Manias of protagonism: the causes and how to manage self-centered people

Delusions of protagonism and delusions of grandeur, what are the causes and how to manage self-centered people? Perhaps in life you are dealing with people who love to draw attention to themselves at any occasion.

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Delusions of protagonism and delusions of grandeur, what are the causes and how to manage them self-centered people? Perhaps in life you are dealing with people who love to draw attention to themselves at any occasion.

Self-centered people are sometimes called megalomaniacs or narcissists. It should be borne in mind that the megalomania real is a psychopathological state characterized by fantasies of wealth, fame and omnipotence, for which it presents itself as a real obsession.

Il narcissism in everyday language it is synonymous with selfishness, vanity and presumption. The term narcissism in psychology is used both to describe normal self-love and to describe excessive self-centeredness.

Un attention seeker is a person who with his attitude and behavior places himself and his problems at the center of every situation or conversation, neglecting and neglecting the presence and interests of others. A truly self-centered person does not even seem to be able to feel empathy for others.


Causes of self-centeredness and delusions of grandeur

What are the causes of self-centeredness and delusions of grandeur? Sometimes we have the idea that self-centered people are very self-confident and prone to feel the center of attention. On the surface they seem strong and invincible but that may not be the case.

In fact, the tendency to be self-centered and to want to draw all attention to oneself seems to arise from one great insecurity and low self-esteem. People who try to attract the attention of those around them are looking for confirmation of their worth and are also probably very insecure, despite appearances.


Manias of protagonism: the causes and how to manage self-centered people

Unfortunately, their behavior can become counterproductive to the point where other people will tend to no longer heed their attitudes and requests for attention. Self-centered people risk ruining relationships with others and isolating themselves.

Self-centered people and narcissists believe that the world revolves around them and they cannot be happy. Those who deal with them in one way or another must learn to manage them in order not to wear themselves out and perhaps to be able to help them.


Manias of protagonism: the causes and how to manage self-centered people

How to deal with self-centered people

Self-centered people can be difficult to manage especially when we deal with them every day because they are part of our family or circle of friends or because they are our work colleagues. Here are some tips you might try to put into practice when dealing with self-centered people.

Self defence

Try to defend yourself from self-centered people when they overdo it. Create gods boundaries they must not cross, learn to say no to their requests when you realize they just want to take advantage of you.

Manias of protagonism: the causes and how to manage self-centered people


Try to behave in a detached way so that self-centered people cannot find bread for their teeth in you. Try not to give them too much importance and do not feel undermined by their judgments.

Manias of protagonism: the causes and how to manage self-centered people


Try to observe the behavior of self-centered people objectively. You may realize that you should feel a little pity for them as they are actually fragile people looking for confirmation. At the same time, don't be overwhelmed by their behavior when they overdo it.

Manias of protagonism: the causes and how to manage self-centered people


If the self-centered person is a colleague of yours, that does nothing but detract from your work don't let your self-esteem drop sharply and do not get carried away by his reasoning and games. In fact, remember to take note of all your work successes and the tasks you have completed well, to reread everything when you feel down. This way you will also protect yourself from a co-worker or self-centered boss who tries to belittle you.

Manias of protagonism: the causes and how to manage self-centered people


If you notice that a self-centered person he really needs help and if you know her well because maybe she is your friend or family member try to give her a hand but above all put her in the face of reality and explain to her that it is not behaving in that way that she will earn your esteem or that of others. Perhaps he will understand that living in a calmer way without always thinking of being on a stage is much more relaxing and profitable.

Marta Albè

Photo source: FabAfter40

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