Does your cat always follow you to the bathroom? 5 reasons why he does it, proven by science

Does your cat always follow you to the bathroom? 5 reasons why he does it, proven by science

Among the many bizarre habits of the cat is that of following the master in the bathroom. But why does he behave like this?

Among the many bizarre habits of the cat is that of following the master in the bathroom. But why does he behave like this?

Our cat is a faithful play and sleep companion and, even if compared to us, he spends almost all day snoring, he loves to spend a lot of time with his human and follows him everywhere so as not to detach himself from him. But just everywhere? Yes, even in the bathroom, a place that may seem unusual, but for the cat it is not at all.

If your cat is your shadow even when you go to the bathroom, know that there are reasons that push him to do so and that explain this behavior. Here's why your cat follows you to the bathroom:


Cats are naturally curious

Cats are extremely curious animals and precisely this attitude has allowed it to survive over time and to escape the most fearsome predators. They love to discover unexplored places, new objects and are easily intrigued by situations they do not know and which must be analyzed since this is in their nature. And if your cat is free to circulate in the garden or in the neighborhood, which is not recommended due to the many risks to which the animal is exposed, then the exploration will have no boundaries.

That said, if cats seem to show a predilection for new environments, they can't stand those to which they are denied access. Closed doors annoy them particularly as they prevent them from knowing what is on the other side and bathroom doors fully fit in this case.

How many times do we usually close the bathroom to prevent the animal from entering, but also not to show this part of the house so openly. A locked door is an obstacle for the cat and as soon as the opportunity presents itself, your cat will follow you into the toilet, thus entering the other side and finally seeing what is hidden behind it.

Cats are very territorial

In addition to being curious, cats are territorial felines and defend and mark their habitat in many ways. A study has shown that cats tend not to leave their home in most cases. In fact, more than 50% would remain nearby, without going too far.

For a cat, being territorial does not only mean delimiting the environment in which it lives, but keeping it under control and making sure that there are no dangers.

In closed places, like the bathroom, cats have no control at all and this annoys them not a little, which is why they will try to access it as much as possible, observing the master and slipping behind him at the first useful opportunity.

Veterinary surgeon Kathryn Primm asserted on this point

Your home is your cat's territory and the bathroom is within the confines of her sphere of influence. How dare you keep him out of his own territory?

Cats are very social animals

It is true that they sleep all day, but cats still love the cuddles and company of their family. The reason lies in the fact that cats are basically very sociable animals and love contact, creating a deep bond with their favorite humans and with the like, as shown by science.

In fact, they observe the owners to learn new things and feel safe when they have them around, being always very integrated in the family unit. This their nature therefore pushes them to worry when the human on duty disappears or closes in the bathroom and they need to know why or what is happening by following them.

Cats have an exceptional sense of smell

Is it enough to know that in your cat's nose there are more than 200 million olfactory cells, compared to which the 5 million of human ones are nothing? The sense of smell is for them the sense that most of all allows them to identify the different environments in which they find themselves.

Being so sensitive to scents, they are very enthralled by the bathroom which is teeming with smells.. of the owner mainly, smells that your cat loves. Smells that for the cat also play the central function of marking the territory.

Last but not least, the bathroom is the place where the owner devotes himself to the care of his person, just like cats who, in addition to being extremely clean animals, consider grooming a healthy activity. With the sebum produced by the glands, cats lick the fur, distributing it and keeping the fur shiny.

Cats hate water and fear for your safety

Cats and water are by no means good friends, although there are rare exceptions. The reasons why our friends do not like water are that it moistens their fur, makes it difficult to dry and consequently the cat feels vulnerable and deeply uncomfortable, but not only. When a cat is washed by the groomer, its natural smell vanishes and this disorients it. Cats also have a very high body temperature andfresh water presents itself as a threat to them.

Knowing how to wash or shower sounds like a risk and if the scent of your body wears off, as a family member your cat feels compelled to rush to your rescue, monitor the situation and give you some of his scent, being you part of its territory.

Although many say that cats are shy, introverted and reserved animals, the trust and affection they feel towards us owners can also be seen from these behaviors.

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