Folliculitis: symptoms, causes and natural remedies

What is folliculitis and what is it caused by? Are there natural remedies to defeat it? Folliculitis is nothing more than an infection of the area of ​​the skin where the root of the hair is located, called the hair follicle which gives rise to generally small but purulent pimples

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What is the folliculitis and what causes it? Are there natural remedies to defeat it? Folliculitis is nothing more than an infection of the area of ​​the skin where the hair root is located, called hair follicle, which gives rise to red and purulent pimples.

This is a very common problem it creates an unsightly situation which, given the presence of pimples close together and often numerous, it looks a lot like that of acne from which, however, it differs for the diversity of triggering causes.

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How can we recognize folliculitis? First, the skin is inflamed and red, pimples appear which can be of different sizes and create itching and in some cases pain. Pus often comes out of the pimples and once dried it turns into a scab. Of course it is good not to touch the bubbles and not to scratch even if you feel the stimulus to avoid worsening the problem and not to make small scars appear later.

Most of the time, no signs of the infection remain at the time of recovery from folliculitis, but this only if it was a mild and timely inflammation. If the problem had spread deeper going to compromise even the lowest states of the epidermis it is possible that they remain instead of difficult to remove scars, also because the pustules and crusts that form are larger in circumference. Fortunately, these are rare cases, given that one mild folliculitis it is much more frequent and it tends to disappear within a few days without a trace.

Folliculitis: symptoms, causes and natural remedies

Folliculitis it can appear in different areas of the body, although often the delicate skin of the face, groin or legs (following hair removal) are the most affected parts.


Often folliculitis is caused by a bacterial infection. However, it is possible that the inflammation is also due to fungi, viruses or a concomitant presence of various microorganisms that have contributed to the onset of inflammation.

In most cases, however, it is responsible for folliculitis Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium that lurks in the hair follicles and inflames them until the aforementioned symptoms appear. There are several reasons why this microorganism manages to infect the follicles: waxing and shaving that tend to make the hair ingrown and promote infections, small cuts, wounds or other.

In some cases, folliculitis overlaps with actual acne which originates from different causes or to a dermatitis that in itself has made the skin more sensitive and fragile to external attacks. Given that folliculitis can affect males and females of all ages indiscriminately there are risk factors such as obesity, diabetes and leukemia, surgical interventions, antibiotic or cortisone-based therapies but also not exactly advisable behaviors such as wearing too tight clothes or frequent exposure to too hot water (for example for those who attend spas or heated pools in this case we speak of "hot bath folliculitis").


Tea tree oil

Given that folliculitis is generated due to a bacterial infection, what's better than a powerful natural antibacterial like tea tree oil to fight it? A drop can be applied to each inflamed follicle with the help of a cotton swab.

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Another essential oil that can help us in case of folliculitis is thymus also powerful antibacterial. If you don't have the essence available it is also possible to use thyme infusion to make compresses several times a day.

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Mallow is one plant with an excellent soothing and calming effect, can therefore help relieve the hair bulbs thus limiting the discomfort caused by the appearance of pimples. Also in this case it is necessary to make compresses on the affected areas several times a day using an infusion of mallow.

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Hypericum oil

A vegetable oil that it has a soothing but also healing action is that obtained from the hypericum plant, or St. John's wort. Just use a small amount on pimples every day to get some relief and faster healing.

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A product that we all always have at home is vinegar, useful against folliculitis as oIn addition to disinfecting, it also has an anti-itch effect. With a cotton swab you can sprinkle the affected areas with a little vinegar several times a day.

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Oat bath

This technique makes use of soothing and emollient qualities of oats on the epidermis, also excellent for relieving the annoyances of itching. You can therefore make compresses based on oats and water on the areas affected by folliculitis. Here you can read the procedure.

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