Psoriasis, try Ayurveda: how a holistic approach can help you heal

Psoriasis, try Ayurveda: how a holistic approach can help you heal

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes itching and flaking and can be treated with holistic Ayurveda remedies.

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Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes itching and flaking and can be treated with holistic Ayurveda remedies.

La Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease, usually treated with corticosteroids and salicylic acid-based ointments. Those looking for an alternative, natural, less invasive and holistic remedy can turn to theAyurveda.

According to Ayurveda, in fact, the kushta roga (skin disorder) related to psoriasis is triggered by imbalances in the dosha kapha (the body mood associated with the elements earth and water) and vata (the body mood associated with the elements air and ether. ). These doshas are believed to negatively impact blood tissues and skin, as well as the aqueous components of the skin. Kapha causes skin to become coppery or whitish in color, while vata causes it to become scaly and dry. (Read also: Vata, Pitta or Kapha: what is your Dosha?)

In addition, the accumulation of ama also called metabolic wastes, caused by environmental stressors, unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle, can contribute to the onset of psoriasis. In Ayurveda improper eating habits are considered a significant cause of psoriasis; Certain foods such as citrus fruits, curds, fish, sweets, sesame oil, rice flour and milk should be avoided. In general, all excessively salty, spicy or acidic foods, carbohydrate-rich, refined or sugar-laden foods, as well as heavy and hard-to-digest foods are not recommended.

But that's not all, as it also warns against consumption of incompatible foods (virrudha ahara), as they could have a toxic effect on the body; an example of incompatible foods are fish and milk. Sleeping during the day, suppressing the body's natural impulses and excessive exposure to the sun or heat should also be avoided. Ayurveda also recommends controlling emotions such as anger, worry or pain which can act as triggers, all of which can be done through mindful meditation and the practice of yoga. (Read also: PSORIASIS: WHAT A TROUBLE TO HAVE A DIAGNOSIS!)

Purifying treatments to eliminate toxins

Cleansing and purification treatments such as virechana, i.e. therapeutic purification with herbs, are considered effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Your Ayurvedic doctor will decide which procedure or combination of procedures will work best for you. A typical treatment could be:

  • Snehana and Swedish: are preparatory procedures, the purpose of which is to remove toxins localized in different parts of the body. During treatment, the ghee or other oils, or a massage is performed with an herbal oil, such as bala oil, bakuchi oil, dashmoola oil etc ... Also known as sweating therapy, Swede can involve practices such as steam fomentation (sarvanga bashpa sveda) or a hot bath with herbal decoctions (avaghaha sweda).
  • Mothers: vamana is usually an invariable part of treatment and is usually performed before other treatments. This therapy effectively reduces i psoriasis symptoms such as peeling, erythema, burning sensation, itching and dryness of the skin. 
  • Shamana: It is a treatment to pacify the doshas and can involve the intake of herbs, nutritious foods and greasy substances. External treatments, on the other hand, may involve the application of herbal pastes, oil massages and baths in medicinal liquids. 

Natural remedies

Among the natural remedies for psoriasis used in Ayurveda we find:

  • Buttermilk to help correct imbalances in vata and kapha. It can be taken orally and used topically to treat psoriasis. Interestingly, the buttermilk it is rich in lactic acid, which serves to moisten the skin and reduce scales.
  • Un decoction of sandalwood, obtained by fermenting a teaspoon of sandalwood in three cups of water, it should be taken three times a day with a few drops of rose water and a little sugar to sweeten.
  • Cabbage juice to be taken half a cup every day, it can aid in healing and recovery.

I topical remedies include diluted lime juice, aloe gel or a powdered almond paste. You can also do this by covering the affected area with a fresh banana leaf, which can help fight inflammation. even one pasta di shikakai (soap pod) can be applied topically to soothe and heal the skin. 

Among other Ayurvedic treatments we find it shirodhara, a practice in which beneficial fluids are poured onto the forehead to relieve stress and mental disorders, which often aggravate or even trigger psoriasis. This therapeutic practice can stimulate vital areas and help improve circulation and functioning of the nervous system

Brief but regular exposure to sunlight (atapa seva) is believed to help eliminate psoriasis; It is important that the skin is never overexposed to the sun, as sunburn, like other skin injuries, can trigger the Psoriasis.

Il Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis it is essentially a holistic regime, which must be followed constantly; it can last from 3 to 6 months, with regular follow-ups thereafter to avoid exacerbations and relapses. These therapeutic interventions and, most importantly, lifestyle changes can help you cope with psoriasis and improve the quality of your life.

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