Flu and colds: foods to prefer and avoid to get better

Flu and colds: foods to prefer and avoid to get better

Colds and flu, foods to prefer and foods to avoid. Flu and cold, what are the foods to avoid? And what are the foods that we should consume more to feel better? Health begins with good nutrition, which can help us strengthen the immune system to combat winter ailments. A correct intake of vitamins and minerals allows you to overcome symptoms more quickly, starting from fever, up to nasal congestion and pain in the bones.

Don't store avocado like this: it's dangerous

Influenza e cold, what to eat? What are the foods to avoid? And what are the alimony to consume more to feel better? Health begins with good nutrition, which can help us strengthen the immune system to combat winter ailments.

A correct intake of vitamins and mineral salts allows you to overcome symptoms more quickly, starting from fever, up to nasal congestion and pain in the bones.


Foods to prefer

Some foods can contribute more than others to strengthen our immune system and to provide the body with vitamins and minerals that will help fight colds and flu. Citrus fruits, for example, are able to prevent excessive accumulation of mucus at the level of respiratory tract. In this way we will be able to avoid the breathing difficulties and nasal congestion typical of colds, especially in the winter season.

1) Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, a substance considered essential to prevent colds and to help counteract the symptoms. It is good to start consuming citrus fruits as soon as they are in season, in order to strengthen the body. So green light for mandarins, oranges and grapefruits - even better if organic - and fresh juices. In addition to citrus fruits, do not forget all the other foods rich in vitamin C and to consume a lot seasonal fruit, such as kiwis and pomegranates.

2) Garlic

Garlic is more than just a food. Natural medicine and popular tradition have long considered it a real medicine. Garlic is rich in phytonutrients with antibiotic and antiviral properties, useful in case of flu or cold. L'allicin present in garlic also helps prevent flu and reduce cold symptoms. Those who do not like garlic can resort to herbal preparations that contain it.

Read also: Garlic: properties and a thousand uses

3) Onions

Onions, just like garlic, are a real one natural medicine. THE flavonoids present in the onion, they work in synergy with the vitamin C contained in citrus fruits to counteract the bacteria that can aggravate the typical illnesses of winter. According to a popular custom, place half an onion next to the bed of the sick person would speed up the recovery from the flu.

Read also: Natural remedies: 10 alternative uses of onion

4) Ginger

Lo ginger it's really valuable when it comes to the flu or cold. If the flu is accompanied by sore throat, eat a piece of fresh ginger helps relieve burning and pain in a short time. Those who do not particularly like the taste of fresh ginger to be consumed alone, can add it in small quantities in the preparation of tea and herbal teas, or in soups. Ginger especially helps to fight fever and cough.

5) Lettuce

Lettuce and all green leafy vegetables contribute to enrich our diet with vitamins of mineral salts which serve as tonic for the body fatigued by the disease. There Romaine lettuce, for example, it helps to strengthen the immune system due to its content of vitamin C, vitamin A and substances useful for increasing the body's resistance to flu and colds.

Other useful foods:

spinach, honey, pineapple, mango, fresh juices, fruit and vegetable juices, soups and broths, vegetable broth, broccoli, cabbage, berries, black pepper, cinnamon.

5 foods to avoid

Not everyone knows that thanks to our diet we can intervene for strengthen the immune system and our body's ability to fight germs that attack it from the outside, even in the case of seasonal ailments. Physical activity, balanced nutrition and the ability to manage stress are the first medicine. From a food perspective, some foods should be avoided, to try not to get sick or at least to minimize symptoms and heal quickly. Some foods indeed weaken the body's immune response and increase the risk of respiratory problems.

1) Meat

Avoid the meat during the flu or cold could help you heal faster and relieve symptoms, according to Amy Rost, autrice di “Natural Healing Wisdom & Know How: Useful Practices, Recipes, and Formulas for a Lifetime of Health”. I animal fats they hinder the body's ability to rid itself of the germs that cause colds and flu. To heal faster, increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables, so you are guaranteed a full load of antioxidants and beneficial substances.

2) Latte

Il XNUMX cups milk can increase the training of mucus and its stay along the respiratory tract. This could contribute to a longer duration of symptoms. According to beautiful page, author of Diets for Healthy Living, viruses prefer warm, humid environments, such as those provided by mucus. The expert recommends replace milk with water and fresh fruit juices for the duration of the illness.

3) Dairy products

Consuming dairy products has similar consequences to consuming milk. That is, it increases the formation of mucus in the respiratory tract. Avoiding milk and dairy products (yogurt, butter, cream, and cheese) can help prevent colds and heal faster. Replace them with vegetable alternatives, with legumes and seasonal fruit and vegetables.

4) Confectionery

Industrial sweets, carbonated drinks, packaged fruit juices and other excessively rich foods XNUMX/XNUMX cup sugar can weaken the immune system and strain digestion. Many packaged sweets may also contain milk and dairy products, which increase mucus formation. In addition, they risk burdening digestion. For appease the desire for sweet, choose fruit, even dried fruit, such as dates, figs or raisins.

5) Salty snacks and fried foods

Consuming excessively salty snacks when in bed with the flu can cause digestive problems and contribute to dehydration. Also beware of fried and overly spiced foods, especially if it affects the intestine. Do not add too much salt to the dishes and avoid drinks such as coffee or alcohol, in order not to weaken the body and to ensure a faster recovery. Finally, don't forget to give the body the right rest, essential to get back in shape soon.

READ ALSO: 10 Foods That Can Cause Inflammation

Marta Albè

Read also:

- The 10 best herbal teas for colds and flu
- Natural remedies for colds
- Vitamin C in winter: how to prevent flu and colds

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