Cinnamon, the fat-burning spice that helps you lose weight

    Cinnamon is a fat-burning spice that helps with weight loss. We had already told you about cinnamon and its effective action to improve fat metabolism and reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Now from science comes a new confirmation.

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    La cinnamon is a fat burning spice that helps to lose weight. We had already told you about cinnamon and its effective action in improving fat metabolism and reducing blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Now from science comes a new confirmation.

    A new study on cinnamon was recently published in Nature Scientific Reports and was conducted by Swiss and Japanese scientists. The researchers focused onaldeide cinnamica, the substance that gives cinnamon its characteristic aroma.

    This substance stimulates the thermogenesis, i.e. the body's production of heat. The thermogenesis process mainly affects adipose and muscle tissue. It promotes the elimination of fats and weight loss, consequently the body weight is reduced.

    From this point of view the action of cinnamon is very similar to that of Chili pepper. In chilli it is the capsaicin to cause thermogenesis and to promote the reduction of accumulated fats and body weight. Cinnamon aldehyde present in cinnamon increases energy expenditure and fat oxidation levels.

    The cinnamon benefits study involved 15 healthy subjects between the ages of 20 and 50. The researchers asked the participants to lead a very sedentary lifestyle and not to engage in physical activity for a few days. Furthermore, the participants were not required to consume caffeine or spicy foods.

    According to the researchers, adding cinnamon and other fat-burning spices to our dishes, for create appropriately spiced recipes, could represent a therapeutic advantage that should not be underestimated. In particular, the action of cinnamon, chilli and other fat-burning spices is prolonged on average up to 20 minutes after meals.

    Previously experts knew that cinnamon helps you lose weight because stimulates the sense of satiety. Like ginger and chilli, cinnamon has warming properties that help protect us from the cold. Thanks to cinnamon, our body's metabolism increases and we consume more energy.

    In what quantities to take cinnamon? Cinnamon, like chilli, it should not be consumed excessively. Huh just a pinch every now and then in sweets, other dishes or drinks. Excessive doses of cinnamon can cause allergies and irritation of the mucous membranes of the intestine. So, if we love spices, let's use them in moderation and try to vary them. To maintain the right body weight it is important both to maintain nutrition and to exercise regularly.

    Marta Albè

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