30 unexpected tips for losing weight after the holidays

After the holidays, the diet rush begins to lose the pounds accumulated between lunches and dinners out. Here are some tips to help you lose weight

Don't store avocado like this: it's dangerous

After the holidays, the diet rush begins to lose the pounds accumulated between lunches and dinners out. Here are some tips to help you lose weight

After the Christmas holidays, everyone thinks about the diet and how to go about it lose weight and get fit. Obviously, the secret to seeing the needle go down is following a healthy and balanced diet and exercising constantly. But that's not all, because weight loss can also be influenced by the environment around us, by feelings, by our mentality and by the stress that plays a fundamental role in the weight loss process. Here are some helpful tips for lose weight after the holidays.


Keep a diary

The first useful tip to be able to lose weight is keep a diary, very different from the food or training diary. A recent study analyzed a group of women dissatisfied with their weight, and found that by completing a 15-minute writing exercise on an important personal problem, they were able to lose at least 3 pounds over a three-month period. Researchers believe that reflecting on values ​​can serve as a buffer for stress and uncertainty that lead to emotional consumption, and helping to maintain self-control in difficult situations. To reap the benefits, the advice is to take out a diary, set the timer and speak freely about what is important to yourself. 

Rearrange your plate

Most people think of protein as the main component of a meal, but that's not the case. It's time to rearrange your plate in a balanced way; therefore, give more space to vegetables, to be accompanied with proteins and whole grains. By simply rearranging your meal, you will automatically consume fewer calories and absorb more vitamins and nutrients that protect your health.

Take a selfie

30 unexpected tips for losing weight after the holidays


A recent study revealed that people who routinely took photos of themselves during a weight loss program were more likely to complete the plan than participants who did not take selfies. Therefore, take a selfie in the mirror to motivate yourself, and enjoy the before and after at the end of the weight loss program.

Love yourself more

È important to love each other more. Appreciate yourself more and don't berate yourself or be ashamed of your appetite, as this only leads to more dysfunctional nutrition. Instead, treated with respect, understanding and affection, as you would a child. 

Look at the supermarket receipt

Put the receipt on the refrigerator like visual reminder, which will help you eat healthy foods before they go bad. Clear out the foods you've eaten so you know what's left in the refrigerator; this is a really effective way to encourage you not to let things go to waste.

Order from the children's menu 

In recent years, restaurants have increased our portions out of proportion. So, one way to avoid overeating, is order from the children's menu: a great trick to try to eat smaller portions and, as a result, eat fewer calories.

Recite a mantra

When it seems nearly impossible to have willpower or not to break down, try recite a mantra that has personal meaning for you. If you are trying to work on your fitness, for example, repeat a formula such as: "I feel stronger and healthier with each passing day."

Listen to music when you work out

30 unexpected tips for losing weight after the holidays


According to one study del Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, la fast, motivational music can help you move faster and subconsciously motivating yourself to keep doing it, which will increase your weight loss progress.

Shop online

One of the easiest ways to not buying junk food is shopping online. This way, you won't run the risk of being lured off the shelves by pre-packaged snacks or snacks. In addition, you will save time that you can dedicate to yourself.

At the supermarket, opt for the healthier choice

If you do the shopping at the supermarket choose healthy products, opt for the integral alternative that is not only good for the body, but also for the brain. Also remember that this change will encourage you to be a little creative in preparing your meals.

Make healthy food super convenient

30 unexpected tips for losing weight after the holidays


When we are in a hurry or are about to pass out from hunger, we are led to eat ready-made food. The advice, on the other hand, is making healthier foods much more practical and convenient; how? For example, put the pre-cut vegetables in the front of the refrigerator, prepare a bowl of fresh fruit in advance, and move the treats, such as cookies and chips, to a high shelf so that they are less accessible and, most importantly, out of sight and out of sight. mind. 

Set a curfew for carbohydrates

If you love pasta and bread, you don't have to give it up but put in place some sort of curfew, which is a strategy that can help you lose weight. For example, for your after-dinner snack, opt for protein-rich, high-fat foods, such as almonds or walnuts. Eliminating carbohydrates starting after dinner leads our body to burn fat.

Limit your pantry stock

Another useful tip is limit snacks in the pantry. Remember that if you have to keep packaged foods, such as cookies or crackers, at home, it's best to stick to one type only; this will help you consume them more slowly and avoid bingeing.

Mental binge

A recent study found that fantasizing about eating a whole packet of candy can make you eat less. For the study, the researchers asked participants to imagine eating 3 to 30 chocolates; the results showed that those who imagined eating a lot of chocolates actually ate less.

Fill up on protein

In addition to fiber, protein is another important nutrient, because it requires more energy to burn than carbohydrates or fat and, therefore, they increase the sense of satiety. Indeed, in one study The researchers compared the satiety effects of high, moderate, and low protein yogurts on women aged 24 to 28, and found Greek yogurt, with the highest protein content, to have the greatest effect. You can include Greek yogurt in some recipes, even savory ones, to increase your protein intake.

Choose an uncomfortable table

If you are eating in a bar consider that instead of settling down at a large comfortable table, it is better to opt for a more inconvenient alternative that will lead you to have a faster and less abundant meal. In fact, people with tables at the back of the restaurant are 73% more likely to order, for example, a chocolate cake.

Open the shutters

Instead of dragging yourself in the dark to the coffee pot when the alarm goes off, open all the blinds. The studies show that people who expose themselves directly to sunlight in the morning, between 8:00 and 12:00, reduce the risk of weight gain, regardless of how much they eat. Researchers think it's why the sun in the morning helps to synchronize the metabolism, so as to burn fat more efficiently.

Leave the car and more

Public transportation, cars, and elevators can save you time, but they also prevent you from burning calories. Some habits, such as using a dishwasher rather than washing dishes by hand, using a leaf blower instead of a rake, and taking the elevator instead of the stairs, cause you to I burn fewer calories per day on average. So, the advice is to leave the car and go on foot, or, go up the stairs instead of relying on the elevator.

Meditation and anti-stress integration

30 unexpected tips for losing weight after the holidays


Meditation and magnesium, they can counteract the chronic stress that causes the hormone to surge cortisol. The latter in turn is linked to alterations in metabolism, blood sugar and even weight gain. To keep cortisol levels low, meditate for 10 to 30 minutes a day.

Calming practices normalize cortisol levels and increase cortisol levels Serotonin, which suppresses the appetite. To further increase the benefits, take a magnesium supplement under medical advice; this mineral helps muscle contraction and relaxation, and increases lipolysis, a process by which the body releases fat from its stores.

You know the 3 day rule

Uno study revealed that eating unhealthy food for three consecutive days not only increases weight and takes in more calories, but can also shift the intestinal microbiota towards obesity. Therefore, remember that it is important to have a "free meal", but this should not become a daily habit.

Never eat if you are feeling sad

To lose weight, you must first learn the difference between the emotional fame, which manifests itself suddenly, and the physical hunger, which occurs gradually and is often accompanied by physical cues, such as stomach rumbling. What's the best way to overcome emotional eating? First, you need to realize that you don't have to mask emotions with food. So, don't suppress your emotions, learn to live and manage them, perhaps by letting off steam in the gym or calling a friend.

Watch out for BPAs

30 unexpected tips for losing weight after the holidays


Drinking more water can help you fill up and consume fewer calories as a result, but a bottle of water is also important. If you're sipping from a plastic BPA water bottle, remember that one study found that adults with the highest concentration of BPA in their urine were 75% more likely to be obese. So, the advice is avoid products that may contain BPA in the coating

Dinner with friends

It might not surprise you that women eat smaller portions when dining with men, but what might shock you is that the same goes for men. According to one study, published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, le women order foods with 15% fewer calories when they ate with men. Surprisingly, when men sit with other men they also order fewer calories, about 22% less. The researchers say the findings speak of "unconscious scripts" about how men and women think they should behave in each other's company.

Try active acts of kindness

If you're having a hard time motivating yourself to move more, which is one of the most effective ways to burn calories, commit to doing a act of kindness active every day. Knowing that someone else's happiness and well-being is at stake is a great motivator. Not sure where to start? Return the shopping cart to the store instead of leaving it in the parking lot so you can stay on the move, or give up your seat on the bus or subway so you can actively stand.

Choose pu-erh tea 

Il green tea it's good for you, but there is another little known “anti-fat” tea: Pu-Erh. The Pu-Erh tea is a fermented Chinese infusion that lowers triglyceride levels. It tastes earthy and robust, and it literally shrinks your fat cells.

Don't eat in front of the television

To lose weight, be sure to plan your snacks rather than achieving whatever you want. One study found that the more people watched TV, the worse their food choices became. Also, another one search shows that people who eat while distracted eat 10% more in one meal than they would otherwise.

Dim the lights before eating

Having trouble eating reasonable sized portions? Try dimming the lights and playing some soft music; according to one study soft lights and music lead to eating less and enjoying food more.

Use smaller bowls

The researchers found that people who were given larger bowls ate 16% more than those who were given smaller bowls. Hence, thevisual illusion of mini bowls can help you eat fewer calories.

Eat soup as an appetizer

30 unexpected tips for losing weight after the holidays


Eat a soup for an appetizer or even an apple can reduce total calorie intake during the meal by up to 20%, also because an appetizer of this type is very satiating.

Morning snacks

Uno study recently found that mid-morning snacks can hinder weight loss efforts. So instead of looking for a mid-morning snack, make sure yours breakfast is sufficiently filling and, above all, high protein content to keep you fuller for longer.

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