rich in omega 3 helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes omega 3 they are not only present in fish, but also in some plant sources, such as walnuts, oil and flax and hemp seeds. According to the researchers, those with lower concentrations of essential fatty acids in their blood run a higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

    Read also: Omega 3: reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

    8) Turmeric

    La turmeric helps prevent type 2 diabetes. This was revealed by one search conducted in Thailand and published in Diabetes Care magazine. Turmeric can prevent, or at least delay, the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in people at higher risk. The merit would be of curcuminoids, beneficial substances present in turmeric, capable of promoting the release of insulin.

    Also Read: A Touch Of Turmeric To Prevent Diabetes

    9) Green leafy vegetables

    According to one study published in the British Medical Journal, eat green leafy vegetables helps prevent type 2 diabetes. Research has analyzed the relationship between the consumption of green leafy vegetables and type 2 diabetes. It found that those who ate a portion of 150 grams per day, had a risk of getting sick 14% less diabetes than those who took a very small amount such as 20 grams per day.

    Read also: Diabetes: Here's How To Prevent It With Green Leafy Vegetables

    10) Foods rich in antioxidants

    Da flavonoids and anthocyanins there could be invaluable help in preventing diabetes. Further studies will be needed to confirm the usefulness of the beneficial substances found in some foods of plant origin. Red wine and chocolate are also rich in antioxidants, but experts warn us against their excessive consumption. Better to choose strawberries and red fruits.

    Read also: Chocolate, red wine and strawberries: a new help to prevent diabetes?

    Marta Albè

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