Psyllium seeds: properties, benefits and how to use them for the gut

Psyllium seeds are best known as a natural remedy for constipation but their potential for our health does not stop there. So let's find out all the benefits that these small seeds offer and how to best use them for the health of the intestine and of the organism in general.

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Of the plant botanically known as Plantago ovata o Plantago psyllium the seeds are used as a particularly effective remedy to restore the correct intestinal regularity. They are easily found in all herbalists and are one of the most popular solutions in case of constipation together with flax seeds that have similar properties, at least with regard to the effect on the intestine.



Psyllium seeds, best known for theirs rebalancing qualities on the intestine, actually boast other properties as well. The beneficial qualities of these small seeds are mainly due to the presence inside them but above all in the cuticle (ie the external part) of fibers called mucilages.

Le mucilage once they arrive in the intestine they swell, increasing the fecal mass and thus allowing easier evacuation. However, this only happens if you drink a lot of water at the same time. Psyllium seeds can therefore be used in case of intestinal imbalances not only related to constipation but also in the presence of diarrhea.

These precious seeds then have anti-inflammatory qualities, protect the mucous membranes and they have soothing effect and fabric softener. Given the high presence of fibers they are among other things a valid remedy against cholesterol.

Other properties of psyllium seeds include the ability to purify the organism and strengthen the immune system thanks to the beneficial action they play in the intestine, feeding the good bacteria, part of the bacterial flora. It is now well known that part of our body's defenses reside in this organ of the digestive system considered the "second brain".

To recap psyllium seeds are:

  • Benefits for the intestine
  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Soothing
  • They protect the mucous membranes
  • Rich in fiber
  • Depuratives
  • They strengthen the immune defenses
Psyllium seeds: properties, benefits and how to use them for the gut

Psyllium seeds, benefits

The benefits that psyllium seeds offer are various, undoubtedly one of the most appreciated is the ability to rebalance the intestine. This natural remedy has the ability to alleviate or solve problems constipation but at the same time, helping to absorb water in the intestine, it can be also useful in case of diarrhea. Their ability to soften the fecal mass makes psyllium seeds a useful remedy even in case of fissures or hemorrhoids.

Their soothing qualities can be exploited, always in the intestine, especially in the case of colitis or other types of inflammation affecting the colon or other parts of the intestine. Also good for promoting the balance of intestinal bacterial flora and in case of low immune defenses.

Among the benefits that can be highlighted during the regular intake of psyllium seeds there is also a greater purification of the organism that these seeds help to free from accumulated toxins but also positive results towards the high cholesterol or situations of hypertension.

In summary, psyllium intake can be useful in case of:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Colitis
  • Intestinal inflammations
  • Intestinal dysbiosis
  • Drop in immune defenses
  • Need for purification
  • High cholesterol
  • Ipertensione

How to use psyllium seeds for the gut

On the market we find psyllium seeds in different forms: seeds, powder but also capsules already ready. If you choose to buy psyllium seeds you need to make sure you use them with a good amount of water so that they can act at their best by activating the mucilages inside them.

Then pour 1 or 2 tsp of seeds in a glass of water leaving them inside for at least 10 minutes, keep in mind that the longer they remain, the more the beneficial mucilages will be activated. You can therefore keep them soaked for even a whole night. Once the time has elapsed, drink water and seeds and immediately afterwards sip more water (about 2 glasses).

Important to remember to take psyllium seeds between meals but especially from any medications (including birth control pills) that you take as they could reduce its absorption. For example, choose to take this remedy as soon as you wake up in the morning and mid-afternoon or at least two hours after meals or medicines.

Psyllium seeds: properties, benefits and how to use them for the gut

A teaspoon or two of psyllium powder can also be added to smoothies, extracts o mix with milk or yogurt (including vegetables), in this way, however, the effect on the intestine will be more limited compared to a targeted action that is done by taking the remedy alone and on an empty stomach.

Finally, psyllium supplements in capsules have indicated the doses to be taken on the package.

It should be noted that psyllium should be used exclusively For a limited period of time, the body can in fact become dependent on a substance stimulating the intestine or become resistant to the fibers that are taken, no longer obtaining the desired effect.

If you want to know other natural remedies for constipation, diarrhea and more generally for the well-being of the intestine read also:

  • CONStipation, remedies: the 10 best natural laxatives

Where to find psyllium seeds?

Psyllium seeds are commonly found in herbalist's shop, pharmacy, natural health or organic food shops but also in online shops and on Amazon


Psyllium is a remedy generally indicated to everyone, it can be not recommended in case of diverticula or intestinal obstruction. We remind you to be especially careful if you are taking medications by pointing out your intention to take psyllium seeds to your doctor who will evaluate whether or not it is the right remedy and will establish ways and doses to take them.

Finally, it is important do not exceed in doses to avoid side effects gastrointestinal type and above all use the remedy only for the time necessary to solve or alleviate the problem.

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