10 things to avoid in order not to ruin your life and health

Bad habits that put a strain on our body and its immune system. Thanks to a strictly connected network of biological processes, our body is able to correct any imbalances that may occur anywhere within the organism and self-heal by restoring itself to a state of equilibrium. This great self-healing power that we possess is miraculous.

Don't store avocado like this: it's dangerous

Bad habits that put a strain on our body and its immune system. Thanks to a tightly connected network of biological processes, our body is capable of correct any imbalances which can occur anywhere within the body and self-heal by bringing it back to a state of balance. This great self-healing power that we possess is miraculous.

However, if this system is constantly overloaded with toxins and stress, and there isn't a sufficient load of nutrients to support it, such self-healing power gradually wears out.

Exactly not immediately, not from today to tomorrow, but gradually.

And when that happens the body it is no longer able to return to its original state of balance. It simply adapts and lives as best it can, with one or more functions impaired.

Over time, the functions that have remained - and that no longer work to their full potential - do they deteriorate even faster of the first and in the end they manifest themselves chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Since all functions in our body are closely intertwined, the obstruction or degeneration of one function will sooner or later negatively affect other related functions as well.

We have been accustomed to believing that the "aches", those little pains that we all have, and the fatigue, are absolutely normal things.

This is not at all true because every pain (even slight), every discomfort and every moment of tiredness is an alarm signal. A call to action.

Most of the things I am about to tell you are very common and are accepted as a normal part of our life.

Let's find out these now 10 habits that lower the immune system and that risk ruining our health and our life, 10 things that, in short, we should avoid in order to live longer.


Eating foods whose nature or origin you do not know

10 things to avoid in order not to ruin your life and health

Most foods found on the market and that most people consume (beyond the beautiful promises and tantalizing photos on the labels), you can never clearly understand what they contain and where they come from. They don't look or smell like the things they come from.

Have you ever seen pasta or biscuits growing in the fields? Absolutely no. They are all cereal-based products. Cereals that have been processed, reduced to powder and deprived of their nutritional value and which are then modeled in various sizes and more or less imaginative shapes. The result?

Foods with very low nutritional value, but rich in aromas and chemical additives almost useless, indeed, harmful to our organism. This kind of food, in addition to clogging our body with toxins, quickly load the blood with sugars. Sugars that turn into fats and that, in the long run, favor theobesity and diabetes.

You have to keep in mind that these are not foods, they are products. And the products are made and designed to be sold again, again and again. They have nothing to do with the nourishment and health.

READ also: 5 "false foods" to avoid

Eat meat often and willingly, especially red meat

10 things to avoid in order not to ruin your life and health

After several studies, the World Cancer Research Fund recommends people to limit the consumption of red meat and avoid processed meat (cured meats, etc.) to prevent cancer, especially colon cancer.

This does not mean that you have to give up meat completely. (Although, for a variety of other reasons we don't have the space to talk about, it would be ideal.) What I recommend is that, if you really have to eat meat, choose it in an intelligent way, perhaps limiting yourself to the consumption of fresh fish e organic white meat.

READ also: Salami and processed meat shorten life

Seek medication right away, at the slightest disturbance

10 things to avoid in order not to ruin your life and health

In an era like ours where speed is everything and time is never enough, we almost always seek and choose those solutions that promise us quick results.

This mentality then, of course, affects the way we view healing and health. And so let's just take a corny one cold, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Aspirin right? Take this little magic pill and you'll get better right away.

Often, however, the drugs do not address the real cause of our malaise, are limited to turn off symptoms, they just give you some time to recover. The effect of the medicines then is not eternal and not removing the culprit of your malaise, after some time, the cold returns and maybe turns into the flu.

The point is that instead of resorting to drugs right away, one should commit to strengthening of one's immune system.

READ also: 10 foods and tips to strengthen the immune system

Calculate the 5 steps up to the car as a physical activity

10 things to avoid in order not to ruin your life and health

Ssedentary lifestyle he's a silent killer and should be listed first 10 causes of death. Human beings are not meant to sit in front of the television or work on the computer for 8 hours or more.

Movement is important for the proper functioning of all our life processes, but in particular, it is essential for the circulation of the lymphatic system, the backbone of our immune system which, unlike the blood, does not have a propeller like the heart, therefore to circulate our vital lymph, it absolutely needs movement.

Live like a camel

10 things to avoid in order not to ruin your life and health

A camel can live for days or even months without water, we humans, on the other hand, do not. Staying for a long time without drinking water or drinking only when thirsty is not a very healthy thing. Lack of thirst, in fact, is a signal and tells us that the our body is almost dehydrated. It is not even necessary to repeat that our body is made up for the most part of water and that it needs to be constantly replenished.

We need water for dhisset ourselves, to digest, to cleanse our organism and for various other processes that ensure the proper functioning of our body and our immune system.

Smoking, drinking and "having fun" every day

10 things to avoid in order not to ruin your life and health

Having fun is a beautiful thing, one of the greatest joys of our life, but the meaning of this word is often misunderstood.

For our body there is nothing funny inbeing intoxicated e smothered by smoke or from the various chemical and toxic substances that the cigarette contains, and which you may have to strive to excrete. Furthermore, by smoking we also harm those around us by making them passive smokers.

The same goes for when you overdo it with alcohol, which at the very least (in addition to the damage it causes to the brain) clogs our blood and dehydrated the body.

There are far better and healthier ways to have fun and really enjoy life. Just look for them, according to your tastes.

READ also: How to free yourself from vices and bad habits

Getting little rest is bad

10 things to avoid in order not to ruin your life and health

Our body needs to rest at least 5 or 6 hours a day to recharge, and it is preferable that during this time he enjoys a quality sleep.

The physical and mental repercussions of bad sleep are really not indifferent and those who sleep little run a greater risk of encountering diseases such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Other disadvantages of the villain are: poor memory, impaired cognitive functions and unsatisfactory relationships.

In some particular cases this type of mistreatment of our body can even lead to death.

Here are some tips in this article to rest well.

READ also: 10 simple rules to rest a lot even with little sleep

Keep it all inside (feelings, emotions)

10 things to avoid in order not to ruin your life and health

Unlike robots and computers, we are emotional creatures. It is normal to have feelings, what is not normal is to suffocate them.

The thoughts, feelings and emotions that we try to eliminate or suffocate instead of disappearing grow more and more within us and, over time, they transform, worsen and suck all our life energy.

Emotions, especially destructive ones, affect ours pressure bleeds, heart rate and body temperature. Directly or indirectly, this attitude affects our immune system.

If you happen to find yourself in this situation look for strategies for manage thoughts and emotionsi.

Some advice?

• Accept all good and bad things and avoid fighting them. Just accept them, acknowledge them, look for solutions and take action. Avoid giving them too much importance, otherwise they take possession of you, making you waste time and controlling you;

• Read books on the subject, such as those by Anthony Robbins.

• Talk to a friend about it.

• Write everything down on a sheet / notebook.

• Be curious and look for others

Work like crazy

10 things to avoid in order not to ruin your life and health

"Hard work" is a great way to stretch our immune system. It is said that to make money you have to work hard and hard but, honestly .. How many people do you know who get rich working like crazy? Look at the richest people in the world, like Donald Trump or Bill Gates. Do you think they are breaking the stones in the quarries?

Without a doubt, you need to get informed, train, commit yourself, and take what you are doing seriously without ruining your health and well-being because otherwise what are you doing?

There are very few people who make a lot of money by working a lot, and generally these people are too stressed and sick to enjoy it.

According to this theory, bricklayers, miners, farmers, people who work in steel mills, etc. they should be among the richest in the world.

Unfortunately, however, this is not the case, on the contrary, the people who work in those environments are often and willingly grieved, bruised, sick and poor.

Do nothing but feel stressed

10 things to avoid in order not to ruin your life and health

In our modern, fast-paced society, it is stress chronic is increasingly present and shared. Even though, it's not such a fun thing to share.

When we are stressed and do nothing to get better, we can easily fall into a bad one vicious circle of habits such as: poor diet, bad sleep, use of smoking and alcohol, depression and so on, thus weakening our self-healing power and damaging our health. Here are some tips for managing stress and anxiety.

READ also: Stress: 10 warning signs

george louis


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8 good habits that shouldn't be exaggerated

3 categories of foods you should avoid

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