Peppers, tricks to make them more digestible and to be able to eat them even in the evening

Find out why peppers are hard to digest. Here are the tips for eating peppers, raw and cooked, without problems even in the evening.

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Find out why peppers are difficult to digest and the tips to eat them without problems even in the evening

I pepperoni they are eaten as vegetables, raw or cooked. I am at low calorie and rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, characteristics that make them an excellent food to be included in a healthy and balanced diet.

Unfortunately, however, they are not very digestible, although they are really good and add great flavor to dishes, peppers can ruin your dinner and the whole evening.  


Why are peppers hard to digest?

I digestibility problems they are due to the peel and to two substances contained in it: solanine and flavin.

La solanine is a poison contained in all members of the nightshade family (peppers, aubergines, potatoes, tomatoes) and if ingested in large quantities it can be really toxic for the organism, but this substance tends to gradually disappear as the fruit reaches full maturity.

La flavin it is contained in the internal white part of the pepper and in the seeds, and once ingested it sticks to the stomach wall causing pain or heaviness.

La peel of peppers it is another reason that makes them difficult to digest, because the intestine struggles to expel it, giving us a sense of swelling, even for several days. So the first things you need to do are:

  • buy organic and ripe fruit and vegetables;
  • cut the inner white part and the seeds, as well as the petiole. 

(Read also: Try planting seeds from market-bought peppers to grow them at no cost)

How to eat raw peppers

If you want to eat the raw peppers, as in salads, the only things to do are cut the skin and then wash the fruit. Another solution is to do boil the pepper for a minute, and then dip it into a ice bath to easily remove the skin and stop the cooking process.

The consumption of raw vegetables, however, can provoke cramps and stomach problems, because they are more difficult to digest than cooked foods. This is especially true of peppers due to their tough skin, which makes them harder to digest and, as a result, can cause bloating and indigestion. (Read also: Stuffed peppers: 10 easy and healthy recipes)

Peppers, tricks to make them more digestible and to be able to eat them even in the evening

@ Johnnydevil / 123rf

How to make peppers more digestible?

La digestibility of peppers it also depends on the cooking method; for example, it has been shown that many people cannot digest roasted peppers, especially after they are peeled and washed under running water. The reason is that in this way the thick liquid that forms inside the pepper after cooking is eliminated, which contains aenzyme able to facilitate digestibility. 

So, to eat peppers with serenity we recommend:

  • once cooked, of remove the skin, the seeds and the white parts, but not the water inside;
  • Another effective trick is to add a little vinegar or lemon as a condiment in addition to the oil. 

In the digestion process, also plays an important role composition of the dish, that is with what the pepper is accompanied; it is more digestible if eaten together with white meat or fish, pasta or other cereals, instead there are digestive problems and swelling if consumed together with fried eggs, legumes or cheeses, which tend to weigh down and swell.

Despite digestive problems, peppers are useful in case of diet and diabetes, because they contain few sugars and very few calories; also they are diuretic e draining, a feature not to be underestimated in case of water retention.

But that's not all, because once cooked, especially in the roasted version, they act on peristalsis and are able to help regulate intestinal transit; in this sense, they are not recommended, however, in the case of colitis, gastritis and other diseases of the stomach.

As regards the mineral salts and Vitamins, it is better to opt for raw peppers as they keep their properties and nutritional characteristics unaltered.

Peppers, tricks to make them more digestible and to be able to eat them even in the evening

@Inga Nielsen / 123rf

How long does it take to digest peppers?

Peppers, as well as raw vegetable salad such as lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and radishes digest in 30 minutes. Green leafy and cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower once cooked digest in 40 minutes. (Read also: Sweet and sour yellow peppers)

Peppers, tricks to make them more digestible and to be able to eat them even in the evening

@Jit Pin Lim / 123rf

Why are green peppers more indigestible? 

I green peppers they are really hard to digest, compared to the red and yellow ones, and can cause bloating and stomach pain. The reason? They are unripe and, like any unripe fruit or vegetable, can be the cause of intestinal discomfort and gas.

This issue is mainly caused by one complex sugar, Namely fructose found in peppers but also in other foods, such asavocado.

If you love peppers and don't want to give them up, then opt for the fully ripe red or yellow variety and, consequently, much easier for the stomach to manage. (Read also: Legumes: herbs, spices and tips to digest them better)

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On pepperoni could it be interesting for you: 

  • "Poisoned" peppers and chillies: you can find traces of up to 115 pesticides
  • Peppers stuffed with millet and turmeric
  • Peperonata, the recipe step by step
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