Practicing yoga helps reduce rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, the study

    Practicing yoga helps reduce rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, the study

    Yoga can be an integrative health strategy that focuses on both the physical and psychological aspects of an illness.

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    In Yoga Day 2021, another research confirms how yoga can be introduced as an additional therapeutic regimen to improve the quality of life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis

    Yoga can be used as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of severe rheumatoid arthritis: especially if it uses relaxation and breathing techniques, yoga would in fact be able to reduce joint swelling and inflammation in patients with RA.

    On the international day dedicated to yoga, a new study conducted at the All India Institute of Medical Science confirms how yoga can combat both joint and extra-articular symptoms and also moderate the severity of the possible depression that follows.

    Yoga improves clinical outcome in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and reduces systemic inflammation thanks to its beneficial effects on the psycho-neuro-immune axis and normalization of dysregulated transcripts, the study reads. Additionally, yoga significantly improves and reduces psychosomatic symptoms, pain perception, disability quotient, joint flexibility, range of motion, posture, muscle strength, coordination, and disease activity.

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the most common chronic inflammatory autoimmune diseases, which negatively affects the quality of life. It is a disease of unknown etiology, but both genetic and environmental factors appear to contribute. The severity and progression of the disease are attributable to the release of a number of inflammatory cytokines, cytotoxic and immune regulatory factors.

    Treatments of RA are mainly limited to relieving pain or other symptoms or the use of cytotoxic drugs in severe forms of the disease that are commonly associated with significant side effects.

    A systematic review

    Coordinated by Rima Dada, a professor at the All Indian Institute of Medical Science, the study focused on the impact of yoga in 66 RA patients.

    The study results recorded a decrease in disease activity after yoga practice, which was associated with a significant reduction in inflammatory cytokines, elevation of mind-body communication markers, and normalization of various transcription levels, which it has improved the quality of life.

    Despite the lack of a cure, the disease can be controlled by yoga-based lifestyle interventions that improve joint flexibility and reduce pain. Yoga significantly improves and reduces psychosomatic symptoms, pain perception, disability quotient, joint flexibility, range of motion, posture, muscle strength, coordination and disease activity, the study reads.

    Yoga has immense potential to be an additional therapeutic regimen in the RA patient and has tremendous rehabilitation potential, concluded Dada.

    Read all of our yoga articles. 


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