Spring: 5 things to do to welcome it at home and in the garden

Spring has finally arrived. It is therefore time to welcome it in the best way into your home and garden, surrounding ourselves as much as possible with all the beauty that this time of year, a symbol of rebirth, can offer us, after the long winter. Here then we could dedicate ourselves to creating a welcoming environment for butterflies, birds and useful insects, in such a way as to be able to closely observe their appearance and behavior, as well as to be able to realize how much their presence in the garden can come in handy. It is also the time to dedicate yourself to ecological house cleaning, garden care and decluttering. After some little effort, we will definitely feel better. Here are some tips on this.

He is about to end up run over, his mother saves him

La spring has finally arrived. It is therefore time to welcome it in the best way within your own casa and of your own garden, surrounding us as much as possible with all the beauty that this time of year, a symbol of rebirth, can offer us, after the long winter.

Here then we could dedicate ourselves to creating a Cozy atmosphere for butterflies, birds and useful insects, in such a way as to be able to closely observe their appearance and behavior, as well as to be able to realize how much their presence in the garden can prove useful. It is also the time to dedicate yourself to ecological cleaning of the house, to the care ofgarden and decluttering. After some little effort, we will definitely feel better. Here are some tips on this.


Build an insect house

Spring: 5 things to do to welcome it at home and in the garden

Build one insect house it means welcoming their most useful specimens into your garden. The house can be used both for the garden itself and for the balcony. Which advantages will they get from its construction? First of all, it will be able to give shelter to wildlife, taking the opportunity to observe it closely, an educational action especially for children.

Thanks to it, it will be possible to attract predatory insects, such as ladybugs and beetles, which will carry out their biological fight against parasites that can attack flowers, plants or vegetables. It will also attract pollinating insects, such as bees, which will allow the luxuriant birth of flowers and fruits. So you just have to find out how to build an insect house to get to work.

Bird watching from home

Spring: 5 things to do to welcome it at home and in the garden

Do birdwatching from home is it possible? Certainly. However, it is first of all necessary to create a comfortable environment for the birds that we would like to observe at work in taking care of their young, in eating or building their own nest. The most useful solution is to buy, or even better to build preferably with recycled materials, mangers and birdhouses that can provide them with shelter and hospitality.

Feeders and birdhouses must be located in an area as quiet as possible, which allows them to approach them without fear of danger. Remember to prepare a watering place with water and leave a small bowl with seeds and grains at their disposal. Their presence will keep you company throughout the spring.

Sunflower seeds, corn and hemp, dried fruit and pieces of fresh fruit may be able to attract different species, from finches, to blackbirds, to tits.

READ also:

  • How to do birdwatching… from home
  • 10 bird feeders with recycled materials

Create a butterfly garden

Spring: 5 things to do to welcome it at home and in the garden

How attract butterflies in your own garden? Simply by choosing the types of flowers that are most suitable for this purpose. Admiring the butterflies circling among flowers and plants will not only be a pleasure for the eyes, but will allow us to remember how important the conservation of biodiversity, both as regards the animal kingdom and as regards the plant world.

They are attracted to fiori large and colorful, especially if placed in full sun. So decide carefully where to place your cases in the garden, on the balcony or terrace and how to arrange your flower beds.

You can choose to grow some of the flowers most loved by butterflies, among which we find lilies, pink, dahlias, sunflowers, calendula, violet, tulips, petunia e geraniums, the latter, in particular, will help to attract butterflies and at the same time to naturally ward off mosquitoes, without being harmful in any way.

READ also: How to attract butterflies to our garden

Ecological cleaning and decluttering

Spring, a time of renewal. How to prepare for rebirth? Tidying up and dedicating oneself to cleaning both at home and in your garden, as well as dedicating yourself to decluttering, that is, getting rid of useless items unfortunately accumulated over the last year. They could represent a real burden, both from the point of view of the space occupied and psychological.

Useless items can be donated to charity, given to anyone who needs them or bartered, certainly not thrown away. In the garden, the time has come to collect the dry leaves, to proceed with the pruning and to create new flower beds, as well as to prepare your garden for spring.

At home, those domestic chores that have been postponed until now due to cold or laziness will be carried out, including a thorough cleaning of the windows and the kitchen, and the reorganization of archives, bookcases, shoe racks, pantries, wardrobes, drawers and desks. Cleaning must be ecological, based on the use of natural products and simple ingredients, such as vinegar, lemon, baking soda and salt. See ours to learn more guide to ecological and affordable cleaning.

READ also: The 7 questions that help to get rid of useless objects

Grow aromatic and medicinal herbs

With the arrival of spring comes the time of the year most suitable for the sowing and cultivation of aromatic and medicinal herbs, to be cultivated on your own garden, or in pots, so as to be able to create a personal herbal garden, with herbs and flowers to be used for healing purposes, or simply in the kitchen, which can be used fresh, or left to dry for future use, in order to being able to always have what you need at your disposal, practically at no cost.

Between March and April it is therefore time for seminare la stevia, basil, mallow, chamomile, calendula, the parsley, mint,Origan, passionflower, chives and other plants that require spring sowing. Those who are beginners will be able to buy ready-made plants, paying attention to prefer aromatic and medicinal herbs from organic crops, so that you can fully enjoy their beneficial effects.

READ: Grow aromatic and medicinal plants in the garden

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