Rooibos: history, properties and all the benefits of red tea

    Rooibos, also known as redbush or African red tea, is an infusion made from the leaves of the homonymous plant, belonging to the legume family. The term rooibos means "red shrub" and derives from Afrikans, one of the official languages ​​of South Africa. This plant species only grows in the Cederberg region. The first to prepare the drink and enjoy its benefits were the natives of the place.

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    Il rooibos, also known as redbush or African red tea, it's a brew obtained from the leaves of the homonymous plant, belonging to the legume family. The term rooibos means "red shrub" and derives from theafrikans, one of the official languages ​​of South Africa. This plant species only grows in the Cederberg region. The first to prepare the drink and enjoy its benefits were the natives local.

    The first imports of rooibos into Europe occurred thanks to the intervention of a south african settler of Russian origin which started its large-scale production. From that moment on, the rooibos began to spread throughout theAfrica and in the rest of the world. It is still regarded as the national drink of South Africa.

    But what makes African red tea so special? Rooibos is very similar in appearance to any tea. The drink is obtained by infusing rooibos leaves, which have been previously dried and ground, in boiling water. There traditional preparation involves the collection of leaves and twigs, which are chopped with wooden pestles, and their subsequent fermentation. The infusion produces an amber-red liquid with a flavor naturally sweet. To fully enjoy rooibos you should drink it without XNUMX/XNUMX cup sugar.

    Unlike the tender and green tea, the rooibos is of course without caffeine. Plus his content of tannins is very bass and this allows the drink to keep its sweet taste even if you do not consume it immediately or if you forget it as an infusion. Rooibos is characterized by the presence of natural substances important for the body, such as Vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and football.

    Scientific studies conducted by CREA have proven that the contents of antioxidant substances of rooibos is equal to that of black tea and green tea. One hour after ingestion of rooibos there is a significant growth in our organism of substances capable of acting against the formation of free radicals. This makes the rooibos a long life elixir completely natural, also suitable for those who are sensitive to the side effects of caffeine.

    His were also recently discovered antiviral properties, which help the immune system act quickly to fight infections. This also makes it suitable for children, who can benefit from taking the drink in case of nausea and stomach and intestinal disorders due to his own antispasmodic properties e digestive. Its content of footballensures the correct formation of teeth and bones in the little ones. The zinc instead it works by strengthening nails and hair.

    The rooibos is considered a adaptogenic drink, which is able to help the body in moments in which it has to face an effort. It will therefore have toning properties when consumed in the morning or during the day e soothing if drunk before going to sleep. This makes it suitable both in case you suffer from energy drops and in times when you need it reconcile the sonno.

    Rooibos: history, properties and all the benefits of red tea

    The rooibos does not contain oxalic acid, can therefore also be consumed by those suffering from stones. Its positive effects against thehypertension and his calorie content it is zero, a quality that makes it suitable for even those who follow a controlled diet. Rooibos can be drunk cold. In the summer it will therefore be an excellent one thirst-quenching drink.

    On the market it is possible to find rooibos pure or flavored, loose or in sachets. If you buy it in bulk, just infuse a teaspoon of leaves for each cup you want to prepare. You can make a flavored rooibos do-it-yourself by adding a piece of cinnamon or delle citrus peel. Now that you know its history and all its many properties, you just have to taste it.

    Marta Albè

    Read also: - Rooibos: purify the body from Christmas binges with red tea
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