Bologna: fruit instead of snacks at school. But the parents rise up

    Bologna: fruit instead of snacks at school. But the parents rise up

    In Bologna, the provision of the principal in the four primary schools in the Zaragoza district to bring fruit as a snack has infuriated the parents of the children

    Don't store avocado like this: it's dangerous

    Kids e feeding at school: it happens that "someone from above" suggests to a parent of do not eat snacks to their children and that parent arises.

    Better: not a single parent, but a lot of moms and dads, who are not there. It happens to Bologna, where the disposition of the principal in the four primary schools of the Zaragoza district of rather bring fruit as a snack infuriated the parents.

    What happened? "From February XNUMXst, as regards the morning snack, parents are required to give their children only fresh fruit or dried fruit or vegetables". So, goodbye snacks. With this resolution, the principals of four elementary schools - Bombicci, XXI Aprile, Armandi-Avogli and Manzolini - had seen fit to keep an eye on the students' nutrition, but had not calculated that fathers and mothers might not be from agreement.


    An experience that however has a precedent in some primary in Milan, where it was, however, well received.

    But here nothing to do. From the Bolognese parents there were tirades of the type "I will give my son a pizza anyway" or "Unacceptable imposition".

    Thus, one of the principals, Stefano Mari, had to justify himself by stating that:

    "The main reason for the provision is that of public health: increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables and lead to a reduction in calorie intake for children at risk of obesity. The idea is to have a snack that is suitable for everyone to take as a snack: at school, experiences with egalitarian implications must be socialized, and equality must be guaranteed between pupils from different socio-cultural backgrounds ".
    Finally, the head teacher continued, that is the goal also reduce food waste.


    Beyond the fact that, let's face it, the vast majority of parents are never happy, this protest from the Zaragoza neighborhood frankly leaves us a little perplexed. It really is that uncomfortable the request to have fruit brought from home to school? You see it only as a "setting", so, on principle, I tell you no?

    We are not in the heads of the parents, nor do we want to judge specifically those of Bologna who are the protagonists of this story. But, think about it folks, we are throwing ourselves a question because theopportunity for everyone to bring a healthy thing to eat and share the same journey with friends, not to bring Molotov cocktails and paper bombs and play war at recess.

    Germana Carillo

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