Holly: how to grow and take care of the butcher's broom, the symbolic plant of Christmas

How to grow holly and why is it the symbol of Christmas? When to sow and prune the butcher's broom and how to take care of it after the holidays

He is about to end up run over, his mother saves him

How to grow holly and why is it the symbol of Christmas? When to sow and prune the butcher's broom and how to take care of it after the holidays

THEholly or butcher's broom is an ornamental plant typical of the winter season, in particular of the Christmas period. Holly features beautiful thick, glossy foliage as well as smooth, red berries.

THEholly may be grown in the garden and in pots and, being a rustic and resistant plant, his cultivation it is simple and can take place outside even where the winter temperatures are particularly cold.
So let's see what are the characteristics of the holly, how to grow holly in pots and in the garden and what are the properties of holly for health.


Holly, characteristics and description of the plant

THEholly - also called thorny laurel, aquifolium or butcher's broom greater- is an evergreen shrub that belongs to the Aquifoliaceae family and whose scientific name is Ilex aquifolium L.

Holly is a very long-lived tree widespread in all regions of our country and cultivated for ornamental purposes, especially for making Christmas decorations.

In nature, holly takes on an arboreal habit and can reach ten meters in height. The holly plant features dark green, shiny, alternately arranged leathery leaves. The leaves on the lower branches have a toothed and thorny margin while those growing on the upper branches have a smooth margin and are pointed at the apex.

La holly bloom occurs at the end of spring: the holly flowers are small, gathered in groups, have four white petals edged with red and, in autumn, in the female specimens, the fruits develop from the fertilized flowers, which are red, smooth and shiny drupes .

How to grow holly in the garden

Holly: how to grow and take care of the butcher's broom, the symbolic plant of Christmas

Mandy Dale/Shutterstock

THEholly it is a plant simple to grow both in pots and in the ground, in the garden. It is a plant that resists low temperatures well.

La planting holly should be done at the end of winter: for optimal plant development, it is preferable to place the holly in a slightly acidic, non-clayey soil and choose a semi-shaded position, avoiding direct sun, especially in areas where summer is particularly hot.

In order for the holly to keep thick foliage, the soil goes fertilized regularly with potassium and nitrogen in spring and with organic fertilizer in the winter months.

Holly doesn't need large amounts of water - just watering the holly every two weeks when the plant is grown in the garden.

Holly grows slowly and it does not need to be pruned, unless you want to give a particular shape to the plant.

How to grow holly in pots

Holly: how to grow and take care of the butcher's broom, the symbolic plant of Christmas

In addition to being in the ground, holly can also be successfully grown in pots. Since holly is a rustic plant, even when grown in pots it can be placed outside, for example, on the terrace or balcony.

grow holly in pots, it is necessary to choose a medium-large container and place a layer of expanded clay on the bottom to drain the soil. The potting soil for growing holly should be slightly acidic.

As for the cultivation in the open ground, even when it is cultivated in pots the holly must be fertilized with potassium and nitrogen during the spring and with organic fertilizer in the winter.

The holly should be placed in a shaded position and not in direct sunlight and, during the cold months, it is not necessary to protect the plant or place it inside or in a greenhouse.

Le watering they will have to take place once or twice a week during the warm months and about twice a month in the winter.

Since holly growth is slow, this plant does not need pruning.

Holly Diseases

Holly is a robust and long-lived plant, but it can be prone to some diseases, especially rust and cochineal. The holly diseases they can affect the plant both when grown in pots and in the open ground.

Rust is a fungus, it causes yellow or black spots on the leaves and is fought with fungicidal substances.

The cochineal is instead a parasite which, feeding on the sap of the plant, causes drying of the leaves: the cochineal must be treated with antibiotics.

Holly property

Holly is traditionally used for her astringent properties, antipyretic, antirheumatic, expectorant and tonic.

Holly leaves and bark are used. The leaves and bark contain tannins, saponins, ilicin, salicylic acid and theobromine and used in the form of infusion, decoction or mother tincture to increase sweating and lower fever or in case of rheumatism and arthritis. Holly also has diuretic properties.

Le holly berries are toxic: they have a purgative action and in the past they were used as a laxative, but today they are not used in herbal medicine.

Because holly is considered a symbolic plant of Christmas

Holly: how to grow and take care of the butcher's broom, the symbolic plant of Christmas

@Ivonne Wierink/Shutterstock

Why is holly so tied to the Christmas tradition? The butcher's broom is considered a lucky plant and by many chosen as a gift at Christmas time or used in Christmas decorations both for its resistance to cold and snow which make it a symbol of strength and immortality and for its colors, green and red. , perfect for the tradition of the feasts of the nativity. In Ireland, not surprisingly, holly was a plant loved by everyone as it was inexpensive and able to decorate even the poorest houses for Christmas.

But at the base there are also several legends and in particular that of the orphan who brought a crown of laurel branches as a gift to the newborn Jesus, but who, ashamed of his simple and humble gift, began to cry and so Jesus touched the plant. , turned those tears into beautiful red berries and the crown into a wonderful holly crown, capable of bringing good luck and warding off demons.

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