High Uric Acid: Symptoms, Causes, Remedies, and Diet

What is uric acid? What are the reference values ​​and the possible diet to follow if the values ​​are too high?

Don't store avocado like this: it's dangerous

THEuric acid is the product deriving from the natural degradation of our cells, usually due to poor nutrition, although in many cases the reason for excess uric acid in the blood remains unknown. What is certain is that the high uric acid in the urine is mainly the a sign that something is wrong in the kidneys. But what is uric acid specifically? Which ones are they the reference values ​​and the possible diet to be followed in case the values ​​are too high?

The laboratory parameter that expresses the amount of uric acid present in the blood is called "uricaemia". A high uricaemia can lead to the birth of the so-called "gouty tophi" in the joints, up to more serious situations of gout. Cardiovascular problems and diabetes may also be due to high uric acid levels.

It goes without saying, therefore, that that of high uricemia is a value to be checked periodically, because it can also indicate important pathologies.


What is Uric Acid

Uric acid is what comes from the gradation of purine (adenine and guanine), nitrogenous bases that make up the DNA of the nucleus of animal and plant cells.

In other words, uric acid is a waste product that comes from the breakdown of nucleic acids found in the cells of our body and in part also from the digestion of foods rich in purines, such as fish or animal entrails.

In large part, uric acid is filtered by our kidneys and eliminated with urine and for another small part it passes through the intestine and is then eliminated with the disastrous.

If there is an excess of production or a difficulty in the body to eliminate uric acid, it is called hyperuricemia.

High Uric Acid: Symptoms, Causes, Remedies, and Diet

Reference values ​​for uric acid

But uricaemia can be high, but it can also be low. Under normal conditions, uric acid values ​​should fluctuate between 4 and 8 mg / dl (Source Inran) and, in most cases, they define themselves hyperuricaemic subjects who have levels above 8 mg / dl (and are therefore suffering from high uricemia). Even these parameters, however, like all the others, may vary from one analysis laboratory to another. For this reason, it is good to rely on the intervals shown on your report and always repeat the analyzes in the same medical laboratory.

High uric acid, symptoms

High Uric Acid: Symptoms, Causes, Remedies, and Diet

The most frequent symptoms in those with high uric acid are joint pain, hypertension, kidney colic and itching. Symptoms which, when associated with high levels of cholesterol, ferritin and ESR, serve to formulate a complete diagnosis.

Common symptoms of elevated uric acid include:

  • renal colic
  • hypertension
  • articolar pains
  • pruritus

If it is the cause of elevated levels of uric acid in the blood presence of some forms of cancerChills, fever and fatigue may also be present among the symptoms.

Uric acid other causes (hyperuricemia)

High Uric Acid: Symptoms, Causes, Remedies, and Diet

We said that if uric acid comes excess product or the kidneys are unable to eliminate it adequately, accumulates in the body and creates many problems. In this case we speak of hyperuricemia and its diagnosis depends on several causes.

Already in general, the doctor requests the uric acid test if he believes that any pain in the joints or other symptoms may be due to gout or also and especially on patients undergoing certain chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatments.

Generally, the causes of hyperuricemia are:

  • a diet rich in foods of animal origin
  • gotta
  • kidney diseases, such as kidney failure, stones and polycystic kidney
  • chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  • obesity
  • metabolic syndrome
  • bone diseases
  • metastatic cancer
  • multiple myeloma and leukemia
  • alcoholism
  • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (a hereditary enzyme defect affecting red blood cells that are more sensitive to damage caused by oxidation)
  • lead poisoning
  • prolonged use of diuretics or other specific drugs

High Uric Acid Remedies

Over time a condition of elevated uric acid levels in the blood can result in the formation of uric acid crystals which can settle in the joints, tendons and surrounding tissues. This is why the organism then reacts by putting in place gods anti-inflammatory processes, which in turn cause all the symptoms we've seen.

In all these cases it is then necessary to understand how to eliminate the excess uric acid. In addition to certain drugs in special cases that only the doctor can prescribe after a careful analysis, there are several natural methods to be put into practice:

1) Acqua: long way elixir, water supports the work of the kidneys and helps in the purification process

2) Apple cider vinegar: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, alkalizing and diuretic, apple cider vinegar also helps eliminate excess uric acid and restore the body's alkalinity. Taken according to these guidelines on how to drink apple cider vinegar every morning and for a limited time it can give excellent results. But it is always good to listen to the opinion of the doctor who will surely tell you not to take excess apple cider vinegar because it could decrease potassium levels in the body. Also, it can interfere with diuretic drugs

3) Lemon: squeezed into juice to drink every morning on an empty stomach. Lemon also has alkaline effects and neutralizes uric acid, thanks also to the presence of vitamin C

4) Sodium bicarbonate: at home it must never be missing! Dissolving some in a glass of water can prevent uric acid crystals from forming. Also this remedy should only be followed periodically and is not suitable for those suffering from high blood pressure

5) Cherries and berries: contain substances that help reduce uric acid levels. In addition, the purple and blue colored berries contain called flavonoids Anthocyanins which help reduce uric acid and reduce inflammation and stiffness

6) Olive oil: opt for cold pressed olive oil, rather than using butter for example. In fact, olive oil contains monounsaturated fats which remain stable when heated. Furthermore, the olive oil is ricco of vitamin E and antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory benefits

High Uric Acid, 9 Diet Tips To Follow

High Uric Acid: Symptoms, Causes, Remedies, and Diet

The key thing in case of high uric acid is to limit the consumption of purines through organic meats, such as liver and brain, but also red meats, game, seafood and shellfish, sausages, legumes, fatty fish, poultry, beer and other alcoholic beverages.

Better prefer foods low in purines such as cheeses, milk, eggs, fruit and green leafy vegetables, tomatoes and it is still useful not to take in too many calories e drink a lot (water and herbal teas in particular of birch e ash tree), avoid caffeine and fizzy drinks. In particular:

1. Reduce your meat intake: Doctors will never tire of saying that, especially in the presence of high uric acid levels, especially red meats with high purines should be avoided, like offal, and fatty cuts, like bacon. As for fish, one must stay away from shellfish, especially mussels and scallops, as well as anchovies, herring, sardines, trout, mackerel and tuna

2. No beer: Some studies show that people who consume 2 or more beers a day are 200% more likely to get gout

3. Fruit: it is not necessary to eat more fruit, but its regular and daily intake is recommended

4. eggs: yes, valid substitutes for meat and fish rich in purines

5. Chocolate: the good dark chocolate with at least 35% cocoa it is full of antioxidants that work to dissolve the build-up of uric acid

6. Coffee : 1 or 2 cups of black coffee a day would reduce the risk of gout. It goes without saying that caffeine intake is not suitable for everyone, so talk to your doctor first

7. Latte: A glass of skim milk can cause blood uric acid levels to drop by 10% almost immediately

8. Yogurt: precious yogurt! Low-fat is another product that is effective in reducing harmful uric acid

9. Cherry juice: it is scientifically proven that it is useful against the accumulation of uric acid

Germana Carillo

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