Gastritis: causes, symptoms, remedies and everything to know

What name="-"> are name="-"> the name="-"> causes name="-"> of name="-"> gastritis? name="-"> And name="-"> what name="-"> is name="-"> the name="-"> best name="-"> diet name="-"> to name="-"> follow?

Don't name="-"> store name="-"> avocado name="-"> like name="-"> this: name="-"> it's name="-"> dangerous

With name="-"> gastritis name="-"> one name="-"> indicates name="-"> inflammatory name="-"> condition name="-"> (inflammation) name="-"> affecting name="-"> the name="-"> gastric name="-"> mucosa name="-"> and name="-"> which name="-"> presents name="-"> with name="-"> severe name="-"> abdominal name="-"> pain, name="-"> burning name="-"> and name="-"> acidity. name="-"> This name="-"> inflammation name="-"> can name="-"> have name="-"> various name="-"> degrees, name="-"> from name="-"> simple name="-"> redness name="-"> (hyperemia) name="-"> to name="-"> small name="-"> excoriations name="-"> (erosions), name="-"> and name="-"> can name="-"> manifest name="-"> itself name="-"> with name="-"> a name="-"> short name="-"> episode name="-"> or name="-"> can name="-"> be name="-"> of name="-"> long name="-"> duration. name="-"> But name="-"> what name="-"> are name="-"> the name="-"> causes name="-"> of name="-"> gastritis? name="-"> And name="-"> which name="-"> one name="-"> is name="-"> the name="-"> best name="-"> diet name="-"> to name="-"> follow?

Gastritis name="-"> has name="-"> a name="-"> very name="-"> high name="-"> incidence name="-"> almost name="-"> all name="-"> over name="-"> the name="-"> world, name="-"> especially name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> more name="-"> civilized name="-"> areas name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> West name="-"> and name="-"> among name="-"> women. name="-"> There name="-"> is name="-"> one name="-"> name="-"> style="text-align: name="-"> justify;">acute name="-"> form, name="-"> which name="-"> has name="-"> milder name="-"> symptoms, name="-"> and name="-"> one name="-"> name="-"> style="text-align: name="-"> justify;">chronic name="-"> form, name="-"> which name="-"> generally name="-"> causes name="-"> more name="-"> important name="-"> symptoms name="-"> and name="-"> disorders name="-"> for name="-"> very name="-"> long name="-"> periods name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> course name="-"> of name="-"> life.

The name="-"> causes name="-"> can name="-"> have name="-"> various name="-"> origins name="-"> and name="-"> can name="-"> often name="-"> also name="-"> occur name="-"> concurrently: name="-"> stress, name="-"> wrong name="-"> diet, name="-"> wrong name="-"> drug name="-"> therapies name="-"> or, name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> most name="-"> serious name="-"> cases, name="-"> a name="-"> heartbeat.


name="-"> name="what-is-gastritis-types-and-causes">What name="-"> is name="-"> gastritis, name="-"> types name="-"> and name="-"> causes

Gastritis name="-"> is name="-"> a name="-"> disorder name="-"> caused name="-"> by name="-"> a name="-"> inflammatory name="-"> process name="-"> affecting name="-"> the name="-"> gastric name="-"> mucosa. name="-"> The name="-"> gastric name="-"> mucosa name="-"> is name="-"> the name="-"> innermost name="-"> layer name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> stomach name="-"> and name="-"> directly name="-"> faces name="-"> the name="-"> gastric name="-"> lumen, name="-"> in name="-"> contact name="-"> with name="-"> the name="-"> products name="-"> of name="-"> digestion.

One name="-"> can name="-"> distinguish name="-"> between name="-"> acute name="-"> gastritis, name="-"> usually name="-"> due name="-"> to name="-"> indigestion name="-"> or name="-"> poor name="-"> nutrition, name="-"> and name="-"> chronic name="-"> gastritis, name="-"> mostly name="-"> due name="-"> to name="-"> a name="-"> Helicobacter name="-"> pylori name="-"> infection name="-"> (but name="-"> there name="-"> may name="-"> be name="-"> other name="-"> factors name="-"> as name="-"> well).

name="-"> name="-">

name="-"> name="acute-gastritis">Acute name="-"> gastritis

With name="-"> acute name="-"> gastritis name="-"> we name="-"> refer name="-"> to name="-"> forms name="-"> of name="-"> transient name="-"> gastritis, name="-"> marked name="-"> with name="-"> numerous name="-"> erosive name="-"> lesions name="-"> (distinct name="-"> from name="-"> ulcers) name="-"> small name="-"> and name="-"> bleeding. name="-"> Sometimes name="-"> these name="-"> forms name="-"> of name="-"> gastritis name="-"> may name="-"> have name="-"> no name="-"> manifest name="-"> symptoms, name="-"> other name="-"> times name="-"> they name="-"> present name="-"> themselves name="-"> immediately name="-"> as name="-"> serious name="-"> pathologies name="-"> with name="-"> massive name="-"> bleeding name="-"> and name="-"> risk name="-"> for name="-"> survival.

The name="-"> most name="-"> common name="-"> forms name="-"> of name="-"> acute name="-"> gastritis name="-"> are:

  • erosive name="-"> gastritis, name="-"> due name="-"> to name="-"> which name="-"> the name="-"> mucosa name="-"> loses name="-"> integrity, name="-"> without name="-"> perforation name="-"> but name="-"> with name="-"> bleeding. name="-"> It name="-"> can name="-"> be name="-"> caused name="-"> by name="-"> alcohol, name="-"> drug name="-"> abuse, name="-"> burns, name="-"> or name="-"> traumatic name="-"> events
  • ischemic name="-"> gastritis, name="-"> generated name="-"> by name="-"> shock, name="-"> hypovolemia, name="-"> emboli
  • aggressive name="-"> drug name="-"> gastritis, name="-"> especially name="-"> NSAIDs, name="-"> which name="-"> damaging name="-"> the name="-"> gastric name="-"> mucosa
  • corrosive name="-"> gastritis, name="-"> caused name="-"> by name="-"> indigestion name="-"> of name="-"> particular name="-"> chemicals name="-"> or name="-"> alcohol name="-"> abuse

Acute name="-"> lesions name="-"> usually name="-"> disappear name="-"> within name="-"> 48 name="-"> hours. name="-"> It name="-"> is name="-"> about name="-"> superficial name="-"> ulcerations name="-"> that name="-"> on name="-"> histological name="-"> examination name="-"> - name="-"> unlike name="-"> solitary name="-"> peptic name="-"> ulcers name="-"> - name="-"> do name="-"> not name="-"> deeply name="-"> go name="-"> beyond name="-"> the name="-"> muscularis name="-"> mucosae name="-"> (or name="-"> lamina name="-"> muscularis name="-"> mucosae, name="-"> a name="-"> band name="-"> of name="-"> smooth name="-"> muscle name="-"> located name="-"> inside name="-"> the name="-"> mucous name="-"> membrane).

name="-"> src="/images/posts/679cab7db33a14def96a8098fe56f6d4-0.jpg">

name="-"> name="chronic-gastritis">Chronic name="-"> gastritis

name="-"> name="chronic-gastritis">Chronic name="-"> gastritis, name="-"> in name="-"> which name="-"> the name="-"> erosive name="-"> component name="-"> is name="-"> missing, name="-"> most name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> time name="-"> leads name="-"> back name="-"> to name="-"> Helicobacter name="-"> pylori name="-"> infections. name="-"> But name="-"> other name="-"> factors name="-"> could name="-"> also name="-"> favor name="-"> the name="-"> chronic name="-"> variant name="-"> of name="-"> gastritis.

name="-"> name="chronic-gastritis">Chronic name="-"> gastritis name="-"> is name="-"> divided name="-"> into name="-"> two name="-"> types:

1) name="-"> type name="-"> A, name="-"> or name="-"> fund: name="-"> rare name="-"> and name="-"> more name="-"> frequent name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> elderly, name="-"> it name="-"> develops name="-"> in name="-"> fundus name="-"> and name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> great name="-"> curve name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> stomach. name="-"> It name="-"> is name="-"> an name="-"> autoimmune name="-"> disease name="-"> that name="-"> causes name="-"> the name="-"> production name="-"> of name="-"> autoantibodies name="-"> against name="-"> the name="-"> parietal name="-"> cells name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> stomach. name="-"> Chronic name="-"> type name="-"> A name="-"> gastritis name="-"> can name="-"> cause:

  • achlorhydria
  • pernicious name="-"> anemia
  • mucosal name="-"> atrophy
  • increased name="-"> incidence name="-"> of name="-"> gastric name="-"> cancer

2) name="-"> type name="-"> B, name="-"> or name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> antrum: name="-"> which name="-"> is name="-"> the name="-"> form name="-"> supported name="-"> by name="-"> Helicobacter name="-"> pylori name="-"> and name="-"> can name="-"> remain name="-"> asymptomatic name="-"> for name="-"> many name="-"> years. name="-"> Over name="-"> time name="-"> it name="-"> causes name="-"> peptic name="-"> ulcer name="-"> and name="-"> gastric name="-"> cancer.

name="-"> name="chronic-gastritis">Chronic name="-"> gastritis name="-"> caused name="-"> by name="-"> Helicobacter name="-"> pylori name="-"> is name="-"> in name="-"> turn name="-"> divided name="-"> into name="-"> two name="-"> further name="-"> categories:

1) name="-"> chronic name="-"> non-atrophic name="-"> gastritis: name="-"> which name="-"> is name="-"> mainly name="-"> localized name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> antrum name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> stomach name="-"> and name="-"> can name="-"> evolve name="-"> into name="-"> duodenal name="-"> peptic name="-"> ulcer
2) name="-"> chronic name="-"> atrophic name="-"> gastritis name="-"> (multifocal name="-"> atrophic name="-"> gastritis name="-"> or name="-"> atrophic name="-"> pangastritis): name="-"> which name="-"> has name="-"> the name="-"> antrum name="-"> as name="-"> its name="-"> initial name="-"> site name="-"> but name="-"> then name="-"> has name="-"> the name="-"> ability name="-"> to name="-"> extend name="-"> towards name="-"> the name="-"> body name="-"> and name="-"> the name="-"> bottom name="-"> of name="-"> the name="-"> stomach name="-"> affecting name="-"> the name="-"> oxyntic name="-"> cells name="-"> (parietal name="-"> cells name="-"> or name="-"> oxyntic name="-"> cells, name="-"> glands name="-"> located name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> body name="-"> and name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> gastric name="-"> fundus). name="-"> Can name="-"> evolve name="-"> into name="-"> a name="-"> gastric name="-"> peptic name="-"> ulcer name="-"> and name="-"> has name="-"> a name="-"> fairly name="-"> high name="-"> risk name="-"> of name="-"> neoplastic name="-"> involution.

Summarizing, name="-"> therefore, name="-"> when name="-"> the name="-"> mucous name="-"> membrane name="-"> that name="-"> protects name="-"> the name="-"> stomach name="-"> walls name="-"> weakens, name="-"> gastric name="-"> juices name="-"> inflame name="-"> the name="-"> organ name="-"> and name="-"> in name="-"> some name="-"> cases name="-"> damage name="-"> it. name="-"> Gastritis name="-"> appears, name="-"> especially name="-"> if name="-"> other name="-"> factors name="-"> come name="-"> into name="-"> play:

  • drug name="-"> abuse, name="-"> especially name="-"> NSAIDs
  • alcohol name="-"> abuse
  • improper name="-"> nutrition, name="-"> some name="-"> foods name="-"> such name="-"> as name="-"> can name="-"> cause name="-"> gastritis
  • bile name="-"> reflux, name="-"> which name="-"> happens name="-"> when name="-"> the name="-"> pyloric name="-"> sphincter name="-"> does name="-"> not name="-"> function name="-"> well name="-"> and name="-"> bile name="-"> travels name="-"> back name="-"> to name="-"> the name="-"> stomach
    stress name="-"> (nervous name="-"> gastritis)
  • Helicobacter name="-"> Pylori name="-"> infection
  • renal name="-"> and name="-"> hepatic name="-"> insufficiency
  • Crohn's name="-"> disease
  • HIV
  • psychosomatic name="-"> disorders name="-">

name="-"> name="gastritis-symptoms">Gastritis name="-"> symptoms

name="-"> name="acute-gastritis">Acute name="-"> gastritis name="-"> has name="-"> an name="-"> onset name="-"> sudden name="-"> and name="-"> in name="-"> most name="-"> cases name="-"> it name="-"> causes name="-"> nausea, name="-"> heartburn name="-"> or name="-"> stomach name="-"> discomfort.
On name="-"> the name="-"> other name="-"> hand, name="-"> chronic name="-"> gastritis name="-"> develops name="-"> more name="-"> gradually name="-"> and name="-"> causes name="-"> severe name="-"> stomach name="-"> pain, name="-"> a name="-"> full name="-"> stomach name="-"> feeling name="-"> or name="-"> loss name="-"> of name="-"> appetite. name="-"> In name="-"> many name="-"> cases name="-"> it name="-"> can name="-"> happen name="-"> that name="-"> chronic name="-"> gastritis name="-"> does name="-"> not name="-"> have name="-"> any name="-"> physical name="-"> symptoms.

In name="-"> general, name="-"> the name="-"> symptoms name="-"> of name="-"> gastritis name="-"> are:

  • heartburn name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> upper name="-"> abdomen
  • dull name="-"> pain name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> stomach
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • decreased name="-"> appetite
  • belching name="-"> or name="-"> swelling
  • feeling name="-"> of name="-"> full name="-"> stomach name="-"> even name="-"> after name="-"> a name="-"> few name="-"> mouthfuls
name="-"> src="/images/posts/679cab7db33a14def96a8098fe56f6d4-1.jpg">

In name="-"> all name="-"> cases name="-"> you name="-"> should name="-"> always name="-"> contact name="-"> your name="-"> doctor, name="-"> but name="-"> do name="-"> not name="-"> waste name="-"> any name="-"> more name="-"> time name="-"> in name="-"> case name="-"> you name="-"> have name="-"> symptoms name="-"> related name="-"> to name="-"> possible name="-"> gastric name="-"> bleeding name="-"> such name="-"> as:

  • shortness name="-"> of name="-"> breath, name="-"> weakness name="-"> and name="-"> paleness
  • dizziness name="-"> or name="-"> feeling name="-"> faint
  • blood name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> vomit
  • black name="-"> tarry name="-"> stools
  • I name="-"> made name="-"> with name="-"> bright name="-"> red name="-"> blood


Gastritis, name="-"> cure name="-"> and name="-"> diet

The name="-"> therapeutic name="-"> pathways name="-"> for name="-"> most name="-"> cases name="-"> of name="-"> gastritis name="-"> include name="-"> theuse name="-"> of name="-"> drugs name="-"> that name="-"> reduce name="-"> or name="-"> neutralize name="-"> stomach name="-"> acid. name="-"> But, name="-"> as name="-"> we name="-"> have name="-"> seen, name="-"> often name="-"> the name="-"> ailments name="-"> due name="-"> to name="-"> gastritis name="-"> derive name="-"> from name="-"> a name="-"> wrong name="-"> lifestyle: name="-"> this name="-"> is name="-"> why name="-"> many name="-"> times name="-"> it name="-"> could name="-"> be name="-"> enough name="-"> reshape name="-"> the name="-"> eating name="-"> style name="-"> (if name="-"> episodes name="-"> of name="-"> gastritis name="-"> or name="-"> stomach name="-"> acid name="-"> are name="-"> frequent, name="-"> consider name="-"> eating name="-"> lighter name="-"> and name="-"> more name="-"> frequent name="-"> meals name="-"> to name="-"> reduce name="-"> the name="-"> effects name="-"> of name="-"> stomach name="-"> acid), name="-"> eliminate name="-"> smoking name="-"> and name="-"> alcohol, name="-"> to name="-"> practise name="-"> regular name="-"> physical name="-"> activity name="-"> and name="-"> reducing name="-"> stress, name="-"> which name="-"> not name="-"> only name="-"> lowers name="-"> the name="-"> immune name="-"> system, name="-"> but name="-"> also name="-"> increases name="-"> the name="-"> production name="-"> of name="-"> gastric name="-"> acids name="-"> by name="-"> slowing name="-"> down name="-"> digestion.

name="-"> src="/images/posts/679cab7db33a14def96a8098fe56f6d4-2.jpg">

Gastritis, name="-"> foods name="-"> not name="-"> recommended

In name="-"> case name="-"> of name="-"> gastritis name="-"> it name="-"> is name="-"> not name="-"> recommended name="-"> to name="-"> consume:

  • fatty name="-"> meats
  • raw name="-"> vegetables
  • tomato
  • cold name="-"> cuts
  • canned name="-"> products
  • industrial name="-"> sweets
  • butter name="-"> and name="-"> margarine
  • coffee
  • tea
  • mint
  • fried name="-"> foods
  • very name="-"> hot name="-"> or name="-"> very name="-"> cold name="-"> drinks
  • fatty name="-"> cheeses
  • alcohol
  • hot name="-"> chocolate name="-"> and name="-"> cocoa name="-"> powder

READ name="-"> also: name="-"> APPENDICITIS: name="-"> SYMPTOMS name="-"> AND name="-"> CAUSES name="-"> OF name="-"> INFLAMMATION

Gastritis, name="-"> allowed name="-"> foods

  • lean name="-"> meat name="-"> and name="-"> fish
  • rice
  • pasta
  • yogurt
  • eggs
  • cooked name="-"> vegetables name="-"> and name="-"> fruit
  • potatoes

On name="-"> the name="-"> subject name="-"> you name="-"> can name="-"> also name="-"> read:

  • GASTRITIS: name="-"> 10 name="-"> NATURAL name="-"> REMEDIES
  • GASTROESOPHAGEAL name="-"> REFLUX: name="-"> CAUSES, name="-"> SYMPTOMS name="-"> AND name="-"> NATURAL name="-"> REMEDIES
  • STOMACH name="-"> BURN: name="-"> 10 name="-"> FOODS name="-"> AND name="-"> NATURAL name="-"> REMEDIES
  • GASTROENTERITIS: name="-"> CAUSES, name="-"> SYMPTOMS name="-"> AND name="-"> REMEDIES name="-"> IN name="-"> CHILDREN name="-"> AND name="-"> ADULTS


Gastritis, name="-"> natural name="-"> remedies

name="-"> name="-"> relieve name="-"> the name="-"> symptoms name="-"> of name="-"> gastritis, name="-"> you name="-"> can name="-"> easily name="-"> refer name="-"> to name="-"> a name="-"> number name="-"> of name="-"> useful name="-"> natural name="-"> remedies.

The name="-"> most name="-"> common:

  • chamomile name="-"> infusion, name="-"> which name="-"> protects name="-"> the name="-"> stomach name="-"> walls, name="-"> inflammation name="-"> and name="-"> is name="-"> also name="-"> suitable name="-"> for name="-"> children
  • Infusion name="-"> of name="-"> lemon name="-"> balm, name="-"> after name="-"> meals name="-"> it name="-"> relieves name="-"> the name="-"> discomfort name="-"> caused name="-"> by name="-"> gastritis
  • blackberries name="-"> and name="-"> raspberries
  • ventilated name="-"> green name="-"> clay
  • lemon name="-"> juice, name="-"> if name="-"> drunk name="-"> on name="-"> an name="-"> empty name="-"> stomach name="-"> early name="-"> in name="-"> the name="-"> morning, name="-"> fights name="-"> stomach name="-"> hyperacidity
  • fresh name="-"> ginger, name="-"> chewing name="-"> a name="-"> small name="-"> piece name="-"> before name="-"> meals name="-"> prevents name="-"> gastritis
  • cinnamon, name="-"> useful name="-"> for name="-"> solving name="-"> problems name="-"> of name="-"> indigestion
  • coconut name="-"> water, name="-"> reduces name="-"> the name="-"> sensation name="-"> of name="-"> pain name="-"> and name="-"> burning
  • aloe name="-"> vera name="-"> juice, name="-"> which name="-"> balances name="-"> the name="-"> intestinal name="-"> bacterial name="-"> flora name="-"> and name="-"> reduces name="-"> heartburn
  • licorice name="-"> roots, name="-"> which name="-"> generally name="-"> improve name="-"> gastrointestinal name="-"> disorders

Germana name="-"> Carillo

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