The legend of evergreen trees that teaches us to be generous

Why are fir, pine and juniper trees evergreen, that is, they never lose their leaves? To give a little magic to this natural phenomenon there is a legend that comes from the Piedmontese tradition.

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Because fir, pine and juniper are evergreen trees, that is, that they never lose their leaves? To give a little magic to this natural phenomenon there is a legend that comes from the Piedmontese tradition.

Evergreen trees keep their leaves during the winter because despite the poor light they are able to perform chlorophyll photosynthesis.

In reality, the leaves that are usually small in size fall off, but are quickly replaced by new ones.

These trees will therefore never be bare and a beautiful legend reveals why.

Evergreen Tree Legend

Legend has it that winter was upon us and a bird with a broken wing was seeking hospitality among the trees of the forest. All the birds had flown south, but he was frozen, the forest seemed a warmer place so he decided to ask the trees for help.

He turned to birch. “Beautiful birch,” she said, “my wing is broken and my friends have flown away. Can I live in your branches until they return? "

"No really," replied the birch, brushing away its leaves. “We of the great forest have our birds to help. I can't do anything for you ”.

“Birch isn't very strong,” thought the bird, “and maybe it couldn't hold me easily. I will ask the oak ”. Then the little bird said, "Big oak, you who are so strong, will you let me live in your branches until my friends return in the spring?"

"In spring!" cried the Oak tree. “That's a long time. How do I know what you will be doing in all that time? The birds are always looking for something to eat, you might as well eat my acorns. "

“Maybe the willow will be kind to me,” thought the little bird, and said, “Dear willow, my wing is broken, and I couldn't fly south with the other birds. Can I live in your branches until spring "?

Il Willow He didn't seem kind at all as he replied, “To tell the truth, I don't know you and we willows never talk to strangers. There are probably trees somewhere that are home to strange birds. But now go away ”.

The legend of evergreen trees that teaches us to be generous

The poor little bird was desperate and didn't know what to do. Despite the broken wing he was trying to fly, but before he was gone he heard a voice. "Little bird, where are you going"?

"I don't really know," replied the little bird sadly. "I am very cold".

"Come here, then," said the friendly fir, because that voice was hers. "You can live in my warmest branch all winter if you want to."

"Are you really going to leave me?" asked the little bird hopefully.

"Sure," replied the fir. “If your friends have flown away, it's time for the trees to help you. Here is the branch where my leaves are thickest and softest ".

"My branches are not very thick," intervened the Pine, "But I'm big and strong, and I can protect you and the spruce from the north wind."

"I can help too," said the Juniper. "I can bear fruit for you all winter, and all birds know juniper berries are good."

So the spruce gave the lonely bird a home, the pine gave it protection from the cold north wind, and the juniper gave it berries to eat. The other trees looked and commented:

"I would not like to have strange birds in my branches," said the birch.
“I wouldn't give my acorns to anyone,” said the oak.
“I would never come into contact with strangers,” said the willow.

The next morning their beautiful shiny leaves were all lying on the ground, because the cold north wind had come in the night, and had knocked every leaf it touched off the tree.

"Can I touch every leaf in the forest?" the wind had asked.

"No," replied the we are Gelo. "Trees that have been kind to the broken winged bird can keep their leaves."

And that's why fir, pine and juniper leaves are evergreen.

The legend of evergreen trees that teaches us to be generous

What does the legend of evergreen trees teach us?

Legend teaches the value of generosity because sometimes what costs us nothing can represent a great gift for others. The fir, the pine and the juniper have decided to help the little bird without asking for anything in return. But to the gratitude of the little bird that otherwise would have died from the cold, was added the reward of King Frost, even if the trees could never, ever have imagined it.

In fact, they gave a refuge without expecting anything. In our society it is increasingly difficult to be generous, but we must strive to be generous in daily life because even small gestures can change the course of things, without forgetting that they can bring benefits to us: generous people are known to be happier because they live in harmony and have many people they love.

Other beautiful legends:

  • The legend of the centuries-old oak that makes you fall in love
  • The legend of the Phoenix, symbol of the power of resilience
  • The Indian legend of the eagle that teaches us how to deal with changes
  • The legend of the king's ring teaches us that 'everything will pass'

Dominella Trunfio

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