Healthcare ticket exemption: when, how and who can request it

Health tickets: categories and groups of pathologies that can make use of an exemption still resist. Here are which ones.

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Health tickets: who can take advantage of theexemption? If on the one hand the introduction of new Lea's gave way to a real revolution in the health sector, on the other hand some small surgeries that were previously free ended up being paid services. On the other hand, they still resist categories and groups of pathologies that can make use of an exemption. Here are which ones.

La tassa that citizens have to pay for certain health services provided by the state, in fact, in different classes of patients it can be suspended.



Health ticket for chronic diseases

There are many chronic and disabling diseases that give the right to exemption from the ticket (and the related services to which you are entitled. You must consult the updated digital list made available by the Ministry.

The exemption must be request to the local health authority, showing health card, identity card and a medical certificate “certifying the presence of one or more diseases included in the Ministerial Decree of 28 May 1999, n. 329 and subsequent amendments ".


Health ticket for rare diseases

Rare diseases are those "serious, disabling diseases and often without specific therapies, which have a low prevalence, lower than the limit established at European level of 5 cases per 10.000 inhabitants".

The Ministry announces that the exemption "is also extended to investigations aimed at ascertaining rare diseases and genetic investigations on the family members of the patient possibly necessary for the diagnosis of rare disease of genetic origin".

For the purposes of the exemption, the Regulation identifies 284 diseases and 47 groups of rare diseases. Here you will find the updated list.

Health ticket for disabled people

- invalid they are entitled to exemption from the health ticket for some or all specialist services. The medical commission of the local health authority will verify the state and degree of disability.

Here you will find all the distinctions.

Health ticket for early cancer detection

Healthcare ticket exemption: when, how and who can request it

They have free execution investigations for the early diagnosis of some types of tumors, in addition to the diagnostic services guaranteed by the Local Health Authorities in the context of screening campaigns. The services for which the ticket is not paid:

  • mammography, every two years, for women aged between 45 and 69; if the mammography exam requires it, second level services are also performed free of charge;
  • cervico-vaginal cytological examination (PAP Test), every three years, for women aged between 25 and 65;
  • colonoscopy, every five years, for the benefit of the population over 45 years of age.

Pregnancy health ticket

Pregnant women can run for free some specialist and diagnostic services useful for protecting their health and that of the child.


  • Some analyzes to be performed before conception, to exclude the presence of factors that may negatively affect pregnancy. Here is the complete list.
  • Diagnostic assessments for the control of physiological pregnancy indicated, for each period of pregnancy. Here is the complete list. And in the event of an abortion threat, all the specialist services necessary for monitoring the evolution of pregnancy must be included.
  • All the services necessary for the prenatal diagnosis in pregnancy prescribed by the specialist. Here is the complete list.
  • All the necessary and appropriate services for the treatment of diseases (pre-existing or arising during pregnancy) that involve a risk for the woman or the fetus, usually prescribed by the specialist.

Ticket sanitario test HIV

In public health facilities the HIV test, "Able to identify the presence of specific antibodies that the organism produces when it comes into contact with this virus", is anonymous and free.

Other categories eligible for exemption

For citizens in conditions of economic difficulty, an exemption from the health ticket may be requested. The exempted categories are as follows:

  • Citizens under the age of 6 and over 65, belonging to a family unit with a total income not exceeding € 36.151,98 (CODE E01);
  • Unemployed persons and their dependents belonging to a family unit with a total income of less than € 8.263,31, increased up to € 11.362,05 in the presence of the spouse and at the rate of a further € 516,46 for each dependent child (CODE E02 );
  • Social pension holders and their dependents (CODE E03);
  • Pensioners aged over 60 and their dependent family members, belonging to a family unit with a total income of less than € 8.263,31, increased up to € 11.362,05 in the presence of the spouse and at the rate of a further 516,46 , € 04 for each dependent child (CODE EXNUMX).

Regarding the exemption relating to the state of unemployment (code E02), in any case this must be self-certified annually by the patient at the local health authority, which issues a special certificate.

Germana Carillo

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