Prostate massage: how to do it correctly

The prostate is a very important gland for the male reproductive system. It is located under the bladder and its function is mainly to produce seminal fluid which is useful for the nourishment and good health of spermatozoa. However, it is a very delicate gland which, especially after a certain age, can be subject to more or less serious pathologies and problems. In this regard, have you ever heard of prostate massage?

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PROSTATE MASSAGE, HOW TO DO IT PROPERLY? La prostate it is a very important gland for the male reproductive system. It is located under the bladder and its function is mainly to produce seminal fluid which is useful for the nourishment and good health of spermatozoa. It is, however, about a very delicate gland which, especially after a certain age, can be subject to more or less serious pathologies and problems. Have you ever heard of the prostatic massage? Let's find out what it is and how to do it correctly.

Prostate massage (also called milking) Is born in Japan where we have seen how, with direct stimulation of the prostate, various health and health benefits can be obtained well-being and sexual pleasure.

This type of massage basically favors the elimination of stagnant liquids which over time contribute to inflammation and swelling of the prostate, at the same time improving the flow of blood to the area.

I benefits of prostate massage they are basically:

Increase blood supply nella zona

• Work on the problem of difficulty with erection

Reduces swelling of the prostate

• Allows you to reabsorb liquids

Reduces inflammation

Improve urination control and any painful syndromes

Improves the functionality of the prostate and therefore the production of seminal fluid

• Tones the muscles of the prostate area

It can enhance sexual pleasure


Prostate massage can therefore be useful in case of:

• Prostatitis

Prostatic hypertrophy

Difficulty with ejaculation

• Problems in urination

• Infertility problems


Prostate massage: how to do it correctly



Prostate massage can basically be performed in two ways:

Internal massage (from the anus)

External massage (on the perineum)

Internal prostate massage

The internal massage is more delicate and it would be good to discuss with your urologist and understand how to do it to get the maximum benefits. It can be done by simply using a finger or with special tools to be inserted into the anus (an area from which the prostate can be easily reached). It is a very gentle massage that can give pain or discomfort if done badly or otherwise be pleasant once you get used to it. If you use your finger (the index is better) it is good to wear surgical gloves and use a lubricant. It is important to enter gently until you reach the prostate gland placed about 7 cm from the belly at that point gently massage back and forth. Massage can cause seminal fluid to leak. There are also prostate massagers, or special mechanical tools that allow you to perform a massage using micro vibrations.

External prostate message

Il external massage does not require great skills and it can be done by everyone by simply massaging gently with light pressure on the perineum area (the one that goes from the base of the genitals to the anus) using, for example, an oil such as that of sweet almonds. The perineum is considered the G-spot of men as many nerve endings pass through it. It is a massage suitable for everyone, even those who have not appreciated or do not have the opportunity to experience the internal prostate massage.

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