If you feel tired, even if you feel like you haven't done anything, you haven't had the right rest

If you feel tired, even if you feel like you haven't done anything, you haven't had the right rest

Rest must equate to refreshment in seven key areas of our life - here are 7 types of ways to fully unwind.

Don't store avocado like this: it's dangerous

Sleep and rest are not the same: discover the formula you need to completely relax and get the deep mental and physical rest you deserve. The secret? Rest should be equivalent to refreshment in seven key areas of your life

Energy: we all need it, especially after this very busy year, and the best way to get it is to regenerate through adequate rest. And beware, "rest" is not the same as "sleep". Rest includes a whole series of "reparative" and authentic refreshment activities aimed at filling our reservoir of strength and endurance, which inevitably runs out during the day.

According to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, author of Sacred Rest, most people have a real rest deficit. Many calculate the quality of sleep based on its quantity and above all they think they have rested because they have slept enough. It is not so! In reality, we rarely achieve the true kind of rest that we desperately need.

Read also: 10 simple rules to rest a lot even if you sleep little

We live in a society that doesn't know how not to be busy - says Dalton-Smith. We are always working and using energy, so we are running out. And Covid-19 obviously made things worse. We are very stressed by all this uncertainty. We don't know what will happen in six months with the virus or with our work. There is a lot of anxiety that goes hand in hand. This is why it is especially important to learn how to get the right kind and the right amount of rest.

Yes, there are also different types of rest. And that's why you feel tired even if you feel like you haven't done anything. Here's where to start.


Physical rest

The first type of rest we need is rest physical, the rest that relieves the body of muscle aches and tension and helps improve sleep and which can be passive or active. Passive physical rest includes sleep and nap, while active physical rest means rejuvenating activities such as yoga, stretching or massage therapy, which help improve circulation and flexibility in the body.

Also read: A short afternoon nap improves cognition and keeps Alzheimer's away

Mental rest

The second type of rest is rest mental: when you calm your mind and focus on what's really important. Schedule short breaks every two hours during the work day - these breaks will remind you to slow down. You could also keep a notebook by your bed to write down any troublesome thoughts that might keep you awake during the night.

Read also: Slow life: the art of slowing down to live better

Sensory rest

The third type of rest we need is rest sensory, which gives you a respite from background noise, including negative inner dialogue and digital devices. Bright lights, computer screens, background noise and multiple conversations, whether in the office or during Zoom calls, can make our senses feel overwhelmed. This can be countered by doing something as simple as close your eyes for a minute in the middle of the day or by intentionally disconnecting all devices at the end of each day. Intentional moments of sensory deprivation can begin to repair the damage inflicted by a hyperstimulating world.

Read also: Let's disconnect from the internet to reconnect to real life

Creative rest

The fourth type of rest is the creative rest, the kind that inspires and motivates you. This type of rest is especially important for anyone who needs to solve problems or brainstorm new ideas. Creative rest awakens the awe and wonder within each of us. Indulging yourself in the beauty of the outdoors, for example, offers creative rest.

Read also: More creative brain if you walk in nature

Emotional rest

It is about the ability to express your deepest feelings, which means having the time and space to freely express your feelings. Emotional rest also requires the courage to be authentic. An emotionally rested person can answer the question "How are you today?" with a heartfelt "I'm not okay" - and then continues to share some difficult things that are otherwise not said.

Social rest

If you need emotional rest, you probably have a rest deficit as well social. It is also a type of rest to spend time in relationships you love and with people who improve your life. This occurs when we fail to distinguish between those relationships that make us revive from those relationships that exhaust us. To experience more social rest, surround yourself with positive and supportive people. 

Read also: Surround yourself with people who help you give your best!

Spiritual rest

You feel you are part of something bigger, almost a sense of belonging and fit. The last type of rest is in fact just that spiritual, which is the ability to connect beyond the physical and the mental and feel a deep sense of love, acceptance and purpose. To receive it, engage in something greater than yourself and add meditation or community involvement to your daily routine.

The result? Sleeping itself cannot bring us back to the point where we feel truly rested. Let's start focusing on getting the right kind of rest we need and… relaxation!

Fonte: Saundra Dalton-Smith

Read also:

  • Here is how many hours to sleep at each age. The chart
  • 10 simple rules to rest a lot even with little sleep
  • You sleep 2 hours less than 60 years ago, but what are the risks?
  • The 10 rules to rest well
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