10 bad habits that increase wrinkles

10 bad habits that increase wrinkles

Bad habits that cause wrinkles. Wrinkles are one of the visible signs of aging in our body. They appear over time but in some people they are already present at a rather young age. Hence the spread of interventions to get rid of wrinkles, with people willing to spend thousands of euros all over the world

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Usually the wrinkles most important appear on areas such as the face, hands, neck and forearms and in any case in the areas of the body that are more easily exposed to the sun. Sun exposure is a major cause of wrinkle formation among people with fair skin.

Among others causes of wrinkles we find excess smoking and alcohol, dehydration and use of some drugs. We can try to prevent premature wrinkles by avoiding some bad habits. Here are ten helpful tips for wrinkle prevention.


Sleeping in the wrong position

Il sonno it is essential for the health of the body and for the regeneration of the skin. Sleeping for at least 6 or 7 hours every night allows you to wake up refreshed and feel young. But we must pay attention to the position of our face while we sleep. Sleeping on your stomach or side could lead to premature wrinkling due to the position and pressure of your face on the pillow. Experts therefore advise, from this point of view, to sleep on your back.

Repetitive facial expressions

Le facial expressions they are very important for our communication with others but some expressions repeated often and with too much emphasis and some tics can lead to the formation of wrinkles. Over time the facial muscles lose their flexibility and this leads to accentuated lines on the face. It is good to pay attention to too accentuated facial movements even when putting on makeup. It is essential to try to keep your face as relaxed as possible throughout the day. There are positive facial movements that help us prevent wrinkles. So let's learn how to do facial gymnastics.

Read also: Facial gymnastics: benefits and exercises

Excessive smoking

Anyone who smokes should prepare for appearance of wrinkles from a young age. Smoking has been listed as a cause of heart disease, hypertension, heart disease and cancer. These are diseases that can be linked to aging, which in turn is related to poor oxygenation of the blood and to the toxins to which our body is exposed. Smoking causes premature aging, just as the facial muscle gestures required to smoke a cigarette lead to the formation of expression lines. Exposure to secondhand smoke can also irritate the skin.

Incorrect sun exposure

Exposure to ultraviolet rays (UV) is a major cause of premature aging signs on the skin. When you want to expose yourself to the sun for a long time because of the tan it is good to protect the skin from the action of ultraviolet rays with specific products. Remember that correct sun exposure is healthy and essential for our body, for example to allow it to synthesize vitamin D.

Excessive consumption of alcohol

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages it is harmful for general health as well as it is for the skin which, we remember, is a real organ for our body. Alcoholic drinks accelerate the aging process and deprive the body of vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant that contributes to the production of collagen. Alcohol also acts as diuretics and can cause a lack of hydration which in turn damages the skin.

Go to sleep without removing make-up

Remove make-up before sleep it is very important since during the day traces of smog and pollutants accumulate on our face. The skin must be clean and free to breathe, so it is good to also remove make-up to allow it to regenerate at its best during the night. After removing the make-up, we can apply a specific cream to prevent the signs of aging. We choose natural and ecological products as much as possible.

Scrub too often

Exfoliating the skin is beneficial for removing dead cells, dirt and toxins but one must not overdo it so as not to expose the skin to too frequent and aggressive treatments. Scrubbing too often can deprive the skin of its natural oils, protective substances that are friendly to youth, and can leave the skin red and irritated.

Taking a shower with water that is too hot

A hot shower after a long day is a lifesaver, but thewater too hot in the long run it can cause skin problems and can damage its protective barrier which is essential for the prevention of wrinkles. Better to change habits and take lukewarm showers to protect the skin and not to irritate it.

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Neglecting the eye area

Il eye contour it is one of the most delicate areas not only of our face but also of the whole body. Wrinkles around the eyes make us look less young. The skin around the eyes is thin and can be easily damaged by UV exposure. To prevent wrinkles around the eyes we must not neglect this area of ​​the face. We can take care of it with gentle massages to be performed with the fingertips. In this way we will activate circulation and rejuvenation.

READ also: DIY eye contour against bags, dark circles and wrinkles

Neglecting hands and neck

Other areas of the body where wrinkles can appear are hands and neck. We probably tend to neglect them in our daily routine. Better to take care of your hands and neck to keep them young and to prevent aging. We can use natural moisturizers suitable for the hands and neck. We use these creams for self-massage which activates the circulation and keeps the skin young.

Marta Albè

Photo source: alkaliaesthetics.co.uk

Read also:

Do-it-yourself anti-wrinkle: 10 creams and self-made remedies

Facial gymnastics: benefits and exercises

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