DIY Gatorade: the recipe to prepare a really healthy salt supplement

DIY Gatorade: the recipe to prepare a really healthy salt supplement

When doing sports or in the summer season when you sweat a lot, it can be useful to replenish the lost mineral salts using a supplement such as Gatorade. But not necessarily you have to buy ready-made ones, we can very well make an energy drink at home with a few simple ingredients.

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When doing sport or in the summer season when you sweat a lot it can be useful to replenish the lost mineral salts using a supplement such as Gatorade. But not necessarily you have to buy ready-made ones, we can very well do a energy drink at home with a few simple ingredients.

Preparing a homemade saline supplement is not only easy but also allows us to avoid products that often contain additives, dyes, or caffeine. The result that is obtained, therefore, is healthier but also economical than what you get by choosing to buy ready-made drinks. The necessary ingredients, in fact, are few and definitely within everyone's reach.

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An additional advantage that DIY offers, moreover, is that of being able to customize the energy drink according to your tastes, needs or what you have at home. So let's see what we need:


1 liter d 'water

1 tbsp brown sugar or 2 spoons of honey

1 teaspoon tip of whole sea salt (about 1 gram)

Half a glass of lemon juice (or orange, grapefruit, lime)

magnesium powder (Optional)


Just mix all the ingredients together and your energy drink will be immediately ready to drink. The only precautions to have are that of squeeze lemon juice (or other selected citrus fruit) on the spot, to keep all properties intact. Furthermore, if you choose honey as a sweetener, to speed up the realization you can first dissolve it in a little bit of hot water and then add it to the rest of the ingredients. Magnesium, on the other hand, is an optional ingredient that you can add if you need an extra charge, even if the supplement itself is rich in mineral salts.

Obviously this do-it-yourself saline supplement, therefore, does not contain any kind of preservatives it must be consumed quickly enough taking care of keep it in the refrigerator. Perhaps we recommend that you divide it into two bottles and add lemon juice only when you actually need to use it.

To get the maximum benefits, during your workouts or after playing sports, drink the supplement in small sips. This way the body can absorb liquids more easily.

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